Health Care Finance
[1]Finance includes saving money and often includes lending money. The field of finance deals with the concepts of time, money, risk and how they are interrelated. It also deals with how money is spent and budgeted. One aspect of finance is through individuals and business organizations, which deposit money in a bank. The bank then lends the money out to other individuals or corporations for consumption or investment and charges interest on the loans.
Banks are the main facilitators of funding through the provision of credit, although private equity, mutual funds, hedge funds, and other organizations have become important as they invest in various forms of debt. Financial assets, known as investments, are financially managed with careful attention to financial risk management to control financial risk. Financial instruments allow many forms of securitized assets to be traded on exchanges such as stock exchanges, including debt such as bonds as well as equity in publicly traded corporations.
[2]Health care financing is once again prominent on the global health policy agenda. The current focus on reducing poverty, as reflected in the Millennium Development Goals, has spurred a growing emphasis on the need for health care financing mechanisms that protect already poor populations from impoverishing effects of health care costs.
The Global Forum commissioned a study on examples of good practice in the equitable financing of health systems. The study showed that several countries with limited financial resources, such as Costa Rica and Sri Lanka, have managed to improve the health of their populations by introducing innovative health care financing mechanisms and health care provision.
People wants to save money, not just for consumption for their everyday living but as well as for future need, or if not, for emergency cases. There are a lot of health financing scheme present in the businesses nowadays, more often than not, the company that a certain individual is working for takes care of allocating a percentage of their monthly salary to be directly credited to their health care insurance.
[3]With the continuous research, the demand for health care will surely continue to increase in the future. How to finance the cost of that care will remain on the policy agenda. Each healthcare Financing organization or agency has their own set of rules and regulations that have to be met by the people availing for their services. In the public domain expenditures on health services will always compete with other uses of tax funds such as defense and education; the debate about the magnitude of the government’s involvement in health care is here to stay. It is upon the government’s initiative to place a certain amount of funding in the healthcare sector of the society. In the private sector payment for health services not covered by government in the form of insurance premiums and direct payment competes with other consumption spending and saving. The problem of how to finance health care in either sector must be addressed with general tax financing social insurance and private financing as alternatives. Knowledge of why people choose alternative arrangements either in markets or through the political process is one key to understanding the problem. In addition choices with regard to the financing of health care are also crucial because they determine methods of payment for health care and payment methods in turn influence the supply decisions of health care providers. This creates an important connection between the financing of a health care system and its performance. The problems of financing and the links among financing payment and performance will constitute the core topics of International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics. The primary audience for this journal will be health economists and health services researchers. In addition readership is certain to include health care providers and managers and their trade associations who need to know about the financial pressures facing insurers and governments with consequences for regulation and mandates. Insurers and employee benefit organizations also want to learn more about provider responses to incentives and regulations. Representatives of social security and government wish to find out about and compare international experiences with regard to the level and distribution of the tax burden associated with reforms. The editors of International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics encourage submissions that analyze the behavior and interaction of the actors in health care viz. consumers providers insurers and governments under the influence of health care finance and regulation. Preference will be given to contributions that combine theoretical with empirical work evaluate conflicting findings or compare experiences between countries and jurisdictions. The composition of the editorial board is designed to avoid editorial bias. Every effort will be made to reach a first decision about a submission within one hundred days.
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