Advertising is a commercial form of media communication that is used to persuade people to believe about products, services, ideas, etc. Basically the main reason is to capture the massive audience for their business to grow if they have persuaded them to buy. Companies will usually invest a large amount of money just to make their advertisement appealing and moving in the perception of the audience. They may use the television, newspaper, radio, billboard, the internet and other media which they found effective and they continue to advertise to keep the ideas or brand in the mind of the audience subconsciously.

      There are commercial that we can easily identify because of its great appeal to the audience and most of the time if the advertisement is successful the brand and the company will also be successful as well. Commercials like Nike Just do it!, Nokia Connecting people, Pepsi the choice of a new generation are some of the famous slogan that guarantees to be very creative to the point that it is being a part of peoples life and sometimes it exceeds to manifest in the children’s behavior. People may be tempted, inspired, moved and thrill to these commercials that is why a certain advertising introduction can successfully make a certain company as an overnight success in business.

      All these are a great work of the company’s imaginary and intellectual advertising concept the target the audience. Due to this reasons, government all over the world have provided advertising rules and regulations so that the influence would not generate negative effect in the perception of the people and their competitors. Depending on countries but there are general ethics in advertising that needs to be followed sometimes these should have been a general policies and sometimes it has to be self regulated being a company with great considerations and conscience.

      Truth in advertising is very important, people will trust these companies and they will buy their products who advertise truthfully and they should be fair and honest in what they have promised. Greedy companies sometimes add up an extra advertising myth just to grab the people’s money but most of the time they will only get the attention of people once and if they found out that they are being fooled they will hate or curse this products. The company who are proven dishonest will be banned and closed by the authority. On the internet there are many advertisers who promise to give you a home based job but they will ask you for a fee. Obviously these are not truth advertising and it may be illegal so watch out,

      This website have given some reviews about home based scam but it’s up to you to review the site They should also exercise transparency that they have a legal company and products that are registered in their country. It should not be deceiving, there are commercials that uses a very deceitful slogan like, Real men drink bear. Social concern and moral responsibility of companies should be highly considered by advertiser’s explicit sexual content, abusive or violent action and verbal content of their ads should be carefully pre selected to create a value of positivity rather than danger and immorality.

      They should be the source of knowledge and character rather than ill thinking that influence the personality and behavior of the audience especially children. LIfecover Insurance Company was rejected several times in Canada news and other media because of their ads that says “Starting a family? Better get life insurance, with a drawing of men and women having sex, “sofaking good or so faking low” Sofa king even argued that they sell sofa rather than the green minded do. This commercial or print ad can only be printed on a targeted audience like a men’s magazine etc.  

      Fair competition should also be exercised in all ways so to create a healthy atmosphere rather than monopoly that results in arguments and dispute. A good commercial should create and show the benefit of a product or services rather than destroy and demoralized its competition. Try watching this commercial and you can see what it all means. or search in YouTube a “pepsi banned commercial”. Companies have been creative destroying each other rather than promoting their real products. They do not usually cater to the value but rather deceitful ways to degrade the people’s perception about the product or competition. Black propaganda may also be a form of unfair competition if proven dishonest or if it truly destroys a certain person or company in a deceiving ways.

      Consider Moral Value in commercial and advertisement, like “smoking is dangerous to your health”, Converse wade commercials says “Fall down? get up”  these are high value commercials that even promote character education and this is what we need today to uplift the low morality that came from disgusting commercials, let us promote Value rather than ill character of immorality just to earn. Consider also cultural differences that are different from various countries so as to respect their nationalities and preferences. (Please note that companies included herein are used for education purpose only).  


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