You may have heard about famine and drought in many nations, poverty and helplessness is rampant and hopelessness is never ending. You may also have heard of civil war or nation against nation fighting each other. Environmental catastrophe visits every nation around the world and most of all, the most dangerous phenomenon that happen in the face of the earth that cannot be stopped, the “climate change” as written in the bible Mathew 24:7.

      Before men had thought about it, the bible has philosophize all this things and more, the bible also predicted things that will bound to happen in the next few years and still everything written in this book is definitely happening today. Non believers presume the bible as a prediction and false prophecies and everything that happens written on it is merely coincidence on their part.

      But believers and Christians have a strong faith that it is a real words coming from one and only God. All the words written in the bible is true according to the Christian groups and so it is. And according to the Christians it is only through Jesus that people can be saved as it is written in Acts 15:11. All this is not just a philosophy but a manifestation of truth that there are no droughts or famine or death can separate us from the love of God as written in Romans 8:35. And this belief can save people in all nations and there is no greater claim rather than the bible.

      Philosophy is just merely a creation of great thinking and great philosophers can teach and encourage people to follow their great minds but they never philosophize about the future but rather, they create a theory and principles. Philosophers like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and more are merely great people who inspire great scientist that leads to the discovery of things around us. This discovery creates innovation and wonders that gives us comfort and beauty in our life. There are many great scientists that mark a great contribution that revolutionized and transform the world through industrialized economy.

      James Watt in 1775 invented the steam power pumps for pumping water, this discovery led to great development. Farms can now be watered, that is why the production of crops and fish breeding is now possible, factories are now expanding and they never run out of water for their employees and most of also it prevents drought and famine during the tropical hot season. There is now enough suitable water to drink. This invention is not being sold in the entire world in different brand and trade names.

      In 1850 the first invented farm tractor that can cultivate the land and farms rather than using of animal, this tractor can cultivate the land ten times the power of animal that is why farming becomes so easy, tree planting and vegetation has become an abundant source of income from many countries around the world and thereby supports the human needs of food to eat. Through this comes the discovery of fertilizer that even increases crop productions that yields bigger supplies in food needs and therefore industrialization and progress.

      Textile has also been discovered through the use of cotton spinning and weaving, patented in 1769. This machine leads to the production of the best woven clothes ever to use by great men and women our times. Similar technology has been adopted by other nations and therefore creates their own machines to give cloths to their body and therefore a cloth for body that can warm us.

      And recently the discovery and the power of the internet which speed up the transfer of information creates even more greater challenges and wonders in our lives since almost everything we need including information can be at hand in just a few clicks of a button. This wonderful machine can gives up even more opportunity that as of today we can talk from people all over the world to, the transfer of knowledge is so fast that we can use this tools in many ways including desktop publishing, audio, video, image editing and more can be deliver by this machine.

      Thomas Alba Edison revolutionized the filament discovery no matter how much it takes his discovery lightens out our darkest night and therefore increases our time to perform our business more than in the morning but also at night time. There are many other great invention and contribution that can change the world through discipline and innovation and thereby giving us more than food to eat, water to drink, a hope in our future and the pleasure of today to live a good life.








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