Palm, Inc. is a business entity specializing in mobile computing. Its products enable its customers to put the power of computing in their hands, along the process accessing the information they need.  Palm, Inc. In 1995, Palm, Inc. was acquired by U.S. Robotics Corporation. In June 1997, Palm, Inc. became a subsidiary of 3Com when the U.S. Robotics Corporation was acquired by 3Com. As its subsidiary, 3Com then made Palm, Inc. an independent company on March 2, 2000 through a public trade under the ticker symbol PALM

However, after the September 11, 2001 bombings of the Twin Towers in New York, the value of the company also came falling down. This drastic fall was also being blamed to the mistakes in the choice of marketing strategies that were implemented at that time.  In August 2003, the company renamed its hardware division to palmOne, Inc. In April 2005 palmOne was bale to buy PalmSource’s share in the ‘Palm’ trademark for  about US million. Then just last July 2005, palmOne launched its new name and brand going back to Palm, Inc. and trading under the ticker symbol PALM.



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