The Test of Behavioral Rigidity (TBR,Schaie,1962) – is a psychological test designed to test the rigidity and versatility of a person and to know how they can be flexible to a subject and how then can react if given a series of situation that has different characteristic. It is important to know the ability of a person to know their deeper personality in solving different problem and how they will react. This will test their temper and decision making process in time of difficulty.

      Usually the subject is given easy to difficult situation and they are the one to define and analyze the situation. The flexibility to adapt a changing pattern of behavior and how they are going to shift from one situation to another environment will be the emphasis of the test. The test has a time limit the high score shows that a person shows superiority and the ability to adjust from various situations while a low score of a subject proves that they may face difficulty in a changing situation.

            Usually the test includes; 1. The Jar Test – the subject is given different kinds of jars of various sizes and shape the idea is that the subject will give reaction what is their concept about the jar in their own way 2. The Capital Test – is given as a series of sentence to capitalize according to their conditions example:  “Please give me a glass of water” the instruction would be to capitalize the entire letter E in the sentence, the answer would be “pleasE givE mE a glass of watEr. 3. The Alphabet Test – is series of letters that they need to analyze according to instruction example; the letters are abcdefg the instruction is to replace the letter in reverse order which is gfedcba. There are many other series of test like this one that is given a time period.   

      In industry the test is highly used in many organizations and it is proven to handle applicants to predict if they are qualified on the job. In psychology the patient’s character can be recognized if they have a problem in a changing environment when given the test, in education the students can also benefit from this kind of test. Teachers can identify the flexibility of their students in a given situation so that they can change or adjust their teaching method and on lesson plan if they have raised their awareness of students for them to catch up in their studies. This test is highly used all over the world and all these are the relevant contribution of The Test of Behavioral Rigidity to the society.

      Structured Objectivity Rorschach test (SORT, J.B Stone 1958) – Is a psychological test to measure the personality of the subject about their temper, interest, compulsive and responsive behavior. The test is also derived from Rorschach test but more than inkblot it includes more variable of multiple choices from various topics. Using this kind of test is easier on the part of the subject but the test may include more questions and a variety and longer questions and that makes it harder. This test is usually used in the Industry since the discipline and attitude of the person is logically important in the place of work including skills and knowledge, intelligence and aptitude should be objectively measured by the industry before hiring such applicants.

      Human Resource Personnel usually makes use of this test and it is evident in the place of work that companies who are successful usually use this SORT to evaluate employee’s personality and their characters. The SORT is also used for promoting employees when there is a need in the organizations usually if the employees have the experience and potential for promotion, some human resource personnel may have the need to measure the personality of such employee if they are qualified for the position before promotion take place.

      Some companies use the test for positioning employees from rank and file to managers may be given such test if they are really qualified and if they have the needs to transfer from one position to another or if they have the need to be transferred from another department, the test can also suggest to identify if some employees need further training and development as they grow if they have a potential leadership capability. In South Africa and other countries it is also used in school to evaluate the potential of the student and how they can adjust to their study. The SORT test largely becomes a vital part to the development of the industry and human resource development in handling employees and this has been its contribution to the society.      




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