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The Future of Sports Management in Australia









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Table of Contents


Title Page                                                                                                                    1


Table of Contents                                                                                                       2


I.                   Introduction                                                                                              3

II.                Main Body                                                                                                3

A.    Sports and Its Importance                                                                  3

B.     Major Issues that Concern Australian Sports Managers                     4

1.      Education and Training                                                       4

2.      Issues on Economics                                                            5

3.      Political and Governmental Issues                                       6

4.      Social Issue: Cultural Diversity,                                          6

Racism and Discrimination

                  C.  Future Direction of Australian Sport                                                  7

     III. Conclusion                                                                                                       11






I.          Introduction


            Australians are considered one of the most active athletes of the world, as being vigorously participative in athletic competitions, such as the World Olympics. As a proof of this, Australia won four gold, eight silver, and twelve bronze medals at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics; forty-nine medals at the 2004 Athens Olympics; one hundred medals at the Athens Paralympics (), and still accumulating from the series of current world sporting events. With this, it can be perceived that sports are significantly given importance and effort by all athletes and individuals involved in the process. Success in such field lead to the acquisition of major sporting events, including the World Swimming Championships, the Olympics, and the Commonwealth Games, which brought prestige, honor and development to the sporting industry in Australia. With such successful endeavors, the future of sports and sport management in Australia appears prosperous and unparalleled. However, despite the success of the current sports situation and sport management in Australia, it would still be relevant and necessary to determine the major issues that would affect its development and implementation in the country, including the area of concern for Australian sport managers, athletes, and the sport itself. Some of the issues regarding sports and sports management include the issue regarding cultural diversity, sports education, tourism, marketing and the economy, innovation programs and the use of technology, and policies and regulations issues. These issues would not only affect the individuals and groups involved in the sports industry, but the whole sport delivery system that govern it. These issues must be determined, discussed, and addressed significantly to promote improvement and development in the industry, which would also effect development on the part of the athletes, coaches, and educators. With the issues at hand, this paper aims to determine and discuss the several issues that would be of great concern by Australian sport managers, and other individuals concerned in Australian sport management.


II.        Main Body

A.        Sports and Its Importance


            It has been reported that Australians have always perceived themselves as great sports loving individuals of the world, as regarding success and enjoyment of sport as part of one’s identity and lifestyle ( 2001). Sports have always been given importance and significance in the lives of Australians, as it has been regarded as a national passion, a symbolic activity of Australia’s national character (). The importance of sports to Australians transcends prestige and practical implications, and encompasses a wide range of applications and uses. The importance of sports can be seen as an instrument in the improvement of the health of Australians, in promoting a healthy mind and body, and in releasing stress, that enhances their productivity in work and in their personal lives. It also promotes family bonding that leads to the happiness and contentment of players, and result to his or her better performance (2005), and contributes to the encouragement of national unity and progress. However, with such importance, certain issues or problems are still encountered, which present challenges that sports managers and other sports individuals must face.  


            B.        Major Issues that Concern Australian Sports Managers

                        1.         Education and Training

            The primary issue that affects sports managers is the issue regarding the lack and inefficiency of sports education and training in Australia, which encompasses different management skills. Investigation of the management skills in sport and recreation of some enterprises in Australia indicate limited skills across its several functional areas, including its business planning, finance, administration, computer literacy, marketing, commercialization, accounting, and benchmarking. Some enterprises also exhibit inability in linking new product development and marketing, and the lack of strategic long-term outlook. In addition, they also lack professionalism and have a poor export record of accomplishment (1999). Moreover, problems with the education and training of sports managers and athletes accumulated with the changes in sport and recreation industry traineeship programs and reforms, which led to the saturation of training demand, inability to promote sport and recreation traineeships, and the tightening of the eligibility criteria for new apprentices (1999). Such changes and reform programs resulted to the decline of traineeships and mentors, who would serve as coaches for athletes, and with this, less development would be observed in terms of sports education and training. The decrease in traineeships of sports educators decreases the development of sports managers in terms of their management skills, thus, reducing the skills and techniques they would be teaching to their apprentices. In this event, the reduction of the skills, knowledge and training of sports managers lead to the reduction of skills, knowledge and training of their students and apprentices, thus, decreasing the quality of sports education in Australia, which must not be the case. Moreover, the development and improvement of knowledge and skills in sports and recreation are not only based on how one plays in the sports field or venue, but also on the attitude, approach and values exhibited by an athlete. This can be developed through the development of an athlete’s management skills and theoretical knowledge of the sport or game, which are dependent on sport educators.


                        2.         Issue on Economics

            The second issue that concerns sports managers in Australia is the issue regarding economics, which encompasses the issues on exportation and importation of sporting goods, having new business opportunities, tourism, and building international markets. Currently, Australia continues to build a more competitive economy, as the global market offers opportunities for international and competitive sport and recreation businesses, including an export business. However, the growth of the export business is dominated by the imports of sport and recreation goods, which puts increased pressure on business areas, including specialization, product differentiation, and lead times from development to product launches. Such businesses help firms and organizations in Australia to participate in international trade forums that promote new business and sport opportunities. This also enables the nation to improve its sports tourism through the introduction and spread of new technologies. However, although these events may present more advantages, it also present a major issue that must be addressed, which is having to improve the performance of sporting events and tourism products that would compensate the cost invested for the projects (1999). This issue is of high concern for sports managers because this addresses the issue of financial resources that are gravely needed for the development and improvement of sports education and training in Australia. Because millions of dollars are being invested in tourism and economic projects that would develop sports and recreation, obtaining the revenue would be an important issue to take note of. If financial resources would not be obtained properly, then, the resources needed for the maintenance of the training and education of sports managers would not be provided.


            3.         Political and Government Issues

            The third issue to take note of is the political and government issues in Australia, which also have a great influence on sports management. The government, its politics, and some organizations under it determine the actions and privileges of some sports and recreation organizations that participate in the development of its industry. One of the grants that the government of Australia provide such organizations, include Research & Development grants, such as the R&D Start Program, where very few applications are received from the sport and recreation industry (1999). The issue that must be addressed here is the fact that the sport and recreation industry is composed of a large number of small businesses, majority of which are not entitled for an R&D Start Program due to their organizational structure. In addition, most sport and recreation businesses are not aware of the level of assistance that the government can provide, thus, explaining the low number of sport and recreation businesses that apply for and are awarded R&D grants (1999). This issue is also of great concern to sports managers in Australia because such R&D grant programs would help with the improvement and development of the sports industry in Australia, thus, improving and developing its education in academic institutions and in organizations. With Research & Development programs, sports and recreation would be further developed through studies, surveys, and accumulation of additional knowledge and information that would be essential for the improvement of strategies and approaches that sports managers and educators implore. Thus, it can be perceived that this particular issue in the government largely affects the sports and recreation industry.


            4.         Social Issue: Cultural Diversity, Racism and Discrimination

            Another issue that concerns sports managers in relation to sports management is the issue of cultural diversity, racism and discrimination. Given the fact that Australia is a multi-cultural society, it can be well understood that several and different cultures and races are present, which can lead other individuals to develop the belief of ethnocentrism or the belief that a particular culture or race is more superior to others. The development of such a belief leads to the increase instances and incidences of discrimination and racism that violates the human rights of many individuals including their right to live peacefully in the community, right to education, right to equality, and many others. This issue is one of the most important issues that must be addressed by sports managers to ensure that each individual has the equal opportunity to become athletes, and to develop as an individual who could represent the country in international sports competitions. In addition, sports managers must be able to become effective educators and managers who would ensure peace and order within the sports organization that would promote gender and race equity among its members. In this regard, this issue must be one of the most important issues that concerns not only sports managers, but athletes and sports members as well.


            C. Future Direction of Australian Sport

            In order to determine the future direction of sports management in Australia, the concept of sports management must be taken note of. Similar to other aspects in business and society, sports and sporting activities must also be managed, organized, and governed. It can be considered a unique business unit or a unique business enterprise that could be made profit from, or an organization from which certain functions are being performed. In any sense, the importance of sports to Australians and to other individuals from other countries alike must be good reasons enough to improve and develop the management of sports. Certain concepts in management can be applied in order for its improvement and development. Strategic planning and strategic management involves collective actions that would help move an organization toward realizing its aims, mission and vision, by matching its internal capabilities and external environment ( 1999). Total Quality Management (TQM) is an organizational approach centered on quality that is based on the participation of all its members and aims at long-term success through satisfaction, benefiting all members of the organization (). Organizational culture and change management covers the pattern of beliefs and expectations of members in a social unit, which set their behavioral standards, thus, becoming essential in best practice and change management ( 1999). Financial or resources management is also an important aspect to take note of, as it is crucial in the maintenance and sustenance of sporting organizations and events through cash flow, financial situations and budget control. Along with such management concepts, are the concepts regarding risk and player management that are important in giving importance to the safety and welfare of athletes, coaches, and sports educators. These concepts related to sports management are important to realize and determine as they become important in addressing the different major issues that revolve around the development of sports in Australia, particularly of sports managers.

Based on the definition of such management concepts, it can be perceived that these could be used to address the different major issues discussed previously, thus, its use then, determines the future direction of sports management in Australia, which is one that promotes equity, success and prestige for all the individuals involved. In addressing the problem with education and training, the future of Australian sport is perceived to be more largely focused on developing and promoting vocational education and training system that mainly provides industry-specific education and training, and employment for young people through labor market programs and traineeships (1999). In addition, because most sports and recreation businesses lack the skills in different management functional areas, the opportunity that can be taken advantage of in addressing Australian sport’s future direction is to employ the use of the Internet, through additional research, new product development, business planning, and finance. The use of advanced technologies would be able to help sports managers to facilitate learning and knowledge with useful and advanced learning materials for the benefit of athletes and students. Using advanced technologies would promote a scientific approach to sports strategies and techniques, thus, further encouraging success in specific fields. The use of advanced technology in the education and training of athletes encompasses the concepts of strategic planning and total quality management, which would be helpful concepts that would assist the Australian sports system in addressing its future endeavors. Moreover, the future of Australian sport can be perceived to be a system, which encourages the further education of sports managers, in order to promote further knowledge accumulation and higher degrees. In the new and emerging field of sport management, the increasing need for qualified sport managers at every level, from recreational youth programs to world-class professional organizations ( 2006) would be provided. In addressing the problems of the economy and in the government, the future of Australian sport would still be focused in providing technological improvements and advancements in business firms, which entails building a competitive edge through the use and the implementation of advanced technologies. It has been reported that the Internet and e-commerce are the main technologies that drive businesses and governments to rethink their operations, and cause changes in terms of internal and external communications, marketing, and interaction (1999). In such future direction, the Australian sports systems and organizations would be able to enhance strategic alliances not only locally but also internationally, thus, producing more revenues and profit for the support and maintenance of the Australian sports industry. In addition, the use of the Internet and online commerce would enhance the support of the Australian government with sports and recreation organizations, through improved and updated communication, thus, opening more opportunities for R&D grant programs and other funding opportunities for small organizations. With constant and updated communication, ineligible organizations would be able to update and change its structure and system, enabling it for funding and support from the government. In addressing the issue regarding discrimination, cultural diversity and racism, the future of Australian sport would be directed towards its slow eradication due to its continuous practice in the society. Due to such incidences, the future of Australian sport would be emphasizing the essential role of education, most especially of sports managers and educators to help with the eradication of discrimination in relation to sport organizations. Because cultural diversity is inevitable and is constant in the society, the only possible solution of eradicating discrimination and racism is through increased education, awareness, and practice that would be helped facilitated by sports managers and educators.

(2006) reported that the processes involved with sport development could be understood by means of the four pyramid and cluster model, where each pyramid communicates with one another to facilitate a more successful sports system, to coordinate activities better, and to strengthen the links developed between organizations. The first pyramid or the traditional sports system emphasizes the initial exposure to sports and the ability to cater to the masses, thus, allowing both elite and recreational competitors to participate at a level commensurate with their ability. The second pyramid or the corporate sport involves the commercialization of sports to provide money for junior development programs derived from elite level competitions. The third pyramid or the government systems provide support through programs that encourage Australians to participate in sports such as provisions of facilities or clubs, and the fourth pyramid or sport development emphasizes the promotion and evolution of sport through effective communication, understanding the role and interrelationship of organizations and encouragement of children, adults, women and persons with disabilities to participate in sports ( 2006). In this regard, it can be seen that the issues previously discussed have an influence in the pyramid model and the future of Australian sport, because the main issues emphasize on the importance of education, use of the Internet, and the improvement of communication and strategic alliances in order to make sports endeavors successful. From this, it can be understood that a number of processes and strategies affect and influence the development of sports and its programs, which enable many sports individuals to determine its future and significance in the Australian society. Furthermore, such concept can be used to determine the changes to the delivery of sport in Australia through the concept of sports clusters or the creation of individual sport industries on a sport-by-sport basis (2006). In addition, the delivery of sport services will increasingly become a task shared between associated industries, such as sporting goods manufacturers and retailers, the media, facility design and construction professionals, the local government, facility providers, and many others ( 2006). In this sense, it can be perceived that through the guidance of the four-pyramid and cluster model, the future path of Australian sport can be directed towards a more effective, efficient, multi-dimensional, and dynamic sport infrastructure. Moreover, such changes in delivery can be seen as Australia aims to promote its four top tourist’s attractions, where visitors and citizens alike can discover how sports have shaped the Australian lifestyle. The four attractions include the National Museum of Australia, which opened an exhibition that explores the importance of sport in the culture and character of Australian life; the Australian Institute of Sport, which hosts a public tour guided by an elite athlete to learn more about a typical day in the life of a top sports person; the Questacon, where one is allowed to test his or her sporting prowess and discover science involved with sport; and the Australian War Memorial, which combines war and sports to fire national passions through stories of famous sporting personalities ( 2006). Through these tourists’ attractions, it can be perceived that the pyramid model was being supported through the emphasis of the promotion of elite athletes to stimulate the sports interests of mass participants. With such, Australia is able to promote sports awareness to all citizens, thus, reinforcing advantages on the part of sports managers through improvement of the quality and range of services provided to members, generate more funds, reach and maintain relevant networks, alliances and partnerships, and develop genuine recreation and leisure opportunities ( 2006). This activities help mobilize the economy, politics, and society of Australia for continuous improvement and development in terms of sports awareness and knowledge among the Australian citizens. 


III.       Conclusion

            The importance of sports to Australians and its society transcends its function and role. Despite the success of sports in individual, group, and national endeavors, several issues and problems are still faced by sports managers, which affect the sports and recreation system as a whole. These issues include education and training issues, economic, political, and cultural, and these affect sports managers through the lack of education, support, and financial resources, crucial to the maintenance, promotion and improvement of sports management in Australia. In addition, this paper was also able to discuss the future direction of Australian sports, which placed an emphasis on the application of a number of management concepts, and the use of the Internet and e-commerce. Such applications and solutions were perceived to help sports managers and sports organizations facilitate and implement successful, effective and efficient sports systems and policies that would influence and motivate athletes in improving their performance. The future direction of Australian sports were analyzed using the pyramid model of  who stressed that sports improvement and development can be achieved through increased communication and alliances among organizations. The authors also pointed out that Australian sport infrastructure is not a static system, but a multi-dimensional, dynamic and complex sector that must be effectively and efficient maintained through coordination and communication. Such a structure can be utilized to ensure the future direction of Australian sport, which is geared towards further development and improvement, through the support and management of elite athletes and knowledgeable and skilled sports managers. Through a revolutionary management, sports infrastructure in Australia would be maintained and sustained efficiently, thus, encouraging the members of society to promote its development and improvement, which would in turn, not only lead to individual progress, but with societal progress and success as well.  


















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