This paper will discuss the topic regarding the global war on terror. It will attempt to examine if the global war on terror can be used to explain and to examine the ongoing civil wars that are occurring in the different parts of the globe. It will also try to identify and to investigate the different responses that a government or a nation can apply in order to defeat terrorism.

            Before going further into the definition of these important questions, equally pertinent conditions must be first satisfied. Some questions must be first answered in order to truly comprehend the nature and the explanations that will be suggested in this paper. A significant portion therefore must be allocated on explaining the nature, origin and characteristics of a act that is labeled as terroristic or before we are to classify someone as a terrorist.

            Due to its wide and broad scope the meaning and definition of terrorism can be classified differently by various organizations and societies and groups. The  Dictionary states that terrorism is a policy that aims to strike and to plant terror and fear to people or it is the employment of methods that would sow fear and terror to a group of people (2004). Meanwhile, the  Dictionary defines terrorism as an act of terrorizing or a system of sowing and creating terror or intimidation aimed at someone (1998). The United Nations also has its own formulated definition of the word terrorism. The definition states that “terrorism is an anxiety-inspiring method of repeated violent actions, employed by semi clandestine individuals, group or state actors for idiosyncratic, criminal or political reasons” ( 2003). The immediate human victims of violence are generally chosen randomly or selectively, from a target population, and serve as message ( 2003).

            also proposes another definition. He stated that an act of terrorism is the “peacetime equivalent of a war crime.” ( 2002) In November 2004, a UN panel described terrorism as any act: “intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act.” ( 2002)

The European Union meanwhile defines terrorism as specific criminal offences against persons and property which seriously damages a country or an international organization, seriously intimidating a population or compelling a Government or international organization to perform or abstain from performing any act, seriously destabilizing or destroying the fundamental political, constitutional, economic or social structures of a country or an international organization (2002).

            It is therefore important to note that each organization has its own meanings and definition with regards to the word terrorism. This varied definition of the word stems from the fact that different actions and acts are considered by some organizations as terroristic while other movements and international bodies do not classify an act as terroristic. Although the there are different definitions with regards to the word terrorism, a basic tenet that is uniformly advanced by all the international bodies mentioned is that they unanimously determined that terrorism pertains to the disseminate terror, killings and destruction through the use of unconventional practices and methods. Unlike in a field of battle where a soldier or a combatant can see his enemy, terrorism and terrorist used ordinary objects and situations to gain advantage in order to maximize the death toll and injury. They remain hidden and silent waiting for the right opportunity to strike and to spread destruction. An important aspect of terrorism is that it uses fear and intimidation to destroy and to demolish the will and psyche of a people by striking at an unknown time and place. Terrorism does not only targets soldiers and combatants but it forwards the idea that battles and fight should be fought by targeting civilians and non-combatants.

            Terrorism can be classified on the way terrorists are oriented. Every terrorist group have their own aims and goals in order to rationalize and explain to the society the justifications of their acts. They must have a goal and an aim that would enable them to recruit new members and to gain financial or material supports from influential people and organizations. Basically terrorist groups can be classified as religious terrorists, nationalist terrorists, left-wing/right-wing terrorists, racist terrorists and anti-Communist terrorists ( 2004).

Each of these classifications of terrorist has an aim to main or to intimidate a specific group of people depending on their classification. Religious terrorists are aimed at people or societies that are perceived by their religion as dangerous while racial terrorists meanwhile, vents their anger and frustration at a specific ethnic groups ( 1999). Some examples of religious terrorist groups are the Al Qaeda of Bin Laden, Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines, Muslim Brotherhood International in Morocco, Hamas and Hezbollah in Israel. Aside from religious and racial terrorist, nationalist terrorists are groups that advocate the independence or autonomy of a specific province, geographical unit of a country. Nationalist terrorism is an act where terrorists attempt to form an independent state against governments and groups of people that they consider as occupiers and oppressors ( 1999). Nationalist terrorism has also been used to describe groups attempting to create a state that upholds the rights, tradition and customs that are inherent in a group of people (1999).

Some example of this classification is the IRA (Irish Revolutionary Army) in Ireland, Kosovo Liberation Army in Kosovo and ETA (Basque Fatherland and Liberty) located in Spain and Southern France. It is important to note that this classification can encompass a single group. For example, the terrorist group named Fatah which is active in Palestine can be classified as a religious terrorist organization since it funnels its hatred to Israel but it is also a nationalist terrorist group since it is fighting for the rights of the Palestinians to govern their territories.

The global war on terror was launched by the United States against terrorist organization called Al Qaeda headed by Osama Bin Laden who financed and planned the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. This global war on terror or simply war on terror was a response of the United States and President  against group of individuals and nation estates who advocates and supports terroristic activities. This war unlike any other war that America fought in the past is a war that is without boundaries. While past wars were fought by professional soldiers with equipments and weapons supplied by the government, the global war on terror primarily uses covert operatives, remote surveillance, diplomacy and use of massive propaganda to defeat an unseen enemy. The first step in this war was the invasion of Afghanistan by U.S. and the coalition forces in order to capture Osama Bin Laden and to punish the Taliban government for helping and aiding Al Qaeda. Before the commencement of hostilities between America and the Taliban, members of the Special Forces were sent to the northern part of Afghanistan to support and train the Northern Alliance in their hunt for Osama Bin Laden. Due to the technological superiority of the Coalition Forces Operation Enduring Freedom was a success.

Although  and other high ranking individuals in the Taliban government were not captured, the Coalition forces reinvigorated the national economy and revived the democracy inside that country. The second phase of the global war on terror is the invasion of Iraq. Iraq was invaded by Coalition Forces headed by the United States and Great Britain because the intelligence networks of these two governments stated that Iraq is manufacturing biological, chemical and nuclear weapons that will be passed on to terrorist and terrorist groups (2004).

The Coalition also noted that Iraq and former sponsors terrorism by providing training grounds and financial support for terrorist organizations ( 2004). In the war against Iraq, the Coalition was again successful in using superior technological advances and rapid mobilization to quickly defeat Iraqi forces and seize Baghdad forcing  into hiding. Although Iraqi insurgency is taking a toll on American personnel and logistical supply, Iraq now has its democratically elected president and parliament.

The global war on terror that was started by America was received favorably and unfavorably by certain sectors of American society and some head of states that were not part of the Coalition. One of the main arguments levied by some sectors is that the war on terror is flaw because it uses the military to punish and to enforce the law while crimes such as bombing and other terrorist acts are similar in substance to crimes like murder (2002). Proponents of this argument also argued that since terrorist acts are considered crimes, the police not the military must have the sole authority to investigate and to solve the event.

Other groups also stated that the war against terror can be classified as an act of terror itself since various abuses and oppressions are committed by military personnel on prisoners and civilians (2003). Examples of the abuses carried out by the U.S. military are the prisoner abuse at Bagram Collection Point in Afghanistan and the Abu Ghraib Prison in Iraq (2004). Critics also pointed out the human rights of an accused terrorist and other significant laws and treaties such as the Geneva Convention and the right to counsel by the accused are being violated and denied.  Critics further reiterated that prisoners were imprisoned in a location (Guantanamo Bay Detention Center) where American law are not applied and where constant mental, emotional and physical torture is applied to make the terrorist confess (2004).

Critics also said that the global war is causing unnecessary civilian casualties and injury. Different agencies have different figures with regards to the total number of deaths among Iraqi and Afghan civilians. According to the Iraqi Ministry of Health, the number of killed civilians was pegged at 3, 853 during the invasion. These deaths do not only disrupts the society by creating orphans and widows but it also fosters hostility and enmity against the occupying force (2004).

Other critics of the war also added that the global war on terror would turn into a perpetual war where American resources, materials and lives will be drained just to eradicate terrorism (2003). They argued that terrorism is a violent method in achieving an aim and those methods can never be erased. They claimed that the true solution to the problem of terrorism is the going to the root of the problem which is inequality and discrimination.

Supporters of the war meanwhile contended that the war has a beneficial use to America and to the countries that would be freed from the yoke of terrorism. They argued that the continuing global war on terror would provide added security and stability inside and outside America while delivering democracy and freedom to the people of these countries (2004). In the case of Iraq, the Bush Administration emphasized the presence of biological, nuclear and chemicals weapons that can be used against American citizens before invading Iraq. The global war on terror can also be a deterrent and a silent stick to other nations and states that sponsors terrorism. It sends a clear message that a country can be invaded and its leaders deposed if it supports and harbors terrorists groups ( 2004). 

At this point, the global war against terrorism can be used as an outline or a framework that can be applied to any situation and event. The label “war on terror” can be used in identifying various elements and groups in the society as advocates of terrorism and highlighting nonviolent actions that would neutralize these groups. This is possible since terrorism can be used to denote a group that uses violence and indiscriminate killing to achieve its goals and aims. An example of this aspect can be found in the Spanish setting. During the 1950’s, a group called ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasna or Basque Fatherland and Liberty) was established in the Basque province of the country (2002). This organization was aimed at achieving the independence of the Basque Provinces from both the central governments of Spain and France at any cost. It also advocated for the formation of an independent state that revolves around Basque culture and tradition ( 2002).   

To achieve these aims, the ETA is notorious for planting bombs in populated places and conducting assassinations of prominent Spanish politicians and law enforcement agencies. it is also prominent in kidnapping and other crimes in order to disrupt the economy of the country. For the members of the ETA, their actions are justifiable since in their perspective, the Basque people are oppressed and are not given the same attention when compared to other Spaniards residing in other provinces ( 2002). The feeling therefore of being alone and different is nurtured in the mind of an ordinary Basque leading him to the conclusion that violence, fear and intimidation are the only way to achieve what is necessary for his people (2002).

In the eyes of the Spanish government, these lawless actions made by the ETA are reason in order to hunt them down and to eliminate the group n order to restore peace and tranquility. They use the police to search for Basque terrorists and their supporters. Because of this action-reaction cycle with regards to terroristic activities, both the Spanish government and the Basque nationalists are missing a significant point. Terrorism clouds the judgement and proper perception of the two camps. While the other side is causing panic and fear while the other side is preventing and eliminating fear and terror, the root cause of the problem is not solve. In this “terror war” the proper question to be asked is: What are the needs of the Basque society that would end this conflict? Only when the identified and true needs and necessity of a people is satisfied can terrorism be stopped. In the case of Spain and Basque provinces, limited autonomy can be offered by the government to quell terrorism without using force and the military.

Another aspect of the “global war on terror” aside from identifying terrorist groups is that terrorism can be used as a voice or a medium for repressed groups of individual inside the society that are speechless and inarticulate to voice out their demands. This aspect can be illustrated in the case of Palestine and Israel. Israel is one of the dominant nations in the Holy Land. Its territories encompass areas that are predominantly of Arab descent and most of the political and military power is held by Israel ( 2002). The Palestinians therefore see that they are oppressed and neglected by the Israeli government so various Islamic radicals banded together to form Hezbollah, Fatah and other anti Zionist terrorist groups that aims for the establishment of a separate Palestinian state in the Holy Land ( 2002). To articulate their goals and desires, they started to use suicide bombers and carbombs to make the Israeli government give in to their demands. These acts of violence are voices being pronounced by the Palestinian people regarding their social and political condition. Although it is morally and legally wrong to use violence and kill people just to forward an aspiration, these acts are signs that something is wrong about the way a government treats and deals with its people.

There are other people that the global war on terror is a framework to understand the conflict that exist between the East and the West and between the modern and antiquated countries of the globe. The West represented by the United States is imposing its rule, culture and tradition to the East exemplified by the countries that have radical Islamic elements. The United States through its war on terror is advancing the ideas and concepts that are intrinsic to the American society to other societies at the detriment of the indigenous culture like Islam ( 2002). At this aspect, the global war on terror can be labeled as a war against two schools of thought that literally clings to each other’s belief.  For believers of Islam, the global war on terror is a step that reinforces the notion of regional domination lead by the United States

The global war on terror can also be used as a framework to identify certain negative perceptions of a society in relation to another society. It can be said that U.S. invaded Iraq and Afghanistan in order to restore order and democracy to the country. There is a perception therefore that Islamic states have undemocratic and authoritarian rule that must be eliminated by the West through the use of actions that emanates from the phrase “global war on terror” (2004). It would be justifiable therefore to use terrorism as pretext for deposing and installing leaders that are “democratic’.

Responses to terrorism are broad in scope. These can include realignments of the political system reorganization and reexamination certain fundamental values, outlooks and policies. Stricter immigration laws and policies can be implemented by various governments in order to deter or minimize their vulnerability against terrorist acts ( 2004). Since the September 11, 2001, attacks were carried out by foreigners who entered the United States due to lax airport security and slow response to intelligence reports, steps must be taken to avoid this costly mistakes. Restructuring of the bureaucracy to enable faster transfer and verification of data must be implemented. Airport security and other aspects of national and internal defense must be wholly integrated to one another to facilitate faster communication and data sharing and verification (2004). Harsh penalties for violations of immigration laws and denial of entry for persons who fosters hatred, advocated violence or is affiliated to a terrorist group.

Another step that can be used against terrorism is to diffuse and eradicate ill feeling and discrimination against Islam. In many cities and countries in Europe today are populated by Muslims and Arabs and in order to erase stigma and cultural animosity between Muslims and the native population, proper information campaign and other related policies must be take place ( 2002). Government and non government organizations must initiate talks and discourse with various religious and ethnic groups to expose a society to a culture that is unfamiliar to them. Through frequent association and connection with an object or group of people, the level of hostility against the group will be lessened.

Common targets of terrorists like places like mass transit vehicles, aircraft, office buildings, monments and parks must be well protected and securely maintained ( 2002). Constant inspection of individuals entering and exiting an establishment must be made mandatory to lessen the chance of terrorist activities. Another method is to place concrete barriers outside vital buildings and installations to prevent the damages that would occur if a terrorist uses a car bomb (2002). Aircraft cockpits must be kept locked during flights, while incorporating reinforced doors that would deter terrorist from hijacking a plane. The use of undercover air marshals on airplane flights can also help in deterring terrorism ( 2002).

The United States and other countries should also use pre-emptive strategy to eliminate terrorist leaders and members. This strategy calls for the capture, killing or disabling terrorist suspects. Incorporated in this step would be the identification of terrorist funds and bank accounts that can be held and freeze by banks in order to deny the terrorist from their financial assets. Another method of pre-emptive neutralization is the interrogation of suspected terrorists to obtain information about specific plots, targets and identities of the terrorists ( 2002).

Domestic intelligence and surveillance must also be strengthened. New technology on bugging and surveillance equipment and techniques can be used to obtain vital evidences. Extreme care must be taken so that no laws or legal rights are violated in obtaining evidences. Military actions can also be an effective response to the threat of terrorism. Military intervention can be implemented against countries where terrorists are based. That was the main justification for the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq and the continued presence of the Russian forces in Chechnya.

Despite the fact that the United States and the Coalition members are powerful, influential and technologically advanced when compared to terrorist there are obstacles and hindrances that must be faced on the global war on terror.  The reason while America is not winning the war against terror is because terrorist groups have now continued to operate using less sophisticated means. Terrorist groups know that the U.S. possesses modern devices and other gadgets to pinpoint hideouts and meeting points so they use less modern modes of communication like video tapes, audio tapes, signs and messengers. Terrorist have also reorganized in response to the counter terrorism being implemented by different government. They have banded in “human cells” that consist of two or three sleeper agents that would initiate a terrorist attack with minimal planning (2004).



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