The Public Sector and the Remaking of the Labour Movement, 1960-1975



            The labour movement, union, collective bargaining, organization, legislations, rights, discrimination, and strikes are key concepts significant in the shaping of the labour and employment of the working class in Canada during the period of 1960 to 1975. These key concepts are important to take note as they become the bases for the significant turn of events in the history of the Canadian working class, and in the development of different industries. Moreover, the development of the public and private sectors was achieved during this time, which was carried on to the present day. As such, this particular essay gives particular attention the different strikes that happened in the Canadian history, as seen to be one of the most important element in terms of the working-class experience. Along with this, this paper also explores the drivers or causes, effects of the strike of the working class in the society and in the industry, and the other factors that affect the working class. To be able to make a substantial analysis, specific sources were referred to, including videos and journals.


Strike as a Protest

            From the sources gathered, a common factor that each author presented is the use of strike as a means or tool for attaining economic or political ends through collective bargaining with their companies or employers. From the videos, it has been shown that the working class of Canada utilizes strikes as forms of protest or opposition from injustices, discrimination and abuse from their employers. From this, it can be recognized that the working class has certain aims or objectives in utilizing strikes or protests during that time. Primarily, the working class aims to demand from their employers. Secondly, the working class participates in strikes to change a particular policy in terms of their employment and status in society. The third aim of the working class is to obtain support from the organization or the government, and the last aim is to demand for new legislations that can be achieved from the strike. These four aims were all exemplified from the sources, thus, further placing significance and importance of strikes and its ability to change the future of the society. Another common aspect or element present in all sources used was the fact that the utilization of strikes was either one of the effects of an existing policy or legislation, or one of the causes of implementing policies or legislations.    


Drivers of Strikes

            From the four reference videos, the primary driver or cause of a strike or protest is the injustice or abuse the working class experience from their employers. In this case, the concept of collective bargaining is an important aspect to take note, as this refers to a specific system that exists between employees and employers in dealing with wages, load of work, working hours, and rules of apprenticeship that can be negotiated between the two parties and is written in a form of a document. In this sense, the essence of the collective bargaining system is an important right to the working class, as this would enable the working class to obtain justice, equality, rights, and solidarity from their employers and from the state. In the video entitled, “Defying the Law”, the steel strike in 1946 was detailed and described, which was caused by the demand of steel workers for an increase in wages, from only more than ,900 annual wage. In addition, steelworkers are not provided with adequate vacations, which they can only avail after 15 years of service in Stelco. Steelworkers are also obliged to obey controllers, and non-compliance with the rules of the controllers would entitle them to pay a fine of thousand or be imprisoned for 5 years, or both. Moreover, although Stelco implements union security, deduction from the paychecks is done by the company out of the discretion of the workers, and with this its union requested to do so otherwise. With the lousy wages and working conditions experienced by the steelworkers, they were forced to protest and strike against the company and to improve conditions in terms of their work and their wages. Similarly, the video entitled, “Memory & Muscle” features the same situation as the steelworkers, as the postal workers and letter carriers experience the same lousy wages and lousy working conditions in postal offices. Like the steelworkers, postal employees also experience abuse and inequality from their employers, in addition to depriving them of collective agreements and the cancellation of wage increase and benefits. In contrary to the steelworkers, postal employees have no unions, which could represent them. As such, the postal workers perceived the strike, thus, embodying the postal strike of 1965.


            Aside from wages to be the primary cause of strikes, discrimination and inequality are also drivers or causes for the working class to develop unions, and worse, strikes. As shown in the video entitled, “Memory & Muscle”, women experience inequality in postal offices, as they are given lower wages and abused physically by their supervisors. Similar conditions were also indicated in the works of  (1987) and  (1986), as they emphasize the racial and ethnical discrimination that can be observed in the working class. The work of  (1987) pointed out that racial and ethic discrimination was exhibited due to the split labour market involving black railway employees. Due to the split labour market, gender, racial and ethnic discrimination among the blacks are committed, thus, victimizing a number of individuals in terms of cost of labour and nature of work. Likewise, the article of  (1986) describes the plight of immigrants who came from non-industrial societies. The immigrants’ lack of knowledge, exposure, and discipline in industrial work settings gave way to labour stratification and work discrimination. Along with labour stratification, gender, racial and ethnic discrimination are committed against the immigrants. From this, it can be understood that despite the many number of causes or drivers that trigger strikes and protests of the working class, the causes pointed out are the primary drivers that enable the working class to make a decisive action in order to fight for their rights in the workplace.


Effects of Strikes

            Given the drivers or causes of strikes or protests, its effects or implications must be taken note of next. As stated earlier, policies and legislations are either drivers or causes of strikes, or its effects. In the work of  (1978), the legislation pointed out was the PC 1003, which provided legal tools with which to confront workers and unions, expanded the activity and scope of trade unions, and to restrict strikes that could cause disturbance in the society. In addition, the article presents both the negative and the positive interpretations in the implementation of this specific legislation. However, in this regard, the negative effects of the implementation of this legislation have heavier impacts than its positive effects, thus, entirely affecting the working conditions of the working class during that time, most especially its expression of their rights and welfare. Another effect of strikes or protests is the formation of unions or union-like bodies that are responsible in bargaining terms and conditions of employment of the working class, as emphasized in the work of  (1983). Aside from the formation of unions, strengthening of the existing policies and groups in unions also happens, as its members become more integrated and involved with their cause of providing themselves with their rights and privileges that they are entitled to obtain from their employers.


            From the establishment of unions associated with business organizations, there emerged the increase in the number of communist parties or left-wingers. The rise in the number of communist groups gave way to the implementation of Bill 91, which states that when a strike is declared illegal, the existing union contract is null and void, thus, decertifying the union that went to strike, as stated in the video entitled, “Labour’s Cold War”. The video also emphasized that the conditions of workers in refineries during that time, being characterized with low wages, forced them to transfer to petrochemical plants, which are pro-union organizations. In this regard, the rise of the oil industry may serve to eradicate the rise of communism or dictatorship in Canada that may hinder the activities of trade unions.


            Lastly, the effect of strikes includes the situation described in the video entitled, “The Producer’s Strike”, which pointed out the division between English-speaking and French-speaking producers. In this regard, this particular situation does not display the unity and solidarity that must be exhibited by strikers, but this situation has shown that discord and passivity can be described in relation to the formation of strikes.


Other Factors that Affect Strikes

            Aside from the factors previously discussed, there are still other factors that may influence the formation of strikes and labour unions. Primarily, the transformation of a specific influential organization may affect strikes and unions, as mentioned in the article written by  (1989). In this transformation, the perception and idealism of a specific organization are changed, thus, entirely affecting its decisions, especially in relation to the interests and activities of unions. In this regard, the influence of the idealism and perception that a particular organization expresses may hinder the activities of unions, along with the rights and needs of its members and the employees.


            Another factor that may affect the formation of strikes and labour unions is the influence of an acquired culture or practice. This can be explained through the example of the working class that emerged after the Second World War, as they returned to their homeland and seek for jobs. These returning citizens participated in the Second World War, and because of the many years of war it can be perceived the value of camaraderie, bravery, confidence, and solidarity were inculcated in the hearts and minds of the individuals, thus, indicate their passion to fight for what is right and for what would make them whole as individuals. Their desolate situation as steel workers somehow made them feel the desperation of being helpless, thus, being similar with their situation in the battle fields, they were able to gather the courage to fight for their rights.


            Third factor to take note of is the important role played by the media in the development of ideas and practices of individuals in a certain location. This was exhibited by the French producers in the video “The Producers’ Strike”, which emphasized the influence of the television in developing the open minds of many French producers that allowed them to form a strike against Radio Canada. It was stressed in the video that before, Quebec is a conservative and closed city, but on the onset of the introduction of the television, the city has changed. The producers believed that the television has been a significant and useful tool in developing open-mindedness in individuals during that time. It has also become the medium from where Quebec has seen the outside world, which is far from different from their city. In this regard, the television has become a useful tool in the formation of the strike.



            Each of the sources used in accomplishing this essay has been useful in order to make an analysis and realization of the situation of strikers and labour union organizations in this particular period. It can be understood that there a number of causes or drivers of the formation of strikes and labour unions, which are considered to be prime movers and significant elements in the development of the industrial revolution. Along with the causes are the effects of the turn of events that allowed the recognition of the importance of the existence of labour unions and strikes in the society. Other factors, such as transformation of an organization, acquired culture and the media also influence strikes and labour unions, thus, are important to take note of as they determine also the success and the failure of such endeavors.


            With such information, it can be concluded that in today’s generation, although the existence of advanced technology and science has already been used and recognized in the society, the working class still has high regard for the utilization of strikes, with the support of the labour or trade union. Similarly, the use of strikes has been one of the strategies of many labour unions to inform of the needs and rights of employees to their employers, who may sometimes neglect or disregard their welfare. In this regard, strikes in today’s generation are not only means to show protest, but are also means to provide information and knowledge to employers. Moreover, due to the development of science and technology during this time, it can be observed and perceived that the working conditions from today are totally different from the working conditions in the past centuries. Most especially, in this era, Canada is considered one of the most advanced societies in the world, thus, means the improvement and convenience of its working conditions. With this, it can be seen that the events of the past decades have become the bases for the development of the working class of today, as along with the development of different industries are the development of equipments, machineries, and wages. In addition, the perception and vision of work nowadays are completely different as before, thus, may provided confidence on the part of today’s working class to not experience the same hardships their ancestors have experienced. However, the events that happened in the past must not be neglected, as they are the events that molded and shaped today’s perception and idea of work and working conditions. With this, it would be relevant and useful to put the past behind, but at the same time, treasure the good memories and lessons acquired from past events. In this way, these lessons and memories can be used in the modern society for integration, education, and realization that would further mold and shape today’s generation and society.








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