Defining the Curriculum for Enhancing Education Through Technology (ETT) Grant



            This paper shows a proposed curriculum for the Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT) grant. Thus, it focuses on the area of virtual high school, where in e-learning is very important. The said grant is important because it can help the community to have funds that can help to push technology in the learning environment. As proposed, the curriculum will handle high school or secondary education including the primary subjects such as math, English and science. In addition it will also include important subject for changing world such as economics, world language, social sciences and information technology (IT).



            Enhancing Education through Technology (EETT) focuses on helping to advance the achievement of elementary and secondary schools with the help of technology (Education, 2006). One of the most important programs under EETT is implementing E-Learning by Virtual School. Online learning via virtual schools is considered is one of the most vital developments in attempting to rethink the efficiency of education in the world (Skills, 2006). Therefore, it is important to focus on the development of curriculum which will pertain on virtual schools. However, it is important to consider that there are different factors that must be considered in order to obtain a grant from EETT. Furthermore, there are different benefits which can be obtained including a fund which can help a program in technologies that will be using to the learning environment.


The Planning Effort

            There are many stakeholders and potential influences that can affect the process of developing and implementing the curriculum. Therefore, it is important to focus on the concerns of all the entities who are directly and indirectly involved in the process of planning the curriculum. Primarily it is important to involved individuals and groups, especially the teachers, because they are considered as the primary owners of curriculum in the traditional settings. Thus, it is important to include the federation of teachers, the coordinator of school programs and the head of instructional technology association. On the other hand, in order to ensure that this effort is community-wide, it is important to include the local government in the planning process, thus with the partnership effort, together with the entities involved in planning, they would be able to inform the public or the entire community regarding the program. The grant will give funds to assist eligible districts in order to make use of technology, which can help to improve teaching, at the same time, encourage learning. Therefore, it can help teachers and students to use high technology which can help their learning relationship. Particularly, it can help those students in rural areas to have a high quality education.


The Proposed Curriculum

            The curriculum will focus on high school level; therefore it will focus on the most important areas of knowledge including mathematics, science and language. Because of the current pressure of the Internet and globalization world language will also be included, in order for the students to be more aware of the ongoing culture mix. The curriculum will also focus on the social studies because social sciences and humanities can help to promote civic competence (Studies, 2009).  In addition, due to the growing issues of the economy, business and economics will also be included, which will serve as an eye opener for the students regarding what is going on in the global economy. Furthermore arts will also be included because it helps to expand the boundaries of learning from the students, at the same time support creative thinking and a deeper understanding of the core subjects, including language arts, math, science and social studies (Cluff). The curriculum will also focus on exam review and preparation in order to help high school students for their college career, while help them to decide about their career through the help of career planning subject. Above all, as a support to the growing importance of technology, Computer Science and Information Technology will also be included in the curriculum.

            To allow the students and the instructors to communicate different collaborative tools will be applied including gradebook, email, chat, search tool, doc sharing, journal and webliography. Thus the content will include text including readings, notes, thoughts; assessments like exams and quizzes; multimedia such as images, audio and video; and threaded discussion (Education I. S.).  Furthermore, faculties are in charge of evaluating the success of the curriculum. Assessment can be characterized as a process where in information is acquired to some known objective, and it include the process of testing. Like what have mentioned, assessment will be done after the end of a given lesson or unit of the study. Thus, evaluation will be done by essay, multiple choice and practicum examination, together with the different projects which include research journal, portfolio, paper proposal as well as rubrics (Akkoyunlu).




            In order to obtain grant from EETT, there are different factors that must be considered, including the aspect of curriculum. Therefore, it is vital to inform all of the important entities that are directly and indirectly involved in the learning process. In addition, it is also important to consider the roles of the community in the process of implementing educational program. Therefore, in the process of planning, it is important to consider the side and opinions of the faculty as well as other organizations in designing the curriculum.

            In the process of designing the curriculum, it is important to include subjects and units which are considered as primary knowledge, including math, science and English or language. However, due to the different factors that are affecting education or learning such as technology or the Internet and globalization, it is also vital to include additional subjects such as social sciences, career development, world language and IT. Then, it is important to focus on the different activities that will complement the virtual world, in terms of communication between the students and the instructors including e-mail, multimedia, chat as well as forums.



Akkoyunlu, B. (n.d.). Curriculum Assessment. Retrieved May 8, 2009, from Hacettepe University:

Cluff, D. (n.d.). The Importance of Fine Arts in the Classroom. Retrieved May 8, 2009, from Ezine @rticles:

Education, I. S. (n.d.). Retrieved May 8, 2009, from Illinois State Board of Education:

Education, U. D. (2006, September 16). Enhancing Education Through Technology (ED-TECH) State Program. Retrieved May 8, 2009, from

Skills, T. N. (2006). Virtual Schools and 21st Century. Retrieved May 8, 2009, from 21stCenturySkills:

Studies, N. C. (2009). Retrieved May 8, 2009, from National Council for the Social Studies:


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