Various Stages Consumers Would Go Through in Arriving at a Purchase Decision



In marketing, it is very important for the   salespeople to be able to identify the different buying behavior of the consumers.  Majority of the marketers believe that following the customer rules is their primary responsibility in the business organization; in order to gain an intimate knowledge of their  customers: what are their needs,  what satisfies them and makes them happy;  as well as  what benefits they are seeking in the marketplace.  Based on this research, consumer behavior includes the impact of all the things in the market place; from music to lighting on how people behave and how they consume the products. This consumer behavior is not new for the marketers, since business is a consumption-driven culture.  In this connection, it is very crucial to identify the following important factors on the part of the consumers before arriving into consumer final decision making.  First, the marketer must learn to recognize the problem of the customer.   This first stage, the customer identifies an unsatisfied need in him.  The customer is finding solution to his or her existing problem.  And, this must be recognized by the salesperson.    For instance the customer has a current mechanical problem on his car for the last two months already. And, one of the important factors that the salesperson must be addressed is to solve the customer’s present mechanical problem in order to lead the customer to buy the product.  If buying the product will help the customer to ease his or her present problem, naturally, he or she will be determined to get the product immediately.   The second stage that the consumer goes through before arriving to final decision is customers collect first, the information about the product and available brands through personal sources, commercial sources, public sources or experiential sources.  This information search both internal and external is also essential for the customer to have various options before making a final decision on what brand  must be bought, what best option or alternative is suited that may remedy to his or her present situation  or problem.  Then, the customer also seeks advice from friends, members of the family, as well as reads newspapers, watches TV and does  internet research for further  gathering of vital information before arriving into buying the product. In the third stage, the customers evaluate all the alternatives with the help of available information.  In this stage, alternative identification and evaluation is being made by the customer with   some ideas in mind about what alternatives he or she has.  Then, comparing and contrasting the options before arriving to final decision making.  In the fourth stage, the customer makes a purchase decision.  Based on the process of consideration, the client is ready to purchase the most attractive and beneficial option  he or she has been able to identified and very significant  in helping his or her present situation. And finally in the fifth stage, he or she experiences post purchase satisfaction or dissatisfaction.  This is otherwise known as post purchase evaluation. Letting the customer feels whether he or she is happy with the product he or she purchased.  Subsequently, getting feedbacks must be taken into account for future consumption behavior.  The consumer should remember how he or she feels about his or her feelings about the product he or she purchased.  This must be noted by the customer for future reference when buying other products in the near future.



Furthermore, “involvement” is also another factor before a customer buys a product.  The involvement ca is referred to as the personal importance and social relevance of the purchased product.  The importance can be a function of how much the product or service costs and whether there are any social risks involved.  Involvement is often classified as high or low. For illustration, many buyers purchase new cars, laser surgery for vision correction and new houses- these are all considered high involvement products that involved large amount of money.  On the other hand,  buying coffee, soft drinks or chewing gum is classified as  low involvement products because they only require little amount of money in buying.  While, if a man buys a new CD player for his car or a new sports-coat; they are both classified as medium price range as far as his budget is concerned and there is some level of risk surrounding the purchase.  Another important consideration is the situational effects of the product to the customer.  For example, a lasso is planning to attend an evening party with her friends.  The girl decides to buy new dress and shoes for her to wear in the party.  In the same manner, she also bought make up and perfume.  Obviously, the girl is very much interested and excited to attend the party that she is well prepared for it.







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