1.1 Objectives of This Report
The objective of this report is to do research on 4 holidays I have chosen and interview total of six people and also choose out attributes from the first three people that I interview. After getting the attributes from the first three people, I interview another 3 person who have totally different personality, demographics and reference group theory. This report will also evaluate why the responder chooses this holiday as their preference holiday and will explain their personality, demographic and reference group theory. Finally, several suggestions and recommendations are also discussed to conclude this report.
2.1 Holiday Destination
2.1.1 Holiday 1 – Sailing Whitsundays
In the heart of the Great Barrier Reef, ascending from out of the rich blue tropical waters lies an archipelago of green islands and sandy atolls. It’s one of Australia’s most enticing destinations, where you can fulfill all your holiday dreams because in the Whitsundays the most amazing things happen.
The Whitsundays is the perfect holiday destination choice for a group of fun seeking friends, a couple looking for a romantic break on a bareboat yacht or just a good old fashioned family sailing holiday.
Whitsundays Islands are one of the best yacht charter sailing and cruising grounds in the world. Sheltered from the ocean swells by the Great Barrier Reef, the area is classed as having partially smooth water which means safe and enjoyable sailing or cruising area for anyone.
Sailing Adventures normally cruise for 3 days and 2 nights or 3 days and 3 nights and guest numbers aboard range from 8 to 20 depending on the size of the vessel.
These trips are fully found – all meals, tea and coffee etc. included. Alcohol may be either BYO (bring your own) while several boats are fully licensed. Snorkelling equipment, bed linen and towels etc are usually included in the price which range from 5 to 0 per person per trip. The vessels are crewed by a fully certified skipper and crew/hostess/cook.
2.1.2 Weather
The Whitsundays enjoy spectacular tropical weather nearly all year round. Temperatures are very rarely lower than 20 degrees Celsius during the day with average water temperatures at 26 degrees Celsius.
Summers are from December to February which are usually hot and balmy with occasional showers, but even tend these tend to be warm and refreshing. The trade wind are strongest between May and August but a good for sailing breeze can be enjoyed at anytime of the year.
2.1.3 Holiday Packages
The Whitsundays offer holiday packages which includes Local Discovery Packages, Wedding and Honeymoon Packages, Budget Packages and special deals.
Local Discovery packages also includes A Night on Hayman Island at 6 per person, 6 Nights Reefside Villas Apartments and Anaconda III at 3 per person twin share, 5 Nights Sunlit waters and Mango (Oz Sail) at 8 per person twin share, Oceanpro 3 Day/3 Night Dive Package at 7 per person, and 6 Nights Maritime Villas and Solway Lass at 5 per person twin share.
Wedding and Honeymoon Package includes 5 Night Island Resort Honeymoon Package at 8 per person twin share and 5 Night Airline Waterfront Honeymoon Package at 9 per person twin share.
Budget Package offers 6 choices of packages which is price ranging from 9 to 5.
2.2 Holiday 2 – Skiing at Mt Hotham
2.2.1 Skiing at Mt Hotham
Mt Hotham is considered a serious skiers mountain, not just for the slopes but also due to the precarious nature of the roads leading into Hotham.
Fortunately these roads have been greatly improved from both directions and sealed all the way to the village from Dinner Plain.
Furthermore the addition of three new chairs has close to doubled the mountain’s terrain and opened up some challenging intermediate areas.
Yet Mt Hotham still has the most variety of advanced and expert runs of any resort in Australia, close to 40% of its total skiable area and numerous double black diamond areas.
Mt Hotham has undergone a transformation in recent years, a bridge to carry skiers/boarder across the access road, more snowmaking and lots of village developments. There is, of course, a good range of beginners and intermediate skiing/boarding as well, and night skiing is offered on the Big D area.
Accommodation is available on the mountain or just nearby at Dinner Plain, Australia’s only village above the snowline but not in a national park. Dinner Plain boasts some of, if not the best accommodation of any ski resort. At Dinner Plain a family is able to rent a whole modern multi-story house complete with fire place, kitchen and all the trimings for a comparable price to staying in a cramped, shared facility lodge. It makes staying at the snow a most comfortable experience.
Mt Hotham is located in the Bogong High Plains in close vicinity to its sister mountain Falls Creek to which helicopter flights can be charted. It is over 5 hours drive from Melbourne and 1.5 hours from Albury. With the latest addition of an Airport 10 Km’s from Dinner Plain, keen skiers can now access Mt Hotham from Melbourne or Sydney in under an hour2.2.2 Market Characteristics, Development and Trends
The China sportswear industry is in an oligopoly market structure, where there are few large firms (e.g. Nike, Addidas, Reebok and etc) dominate a particular market or industry with a competitive fringe of smaller firms sharing the remaining portion of the market. These major players of the industry has already enter and developed the China sportswear market, which showing their succeed to smaller firms that China has a certain level of product demand as well as the readiness to accept this foreign brand and trends of sportswear.
2.2.2 Climatic Conditions
The snowline of Mt Hotham is approximately 1400 meters. Average annual precipitation at MT Hotham, including both snowfall and rainfall, is 1494 mm. snowfalls occur on an average of 74.4 days annually. The average maximum snow depth is 1500 mm at an elevation of 1845 meters. Snowfalls that create and maintain a persistent snow cover usually begins in mid June and continue intermittently until early September. South facing slopes are capable of retaining snow for an extended period.
MT Hotham has a summer daily mean temperature of 11.1 degrees Celsius whilst in winter it is -1.0 degrees Celsius. The prevailing wind across the Bogong High Plains and Mt Hotham is from the north-west. South-easterly winds, often associated with fog and mist, are also common.
2.3 Holiday 3
2.3.1 Hong Kong Sight Seeing
The images of Hong Kong are captivating in their contrast, old wooden boats bobbing beside huge ocean liners, squad alleys behind luxury hotels, tiny tenements next to skyscrapers, and market vendors selling chicken feet while talking on a cellular phone and many others forms. In addition, Hong has its excellent infrastructure, efficient subway system, superb international facilities with an entry to a Chinese world.
Hong Kong offers visitors something unique, an experience of Chinese city with a combination of Western cultures. Its mixture of East and West has created a unique culture.
Chinese and English are the official languages and are widely spoken. Cantonese is the most common Chinese dialect, though Mandarin, Shanghainese and other Chinese dialects are also spoken. Many people especially in shops, hotels and service industries speak English.
2.3.2 Climate
Hong Kong’s subtropical climate produces high temperatures throughout most of the year and a short, mild winter. Spring (March to mid-May) averages around 23 degrees Celsius and is extremely wet, often causing dangerous landslides and floods. Summer (late May to mid-September) is hot and humid with periodic rain fall. Temperatures may rise to 33 degrees Celsius. Autumn (late September to early December) is dry with clean sunny days and temperatures hovering around 23 degrees Celsius. Winter (late December to February) is cool with low humidity with an average temperature of 17 degrees Celsius. The most significant weather event is the typhoon season of late summer.
Typhoon season normally begins in June and ends in September. There are at least two or three annual typhoons that hit Hong Kong or at least affect the weather of the territory. The Royal Observatory of Hong Kong is responsible for informing the mass media when a typhoon alert is hoisted. An alert system ranging from 1 to 10 indicates the severity of a typhoon. Number 8 means stay indoors as most public transport services are suspended.
2.4 Holiday 4
2.4.1 Camping at Flora River Nature Park
The principal attraction of the Park is the River with its springs, interesting tufa dams and associated riverine vegetation.
Flora River Nature Park is located 122 km south-west of Katherine. The park protects 25 km of the Flora River and an adjacent area of floodplain and savannah woodland.
The Park may become inaccessible at times after heavy rain. The most comfortable time of year to visit the Park is in the drier and slightly cooler months from May to October.
Recreational opportunities along the River, such as fishing, canoeing and boating are possible. It also includes 4 x 4 Driving, Caravan, Fishing, picnic and hiking. There are also stories, ceremonies and songs linking the ten clans performed along a singing trail which traverses the Park. Senior custodians conduct ceremonies in and around the Park’s sacred sites.
2.4.2 Camping Fees
In Territory Parks where camping is permitted, fees vary according to the standard of the campground facilities. Commercial campgrounds are found in many parks.
‘Category A’ campgrounds have a high degree of site maintenance. Campers will be provided with showers, toilets, rubbish bins, picnic tables, cooking facilities or services, barbecues and tap water. The overnight fee is: .60/adult, .30/child (5-15 years), .40/family (2 adults and 4 children).
‘Category B’ camping areas have a basic to moderate degree of site maintenance that may include toilets, picnic tables, tap water and barbecues. The overnight fee is : .30/adult, .65/child (5-15 years), .70/family (2 adults and 4 children).
‘Category C’ camping areas are youth or outdoor education camping areas. The overnight fee is: .30/adult, .65/child (5-15years), .70/family (2 adults and 4 children).
‘Category D’ camping areas are managed commercially. The degree of site maintenance, facilities and fees will vary. As a guide use ‘Category A’ for overnight fees except at Nitmiluk National Park which has a higher level of service.
‘Bushcamping’ – for all bushcamping, including overnight bushwalking, a permit is required from the Ranger at the Park or by applying to the Commission. The overnight fee is: .30/adult, .65/ child (5-15 years), .70/family (2 adults and 4 children).
2.4.3 – Climate
From the north to the south of the Territory, the climate varies gradationally from relatively high rainfall monsoonal to arid. The Territory’s highest annual rainfall is about 1800 mm, on the Tiwi Islands. This falls to less than 100mmm median annual rainfall in the extreme south-east (the Simpson Desert).
In the north, rainfall is strongly seasonal, with about 90% of annual rainfall falling within the 4 or so months of the wet season typically November to March. This is a time of heavy tropical downpours, and high temperatures and humidity. The “build-up” to the wet season (October-November) is characterized by a very high incidence of lightning strikes. Destructive cyclones are a recurring feature of the wet season. This extreme seasonality controls many features of the ecology of the Territory’s natural systems, including the timing of leaf fall, flowering and fruiting in plants, and of breeding, migration and activity patterns in animals. Many plants in the north of the Territory are deciduous in the late dry season. Many others are annuals, that appear only fleetingly during the wet season. The most seasonal environments are the extensive floodplains of the lower reaches of the large watercourses, which change from dry grasslands in the dry season to vast lakes, supporting hundreds of thousands of waterbirds, in the wet season.
The lack of rain during the dry season cures the grass and other understorey vegetation, developing a highly flammable, dense and extensive fuel load; and, as a result, fire is a frequent and almost inevitable process. The most intense fires typically occur in the late dry season, when fuels are at their driest, and when the frequent lightning strikes are main ignition sources.
In central Australia, climate is still highly seasonal, but rainfall patterning varies markedly between years. Drought is a feature of the history of this land, but heavy rainfalls, often associated with distant cyclonic activity, also occur and may result in sudden flood events in the desert. Temperatures in central Australia may become very hot (more than 40oC) in the summer months, and very cold (-10oC) in the winter. This climatic variation influences what wildlife you may see. For example, many reptiles are largely inactive in the central Australian winter, and hide underground during the heat of the day in the hot summer months.
The Territory’s climate has been buffeted by some very marked and rapid oscillations over the last 20,000 years. These have purged some of the biotra, and left others with relict distributions in climatically sheltered areas.
3.1 Attributes
Consumers before deciding on purchasing a product or services consider some attributes that would contribute to their decision making process. In here we have asked some people on what are the attributes they would consider in choosing for a holiday destination. Here are the following:
Respondent 1
Name: WEI CHEN Age: 22
Gender: Male Status: SINGLE
Relative weighting of attribute
Holiday 1
(Sailing Whitsundays)
rank 1-6
Holiday 2
(Skiing at Mt Hotham)
Holiday 3
(Hong Kong Sight Seeing)
Holiday 4
(Camping at Flora River Nature Park)
Attribute 1 (RELAXING)
3 (30)
4 (40)
4 (40)
5 (50)
Attribute 2 (Affordable)
4 (80)
3 (60)
2 (40)
6 (120)
Attribute 3 (Accessibility)
1 (10)
3 (30)
2 (20)
1 (10)
Attribute 4 (closeness to nature)
2 (20)
3 (30)
2 (20)
6 (60)
Attribute 5 (Accommodation)
5 (100)
5 (100)
5 (100)
4 (80)
Attribute 6 (type of adventure)
6 (180)
6 (180)
5 (150)
2 (60)
Preferred Holiday
Respondent 2
Name: WAYNE LOUYI Age: 41
Gender: Male Status: MARRIED
Relative weighting of attribute
Holiday 1
(Sailing Whitsundays)
Holiday 2
(Skiing at Mt Hotham)
Holiday 3
(Hong Kong Sight Seeing)
Holiday 4
(Camping at Flora River Nature Park)
Attribute 1 (RELAXING)
4 (80)
2 (40)
3 (60)
5 (100)
Attribute 2 (affordable)
4 (120)
4 (120)
2 (60)
6 (180)
Attribute 3 (Accessibility)
3 (30)
3 (30)
2 (20)
3 (30)
Attribute 4 (Closeness to nature)
4 (40)
4 (40)
3 (30)
6 (60)
Attribute 5 (Accommodation)
5 (50)
5 (50)
5 (50)
4 (40)
Attribute 6 (Type of Adventure)
4 (80)
3 (60)
4 (80)
4 (80)
Preferred Holiday
Respondent 3
Name: FAYE Age: 25
Gender: Female Status: PATNER
Relative weighting of attribute
Holiday 1
(Sailing Whitsundays)
Holiday 2
(Skiing at Mt Hotham)
Holiday 3
(Hong Kong Sight Seeing)
Holiday 4
(Camping at Flora River Nature Park)
Attribute 1 (RELAXING)
5 (150)
4 (120)
4 (120)
5 (150)
Attribute 2 (Affordable)
4 (80)
3 (60)
3 (60)
5 (100)
Attribute 3 (Accessibility)
5 (50)
3 (30)
3 (30)
3 (30)
Attribute 4 (Closeness to Nature)
5 (50)
4 (40)
3 (30)
5 (50)
Attribute 5 (Accommodation)
5 (100)
4 (80)
4 (80)
3 (60)
Attribute 6 (type of adventure)
6 (60)
3 (30)
5 (50)
4 (40)
Preferred Holiday
5.1 Responder 1 demographic, personality, reference group and explain y they choose this holiday and link to theory of textbook!
Wei Chen is single, 22 years old gentleman with extreme energy. He does different kinds of sports and enjoys adventures. He usually goes out with some of peer to search for some adventures.
The choice of holiday destination as seen in the table above, Wei Chen has placed more weight to the type of adventure in the attributes given in the table. Usually his decision of leisure activity is also affected with his peer since they usually go together on holidays.
According to(1989), peer group has a strong impact on the behavior. Since Wei Chen is still single, he spends more time with friends. Peer groups function as to provide information about leisure activities and experience.
5.2 Responder 2demographic, personality, reference group and explain y they choose this holiday and link to theory of textbook!
The second respondent, Wayne Louyi, is male, 41 years old and is married. He has 2 sons and 1 daughter. He works in an advertising company as a marketing consultant. He earns enough for his family. He has his own house and own car.
Since he is married, the choice of holidays destination is affected with the decision of his wife and his children. In addition, since they earn just enough for the family, affordability also is one of the factors in which he considers in choosing a holiday destination where the whole family could still enjoy.
Since Wayne Louyi and his wife is both nature lover, closeness to nature is also one attribute in which they consider. Camping is a good family activity for them where they could be close to nature and in which the family could bond.
5.3 Responder 3 demographic, personality, reference group and explain y they choose this holiday and link to theory of textbook!
The third respondent is Faye, 25 years old. She is working as an assistant HR in a shipping company. She is a hard working person. She always does her job in her best. She is a quite person however she also loves some adventure.
Since she has spent more of her time on her work, she needs relaxation. To this, she has given more weight on the attribute of relaxing. She also considers the affordability of the holiday destination since she is considering practicality. According to her, you don’t need to spend much to enjoy and relax.
Personality research focuses on the total individual and individual differences (1989). Interest in the total individual centers on the complex relationships among various aspects (e.g., motivation, learning) related to how one functions in the world. Although recognizing that similarities among all people exist, the study of individual differences is concerned with how people vary. More specifically, individual differences are related to the tendency for the behaviors of different individuals to fall at different points along various behavioral dimensions (1986).
Similarly, in the choice of holiday destination, people differ on choice according to their interest and preferences. Some people are adventurous while others are not. People also differ in the value they perceived on the attributes given. (1973) argued that once learned, values are hierarchically ordered into a system that differentially weights individual values by their perceived importance. Individuals rely on their value systems to maintain self-esteem or consistency in those situations where one or more conflicting values are activated. For example, a conflict arising between the values of excitement and security in a decision to participate in sky-diving would be resolved based on the priority given to each of those values in the individual’s value system ( 1979).
Gender has also been shown to be an important factor in much adult leisure experience (1990; 1989; 1988). For example, (1985) found that males had more weekend leisure time than females, although weekday gender differences were not significant. and (1985) showed that females perceived more barriers to their leisure than men. Following a similar line of analysis, (1988) found that females were not as likely as males to acknowledge free choice in their lives. However, most investigations of this kind have focused on gender-based inequalities in leisure and have not attempted to discuss race in any meaningful manner. Yet, studies of this kind do indicate the power of gender as a force of social stratification.
Table 1: Recommendations
Considering the data above, it has been covered that personal on holiday destination differ in different persons. There are many things to consider in the decision making process of consumers before actual purchasing the product or services.
In this survey, it has noted that demographics have an impact on the choice of the people. The perceived value also differs en every person. Age, gender and status also affect the decision of purchasing. Perceived value on the attributes offered by the holiday destinations also differs. Every person is affected with some external and internal factors in the choice of purchasing products and services.
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