this paper must demonstrate the contradictory nature of popular cultural texts. you should demonstrate the way that a women’s magazines (glamour magazine) is simultaneously part of popular culture but also indicative of the way that ideology is embedded within processes of cultural production.
What ideologies are encoded within the text?

· How might these ideologies be contradictory?

· How might semiotic analysis demonstrate the operation of ideology within the text?

· Is the text resistant to dominant power? If so, which formations of dominant ideologies is it resistant to?

· Is the text giving audiences what they want, or is it manipulating them?

· Is the text subculture or mass culture?

You should also make reference to how your chosen media format (and, wherever possible, your chosen text) has been interpreted by other critics. For example, if you are covering Cosmopolitan magazine but were unable to find appropriate discussions of Cosmopolitan you should still be referencing debates about how women magazines are discussed within cultural criticism. for this i would like to use the theories of

Important work: Feminism and Youth Culture (1991)

Again originally connected with the CCCS.

Focus on women worlds as subcultures.

 takes a textual approach to her subject  cultural materialism.

Main subject of analysis is teenage magazines Jackie and Just 17.

By exploring the magazines she attempts to gain and understanding of the role played by these texts in shaping women cultural identities.

Again shows and ambivalent attitude to the ideological functions of magazines.

* Are they propaganda that force girls into roles dictated by dominant ideology?
* Do they provide young women with genuine pleasures that enable them to bond with other girls and forge identities?


Angela and Garber, Marjorie (1991), Girls and Subcultures, in , Angela, Feminism and Youth Culture: From Jackie to Just Seventeen. Basingstoke: Macmillan. pp: 1-15.

The Meaning of Mod in Stuart Hall and Tony Jefferson Resistance through rituals: youth subcultures in post-war Britain

Further reading:

(1993), The Cultural Studies Reader. London: Rutledge

 (1981), Culture


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