Why Opt to Take a Degree in Teaching?



            This paper discusses why you should decide on taking a degree in teaching. An introduction provides the reader sufficient background on the topic and it is where the major points on the reasons on pursuing a degree on education is presented. The personal and professional benefits of the said degree are also included, together with the possible plans for you to utilize what you have learned in the program. As a closing, a conclusion paragraph is presented summarizing the thesis and its main points.


            A lot of challenges arise in the selection of one’s career path. In spite of this, it is also exciting since there are many things to be considered before making your final decision on the said matter. The career that you should be taking by now will define what you will be in the future. Since what you are considering here is not just a short time, but also a lasting career for your whole lifetime.

            A self-assessment will help you know yourself better. Your interests and talents are a good place to start your self-assessment. You might consider asking yourself: Do I have a love for (continuous) learning? Do I enjoy being with children? Do I like the feeling of being smarter than others, even if the “others” are younger than I am (mostly below 8 years old or above, it depends)? Do I receive unlimited satisfaction from helping others learn new things? Do I enjoy challenges and ever-changing opportunities? If you have answered all or most of these questions with a yes, then teaching might be the one for you.

            Challenges for you are exciting, and the rewards of it are priceless.  A simple smile from the face of a young boy as a sign of his realization that he can now read are only a few of the numerous accomplishments in life teaching can give you. Therefore, if you want to be one of the inspirations of our future musicians, mathematicians, scientists, and other future professionals of the next generation, consider the profession of teaching.

Teaching as a Noble Profession

            One of the noblest professions is the teaching career. Parents will be entrusting you with their children for almost eight hours a day. In other words, it is your duty to make them smart. You should be able to mold them into responsible human beings that will not shoot other people. As you slowly recall your past teachers from elementary up to the last time of your student days, you will soon realize that being a good teacher is not that easy as you think. It takes a lot of work, sacrifices, patience and dedication. The only thing that is truly rewarding is that you really can create a positive impact on your community, if you have done an excellent job. Being a teacher is a wonderful responsibility.

            However, the pursuance of a degree in teaching should not be taken for granted. Your reasons on why you want to be in the field of teaching should always be with a purpose. Still, for you to have a purpose, you should have a better and definite view of the nature of your job, the challenges and difficulties that come along with it. You should be ready to face these challenges. Think of it like there is no turning back.



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