Counseling is not a simple job it requires mastery and patience on the part of the counselor and in the industry it requires a degree to put it in to practice. Psychologist, Pastor, Health workers, Social workers are the most authorized individual to take into consideration if ever there is a need or guidance. They have studied counseling for years and they have all the necessary knowledge and patience to face the person to deal with them professionally.

      These counselors are trained to handle even the most critical situation a person may encounter and they are wise enough to study and assess emotional distress of the people even if they met them once. As you can see counseling is a serious profession.

      This counselors also performs different methodology depending on their expertise but mostly their common goal is to win over and get the patients confidence on their side through communication and personal approach. The following strategy is generally often used by professional psychiatrist, pastor or social worker so that they can get the confidence of their clients to communicate in a healthy manner, this strategy can also be used in school settings. But different approach may be used in a different situation.

      1. Identifying the needs of the clients to open up – a client or a student who has been brought to the counselors office is silent, they may never bring up issue and if they are emotionally weak crying is their best answer they may immediately feel guilty or aggressive upon his first few word. Obviously the role of the psychiatrist is for him to open up so they can solve their problem.

      Usually counselors, as much as possible will immediately establish rapport with their action and sensitivity, take a few good looks and take time for the client to decline their deep emotion. Or when in a group basically creates the same strategy. They may talk about simple things before bringing up the bigger problem. They may even ask for personal happy experiences of the clients to draw back their attention slightly.

      The counselor may ask, about his past life? Or they may ask about his childhood memory, till finally the client begins to open up. If the counselor asks about the immediate problem topic the clients may heat up easily never minding about their purpose and they may not be successful to get the clients side till he gets home.

       2. Establishing the right atmosphere and communication level – The clients are usually argumentative and hard to deal with, by establishing the right mode and right communication level, they can be easily sway down to lower their anger to level up the conversation in a softer tone and from then on the communication begins. Sometimes the clients may feel that they are the one who gets the side of the counselor and if it does the counselor is successful. 

      3. Quiet mode strategy and listening – People will listen if you listen first, so let the clients tell their side before they will listen to you. This communication openness strategy works best for outburst patients who never stops talking and nagging and what the counselor can do is to sit down and listen or be attentive and never leave the client till he release all his emotion. Counselor would allow the client to talk on and on and basically win over argument only by listening.

      4. A series of test – If the client is cooperative enough in a school settings, children may be ask to draw or paint while in a clinical settings they may be ask to write to release their emotion. This series of test may vary and maybe more complicated, then the evaluation and psycho – therapeutic assessment will be made. Sometimes it may take time or another session to finish its assessment.   

      5. The evaluation and compromise – If the counselor is successful to gain the helpfulness and cooperation of the clients then by this time will suggest a series of a win- win situation and compromise that may solve and give the clients a solution to unload their emotion.

      6. Counseling and prayers work – This is often used by pastor or church leader in counseling and it also can be used anywhere else since prayer is universal and a very strong force for people to gain the confidence and attention in a more holistic approach. A prayer can uplift and slow down emotions even by the most non cooperative client. Although some psychologist do not believe in prayers this technique has been introduced to be effective and becoming more and more popular in their practice.   

     7. The healing power of touch – A simple touch can heal a heart, a simple pat on the back can encourage. This technique requires a genuine concern for it to be established since the client may take a wrong notion about your action. Especially for high school students who need a tender loving care, but believe it or not, touch therapy works more than words can say.


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