Unit 1 – DB

Discussion on Consultation Notes

            Given the presented situation of Dr. Jean Paul Dupres, I was able to observe and list down the several problems of the board that will be useful in the assessment of the situation. First problem of the board is the ineffective leadership of Ken Martin, on being not able to coordinate the board members. Although he fills the gap of becoming a Chief Financial Officer of CFO and reports to the president, his lack of leadership skills causes him to not be recognized as a formal member of the board. This is maybe due also to the fact that he is only a representative, doing favors for James Haworth. Second problem is the need for a Chief Financial Officer to coordinate and direct the divisional finance executives and create a unified financial operation. Third problem is the needs of the company for a consultant, who will help Ken Martin, coordinate team efforts of the board. Fourth problem is the problem with teamwork in all functioning areas, which may affect reporting to a newly appointed CFO in the future. Fifth problem is the resolving conflicts regarding Chairmanship. Lastly, Dr. Jean Paul Dupres’ problem, regarding his being both the company’s CFO and board chairperson. He believes that his responsibilities caused great conflict and confusion at all levels of the organization, which has no effects on the improvement of Ken’s leadership, and even weakens the functioning of the Executive Group (“Career Education Corporation Online”, 2006, attachment).

            With these problems, I was able to efficiently identify the strengths and weaknesses of the situation. Strengths include the Executive Team’s desire for improvement, which is evident through their intentions of enhancing the skills of their members. Another is the loyalty of the board members to the company, which shows their desire for improvement and development of the members. Third is the board’s recognition of Ken’s potential and the need for his improvement. This strength shows the initiative of the board members to give room for Ken’s improvement, and lastly is the generosity of Dr. Dupres, who is willing to give him a second chance to improve his performance.

            Weaknesses of the situation include Ken’s lack of leadership skills, the functioning team’s lack of coordination and cooperation, the dilemma with individual work and performance of the employees, the Executive Group’s lack of unity, mishandling of resolving conflicts regarding Chairmanship, and the need for Ken’s coaching that would result to his growth and improvement.

            In identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the situation, it would be easy for me to raise suggestions and make negotiations. First suggestion or negotiation is for Dr. Dupres to continually assess the performance and skills of Ken, and even be the person to coach him. Ken’s coaching must be started immediately, to efficiently and effectively delineate the tasks and responsibilities of the members of the board. Dr. Dupres can also ask John Babcock or James McDermott to coach Ken. In addition, the board must be able to continually evaluate the skills, performance and qualities of Ken, if he is more suitable to become the company’s CEO or CFO. His training or coaching must include his knowledge and application of the different styles of leadership, namely, Coercive, Authoritative, Affiliative, Democratic, Pacesetting, and Coaching Styles (Goleman, 2000). Another suggestion or negotiation is for Dr. Dupres and the members of the board to increase the interaction and exposure of Ken to John Babcock and James McDermott. Being “legacies” in the Executive Group, they will be able to pass on their knowledge and techniques to Ken, before stepping down from the group. Moreover, Ken must also increase his exposure and interaction with the different functioning teams and other board members. Third is the suggestion that for Dr. Dupres to fully function as the Board’s Chairman, and to focus on one main responsibility only. Another is to assess the situation and performance of James Haworth to resolve Chairmanship conflicts, and to inform him about the decision of the board regarding Ken. Last but not the least suggestion is to enhance the communication and coordination of functioning teams to develop teamwork, through trainings and employee development. With trainings and employee development, the functioning teams can develop teamwork, which would help them perform their tasks and responsibilities better.

            I believe that the negotiations that I proposed and negotiated are fair to Ken and Dr. Dupres because the negotiations are intended to improve their performance. With these negotiations, Ken Martin will have the chance to be coached and the chance to improve, being supported by the whole Executive Group. With the coaching and training of Ken, specific tasks and responsibilities will be given to him, in turn, to each of the members of the Executive Group as well. This will favor Ken because the training and coaching will add and improve his knowledge regarding his work, and even give him the chance to attain a good position in the company. The negotiations will also favor Dr. Dupres because if Ken will have the position of the CEO or CFO, he will be able to focus only on being the Chairman of the Board, giving him the opportunity to perform his tasks well. In this way, he will not blame himself as causing conflict and confusion in the performance of the organization.

            Handling the case would favor the consulting firm because if this case will be successful then the consulting firm will be able to gain the continuous trust and confidence of the company. If ever the company will be encountering problems and dilemmas in the future, then the company or even the Executive Group will be seeking the advice, support and ideas of the consulting firm. With the good performance of the consulting firm, the company will be seeking constant advice and solution from the firm, in turn establishing the company’s loyalty to the consulting firm in their aim for client satisfaction. In addition, the consulting firm will be regarded as part of the company’s success and long-term development. The negotiations will also favor the Executive Team because with the coaching and improvement of Ken, and the Chairmanship of Dr. Dupres, each member, will be given the chance to also improve on their work performance and responsibilities, in line with the delegation of new responsibilities of Ken and Dr. Dupres. It would be easier for the team to delineate their tasks and responsibilities better, and effectively and efficiently work on their teamwork, communication and coordination. This would help members to function better in the team, and to work efficiently and effectively with their new team leaders. In addition, working together would enhance their ability to innovate, and provide solutions to the arising problems, such as employee conflicts, financial problems and many others.

            The negotiations would also favor the board members, including John Babcock and James McDermott because they will be able to share their knowledge and skills before stepping down from the company. In this way, they have contributed well to the welfare of the Executive Team, by helping Ken to improve on his skills and knowledge. However, in relation to James Haworth and the issue regarding Chairmanship, it would be better if James Haworth will be leaving the responsibility of being a Chairman to Dr. Dupres, being incapable of leading. However, because Ken Martin is a representative of James Haworth, James can still have a say on Board matters, especially with controlling 25% of the company’s stocks.

            I believe that aside from the parties already involved and discussed, there should be no more parties to be involved in this matter to maintain the secrecy and confidentiality of the situation. It is enough that only the important members of the company, such as the Board and the Executive Team know the situation, so as not to complicate the matter. These people are responsible for decision-making and their views and opinions regarding the situation will be most important. The views and opinions of these individuals must be considered because they have the authority to do so, and to make sure of coming up with relevant and wise decisions regarding the situation.




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