
2:07 PM Bibliography








Client Brief

The client is DRUG ARM a non-profit organisation helping people and their families who have been harmed by alcohol or drug use. It provides a range of prevention, rehabilitation, and management interventions to support individuals, families and communities to reduce the harm associated with alcohol and other drug use. It was originally founded in Queensland, and now has grown to incorporate operations in New South Wales, South Australia, and Queensland. The Foundation traces its history back to 1849.

            The vision of the organisation is to be recognised as a key provider of quality alcohol and other drug prevention, treatment, harm minimisation and support services. Its mission is to equip people to make a positive change through working with clients in order to provide prevention, treatment, harm minimisation and support services.

            One of the values of the organisation is to treat clients with respect and dignity, emphasizing on one’s worth. It helps enhance the skills, opportunities, knowledge, personal growth and safety of individuals, specifically for clients, volunteers, and staff of the organisation. It also values the integrity and accountability of the organisation in all aspects of service delivery and business. It values wise leadership based upon vision and innovation through new and innovative programs and research.

            DRUG ARM offers a wide range of services and programs namely Street Outreach Service or SOS, Home Assessment and Response Teams or HART, Mobile Outreach Support and Health Project by Integrated Teams or MOSHPIT, Court Diversion, Personal Support Program or PSP, and Resource Centre, with these programs differing from state to state and from region to region.


Overview of the Client Briefing and Expectations for Plan

            The most recent campaign of DRUG ARM is the “Healthy High” campaign, an event that brings together people with a common goal, which is to make a positive difference in the lives of thousands of Australians harmed by alcohol and illicit drug use. The campaign is about promoting the concept of good old-fashioned healthy fun. It also aims to let everyone send a clear message that “you don’t have to drink to have a good time… (and all young people aren’t binge drinkers!)”. The campaign also provides an opportunity for participants to be a part of something uplifting.

            Based on this campaign, a simple media plan is made in order to execute the campaign effectively. The plan is expected to be executed based on the timeline set. It is expected to target the publics set by the campaign. It is also expected to raise the funds needed for the support of the organisation and the campaign itself. More importantly, the plan is expected to deliver the message to its publics, particularly in trying to inform them of the aims or objectives of the campaign and organisation itself. The plan is also expected to increase the awareness of the organisation’s publics with regards to the overall objectives and aims of DRUG ARM.


Research and SWOT

            One of the problems that the society faces today is the problem with addiction, which can take the form of alcohol or drug addiction. One is said to continue his/her addiction as one gets immediate satisfaction from them and find they very hard to quit. As such, addiction to alcohol or drugs cannot only be defined as mere excessive use. It describes a persistent pattern of behaviour that persists and is supposed to be difficult or unworkable to give up at any point. The most common types of addiction are alcohol and drug addiction. Although they are two different addictions, they are related to one another due to the effects that each addiction presents to many individuals. Both addictions, when not controlled, can lead to serious diseases and even death. Having such addictions not only destroy the lives of the “addicts” but also destroy the lives of the people around them. In short, both addictions affect the whole society as well. Moreover, the issue becomes more significantly relevant as both addictions are associated to many crimes present in the society today. In addition, such addictions are also relevant for appraisal and discussion for additional information and knowledge regarding the actions and decisions made by the society in seeking treatment and guidance for clients facing the problem.

            Given the many negative effects of addiction, many organisations in Australia, particularly in Queensland are taking action in order to help many individuals with their situation. In relation to the campaign of the organisation, a number of websites have been visited, which tackle and address different information regarding drug and alcohol abuse. In addition, the government of Queensland also supports the aims of DRUG ARM’s campaign by launching information and additional knowledge regarding alcohol and drug addiction.


Analysis of Key Problems and Opportunities

            The major problem or issue that the DRUG ARM must consider is that it relies heavily on the support that it receives from its donors, sponsors and volunteers, and that support keeps the organisation’s programs and services operating. This can be considered as one source of problem of the organisation because being non-profit, it only relies on the money being given to donated to them by other organisations. The organisation is fortunate, as many other organisations support them through monetary support. However, the operations of DRUG ARM will be paralysed particularly when the monetary support given to them by other organisations will be stopped. In addition to this, given a worse case scenario, the operations and the services of the organisation will also be paralysed and halted when individuals that support the organisation will stop donating monetary support. As such, it can be emphasized that because of the heavy reliance of the organisation with external help and support through monetary donations, the moment that no other organisations or individuals provide them such, means the death of their organisation and all its activities.

            Another problem of the organisation is in terms of its use of communication and promotions. It has been indicated in the previous research of the organisation that its name needs to be more widely publicised. It just means that not all individuals in Queensland and other parts of Australia know the organisation particularly its aims and objectives. It also indicates that the means of the organisation to reach its publics, particularly the drug and alcohol users and abusers are not appropriate and effective, thus, not providing them the proper information that they can use for guidance. Another issue in relation to communication is the use of the organisation’s name, DRUG ARM. Many respondents of the market research suggested that the name of the organisation does not suggest its values, or is an attractive name. This is another factor to consider, as in order for the organisation to reach its target publics, it must be able to have a catchy and attractive name. This would be useful for many individuals in the society, particularly the drug and alcohol users will be able to remember the name, and in turn the aims and objectives of the organisation. The third and final issue in relation to the use of communication of the organisation is its choice of mail, which caters to the older market in general. In order for DRUG ARM to cater to the needs of other individuals, particularly to the younger members of society, they can choose to use other forms of communication and media, such as radio, television, print media, and the Internet.

            Based on the 514 responses from the distributed 2,000 questionnaires, 46.9% of respondents were aged 65 years old and above and another 1/3 are 50 years old and above. This just means that majority of the publics being currently targeted by the organisation belong to the older generation. However, according to the data gathered by DRUG ARM, 45% of the members of the society represent its major problem in relation to drugs, with which is not caused by the older members of society. In relation to this are media reports indicating that reports of increased binge drinking increase in violence, and bad behaviour after heavy drinking are being caused by young individuals in the community and society. As such, the organisation must decide to cater to the needs of the younger generation, who badly needs help and counselling.

            Another problem is the fact that the organisation is having a hard time competing with other programs and projects of the community, particularly in competing with sick kids, fluffy animals, and cancer. With the lack of a catchy name and having using mail as its means of communication, the organisation will have a hard time competing.

            Lastly, the database of the organisation is not growing, as the majority of its members belong to the older generation aged 65 years old and above. In order to expand its database, DRUG ARM must be able to target the younger members of the society.

            Despite the presence of a number of problems, a number of opportunities for the organisation can also be determined. One of the open opportunities for the organisation is for it to increase its fund-raising activities. The organisation can afford to become more creative and more open for it to be able to effectively reach its publics, particularly the younger members of the society. Another opportunity for the organisation is to improve its means of communication. Aside from using mail alone, it can utilize other means of communication, particularly the use of technology and the World Wide Web. It can increase its media exposure, such as through television, radio, print media, and public ads, such as billboards. It can also collaborate with other organisations, such as other non-profit organisations and food chains. In addition, DRUG ARM can also decide to change its name into a catchier one, such as DRUG BUSTERS or the like. The third open opportunity for the organisation is to start targeting or reaching the members of the younger generation. As DRUG ARM uses the other different means of communication, particularly the Internet, it can effectively reach the younger generation. Last opportunity would be not competing with other organisations for the attention of the publics, but to help them with their projects in order to help the publics associate their activities with them. As such, the organisation is able to have more exposure in the community and society.


Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses

            One of the strengths of the organisation and its campaign is a clearly defined purpose and target publics, along with the needed or target amount, defined venue, participants, and plan of events. This indicates that the organisation has a clearly defined campaign. Another strength is that DRUG ARM has a long history, which can be traced back to 1849. This means that it is already well-established and trusted as a non-profit organisation and well trusted by other organisations. Its long existence means that a lot organisations and donors support it and believe in its cause. The organisation also has a lot of other locations or branches, which it can use to easily disperse information and receive donations or support from other organisations.

            In addition, the strength of the organisation is that it has a variety of services, which readily cater to the needs of many individuals. It is also dedicated to its service, as proven by the long and withstanding period of time it has been providing services to its publics. Lastly, it has past successful experiences with fund raising activities, which can be deemed useful for this new campaign.

            However, despite its strengths, a number of weaknesses can also be identified. Heavy reliance on the donations and support of other organisations serve as its weakness, for the moment their donation stops, the activities of DRUG ARM will stop as well. The lack of support from the government also serves as its weakness, for it can be perceived that the government can easily provide the organisation with more support and networks it can use in order to provide better services. However, the lack of government support means that the organisation somehow lacks the effective means for it to be introduced to the community or society. The lack of effective and proper communication means also serves to be a weakness. This is because the lack of proper communication channels means that the campaign will not be introduced effectively to its target publics. This is also indicative that the organisation itself lacks enough media exposure. Lastly, the members of the organisation are members of the older generation, thus, not being expanded for more coverage.


Target Publics

            The primary target of the “Healthy High” campaign includes the members of the Generation Y or the “dot-coms”. The age range of the primary target publics of the campaign is 18 to 33 years. The secondary target of the campaign includes the Generation X, having an age range of 33 to 48 years old and the Boomers, having an age range of 45 to 60 years old. Included as target publics are motivated people who work hard, who play hard, and who are happy to support a good cause.



            Three main objectives want to be achieved in order to make the campaign successful. The first is to raise 0,000 in order to support DRUG ARM’s SOS through sponsorship and participation. The second objective or purpose is to shift attitudes toward the use of alcohol through education about safe drinking and incorporating guidelines into one’s lifestyle. The third and final objective is to raise awareness and increase the public profile of DRUG ARM, in the hope of increasing participation in Workplace Giving programs and corporate partnerships.



            The first strategy to be used in the execution of the plan is the distribution or dissemination of the information regarding the campaign. The distribution of the information involves the use of different types of media, such as the television, radio, newspaper, magazines and other print media, and particularly the Internet or the website of DRUG ARM. This is going to be utilized in order to effectively promote the campaign and all the necessary events associated with it. In addition to utilizing the different forms of media and communication, direct promotion of the campaign and its different events can be introduced to individuals in public places, such as in malls and parks. DRUG ARM can establish some stalls or booths in public places so that direct promotion of the campaign can be done. Lastly, the distribution of the information can also be done through the assembly of the members. The members can encourage their friends, peers, and relatives to join the events prepared by the organisation. More importantly, the distribution of information is important for fund raising activities because through information distribution, the organisation will be able to encourage individuals to support them and their activities.

            After the distribution of relevant information, the fund raising activities must be laid out. Aside from the support being obtained from the donors and supporters of the organisation, DRUG ARM can opt to execute other ways of fund raising activities, such as ticket selling, food sale, and craft sales. Each member of the organisation can contribute to making crafts or food, which they can sell in order to raise funds for the events.

            After the amount of money needed has been raised, it can now be used to purchase needed materials, prepare the venue to be used, and invite personalities or celebrities to participate. Moreover, the funds raised may also be used to purchase the prices for the contests, including the snacks to be given to the individuals who will attend the events.



1. Pre-launch of the “Health High” campaign

Venue: Australian Winter School Conference

Date: 12 – 14 May

Program: National drug and alcohol conference for government and agencies


-       Develop key messages in order to put together into all press materials and talking points for spokespeople

-       Develop a press list, including all the TV and radio stations, college- and university-affiliated stations, local daily and weekly newspapers, and magazines.

-       Obtain the sponsorship of college or university organisations that will participate in the conference


2. Major launch

Date: Thursday 19 June or Friday 20 June

Program: Breakfast with sponsors, other agencies, supporters, etc.

- Special guest: TBC


-       Develop a list of participants to be included in the breakfast meeting

-       Collaborate with venue for breakfast details

-       Develop a press list.

-       Collaborate with the special guest in terms of schedule, venue and presentation


3. Actual Event: Drug Action Week

Date: 22 – 28 June

Location: People from all over Australia will be invited to participate and organisers will be located in Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia through the DRUG ARM network

Event Times: Participants will be expected to abstain from alcohol 24 hours a day for the 10 day period


-       Invitation of the employers, friends and family of the participants to cheer them on to success and provide financial motivation by way of sponsorship, which will be donated to DRUG ARM’s Street Outreach Service

-       Invitation and collaboration with local celebrities, media personalities, and business and sporting identities

-       Activities for the “Healthy High” campaign include sporting activities, art contests, scrabble/board game nights, “giving our brain cells a break” weekends, mocktail parties, and many others

-       Award given to all successful participants (thank you gift) and the person who raises the most money through sponsorship will receive the major price



            In order to measure the first objective, two ways or strategies can be utilized. The first strategy is to directly count or take note of the amount of money being raised through the whole campaign. Another way is by computing the total amount raised through the campaign and the total cost of the whole campaign. If the total cost of the campaign would be subtracted to the total amount raised from the whole campaign, and still, 0,000 is obtained, then it can be concluded that the objective has been achieved successfully.

            Measuring the second objective with regards to its success is a little difficult and takes a long period of time. This is because the shift of attitudes toward the use of alcohol of many individuals takes a lot of practice, thus, making its measurement and evaluation difficult.

            Lastly, the measurement of the awareness of the public in terms of the public profile of DRUG ARM can be done in a matter of months. This can be done through surveys, interviews, and direct conversation with the general public in relation to the campaign.


For further details, please contact


Theresa Scanlan

National Community Relations Manager

3620 8830


Josie Loth

National Marketing & Communications Coordinator

3620 8832


Johnny Hoy – please address to Johnny in the subject line

Healthy High Officer

(Thursday’s only)


The Courier Mail


Immediate Release


DRUG ARM launches “Healthy High” campaign


DRUG ARM, a non-profit organisation that helps people and their families who have been harmed by alcohol and drug use launches its “Healthy High” campaign that starts on Friday 20th June and ends on Monday 30th June, simultaneously all over Australia.


The campaign aims to raise 0,000, help shift attitudes towards alcohol use through education, and raise awareness and increase the organisation’s public profile.


The campaign hosts a 10-day event called Drug Action Week wherein adult participants of all ages and from all walks of life will make a promise to abstain from drinking alcohol for a ten day period.


Activities for the campaign include sporting activities, art contests, scrabble/board game nights, “giving our brain cells a break” weekends, mocktail parties, and many others.

                                                                                                                        More over…


DRUG ARM launches campaign (cont)


Employers, friends and family of the participants will be invited and provide financial motivation by way of sponsorship. Local celebrities, media personalities, and business and sporting identities will also be invited.


All successful participants will receive a thank you gift and the person who raises the most money through sponsorship will receive the major price.




For further information, please contact


Theresa Scanlan

National Community Relations Manager

3620 8830


Josie Loth

National Marketing & Communications Coordinator

3620 8832


Johnny Hoy – please address to Johnny in the subject line

Healthy High Officer

The Courier Mail


Immediate Release


DRUG ARM new campaign targets younger generation


DRUG ARM’s “Healthy High” campaign, which aims to raise funds, shift attitudes toward alcohol use, and increase the organisation’s public profile targets younger generation at its 10-day event, starting on Friday 20th June and ends on Monday 30th June, happening all over Australia.


The target market of the campaign includes primarily the Generation Y or the ‘dot-coms’, aged 18 to 33, the Generation X, aged 33 to 48, the Boomers, aged 45 to 60, and all motivated individuals who work hard, play hard and are happy to support a good cause.


This serves as a response to the media reports indicating that young people in Australia behave badly after heavy drinking, leading to increased cases of binge drinking and violence.


                                                                                                                        More over…


DRUG ARM campaign younger generation (cont)


In addition, DRUG ARM wants to expand its database, as the large proportion of long-term donors are aged 65 years old and above. The organisation wants to start targeting younger donors to maintain its income streams.



For further details, please contact


Theresa Scanlan

National Community Relations Manager

3620 8830


Josie Loth

National Marketing & Communications Coordinator

3620 8832


Johnny Hoy – please address to Johnny in the subject line

Healthy High Officer

(Thursday’s only)



30 APRIL 2008


All media are invited to attend


WHAT: DRUG ARM launches its “Healthy High” campaign

WHO: Adult participants of all ages and from all walks of life

WHERE: All over Australia

WHEN: Friday 20th June to Monday 30th June 2008




DRUG ARM, a non-profit organisation that helps people and their families who have been harmed by alcohol and drug use launches its “Healthy High” campaign that starts on Friday 20th June and ends on Monday 30th June, simultaneously all over Australia.


The campaign aims to raise 0,000, help shift attitudes towards alcohol use through education, and raise awareness and increase the organisation’s public profile.

The campaign hosts a 10-day event called Drug Action Week wherein adult participants of all ages and from all walks of life will make a promise to abstain from drinking alcohol for a ten day period.


Activities for the campaign include sporting activities, art contests, scrabble/board game nights, “giving our brain cells a break” weekends, mocktail parties, and many others.




For further information, please contact:


Theresa Scanlan

National Community Relations Manager

3620 8830


Johnny Hoy – please address to Johnny in the subject line

Healthy High Officer

(Thursday’s only)

Feature Lead



DRUG ARM, a non-profit organisation that helps people and their families who have been harmed by alcohol and drug use launches its “Healthy High” campaign that starts on Friday 20th June and ends on Monday 30th June, simultaneously all over Australia.



The campaign aims to raise 0,000, help shift attitudes towards alcohol use through education, and raise awareness and increase the organisation’s public profile. The campaign hosts a 10-day event called Drug Action Week wherein adult participants of all ages and from all walks of life will make a promise to abstain from drinking alcohol for a ten day period.

Activities for the campaign include sporting activities, art contests, scrabble/board game nights, “giving our brain cells a break” weekends, mocktail parties, and many others. Employers, friends and family of the participants will be invited and provide financial motivation by way of sponsorship. Local celebrities, media personalities, and business and sporting identities will also be invited.

All successful participants will receive a thank you gift and the person who raises the most money through sponsorship will receive the major price.


24 Hamilton Place BOWEN HILLS Queensland Australia 4006

(07) 3620 8811




Elizabeth Allen (Feature Writer) The Courier Mail


 DRUG ARM National Office


 (07) 3666 6696



 (07) 3666 6017




 DRUG ARM launches “Healthy High” campaign


 DRUG ARM National Office

Urgent      For Review      Please Comment    Please Reply     Please Recycle








“Healthy High” Campaign – An opportunity

to be a part of something UPLIFTING!


“Healthy High” Campaign

“Healthy High” is an event that brings together people with a common goal, which is to make a positive difference in the lives of thousands of Australians harmed by alcohol and illicit drug use. It promotes the concept of good old-fashioned healthy fun and sends a clear message that one does not have to drink to have a good time. The campaign features a 10-day event, starting on Friday 20th June and ends on Monday 30th June, happening all over Australia.


History of the Campaign

The “Healthy High” campaign was initiated by DRUG ARM, a non-profit organisation that aims to help people and their families who have been harmed by alcohol or drug use. DRUG ARM was founded in 1849 in Queensland, and now has grown to incorporate operations in New South Wales, South Australia, and Queensland.


Currently, the members of the organisation belong to the older generation of the community, who make up the large proportion of long-term donors of the organisation. As such, DRUG ARM wants to expand its database, in order to start targeting younger donors to maintain its income streams. This will also serve to be a response of the organisation to the media reports indicating that young people in Australia behave badly after heavy drinking, leading to increased cases of binge drinking and violence.


Target Publics of the “Healthy High”

As stated, the target publics of the campaign include the members of the younger generation in Australia. The target market of the campaign includes primarily the Generation Y or the ‘dot-coms’, aged 18 to 33, the Generation X, aged 33 to 48, the Boomers, aged 45 to 60, and all motivated individuals who work hard, play hard and are happy to support a good cause. In this sense, the campaign would be able to take action regarding the crisis of binge drinking and violence in the community and even expand the members and donors of the organisation.


Objectives of “Healthy High”

Three main objectives want to be achieved in order to make the campaign successful. The first is to raise 0,000 in order to support DRUG ARM’s SOS through sponsorship and participation. The second objective or purpose is to shift attitudes toward the use of alcohol through education about safe drinking and incorporating guidelines into one’s lifestyle. The third and final objective is to raise awareness and increase the public profile of DRUG ARM, in the hope of increasing participation in Workplace Giving programs and corporate partnerships.


In addition, the 10-day event would be utilized by DRUG ARM Australasia in order to provide the vehicle through which funds will be raised and distributed. The event would also be used to provide the administrative and organisational energy to coordinate and deliver. Lastly, it would be used to provide transparency for contributors in order to ensure that funds are appropriately distributed.


Timeline of “Healthy High”

The “Healthy High” campaign would have its pre-launch on 12 to 14 of May at the Australian Winter School Conference. This is a program for national drug and alcohol conference for government and agencies. The campaign would have its major launch on Thursday 19 or Friday 20th of June, during a breakfast conference with sponsors, other agencies, supporters, and many others. The special guest for the major launch would be TBC. Interested participants can visit DRUG ARM’s website The main event that would introduce the campaign to its target publics commences on Friday 20th June and concludes on Monday 30th June, with its Drug Action Week on 22 to 28 June.   


Facilities and Features of “Healthy High”

The main attraction of the campaign features a 10-day event that aims to raise in excess of 0,000, which would be used in order to facilitate the services of DRUG ARM. People from all over Australia would be invited to participate and organisers would be located in Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia through the DRUG ARM network.


For the event, adult participants of all ages and from all walks of life would make a promise and would be expected to abstain from alcohol 24 hours a day for the 10-day period. Their employers, friends, and family would be invited to cheer them on to success and provide financial motivation by way of sponsorship. The funds received from the sponsorship would be donated to DRUG ARM’s Street Outreach Service or SOS.


Activities for the “Healthy High” campaign event would include sporting activities, art contests, scrabble/board game nights, “giving your brain cells a break” weekends, mocktail parties, and many others. In addition to such activities, local celebrities, media personalities, and business and sporting identities would also be invited to become involved and be part of introducing the campaign to its target publics. At the end of the event, all successful participants would receive a thank you gift and the person who raises the most money through sponsorship would receive the major price.


For further information, please contact:


Theresa Scanlan

National Community Relations Manager

3620 8830


Josie Loth

National Marketing & Communications Coordinator

3620 8832


Johnny Hoy – please address to Johnny in the subject line

Healthy High Officer

(Thursday’s only)   




Community Service Announcement


Thursday 19 June 2008

FOR: 102.1 MHz 4ZZZ, Bay FM, Sea FM, 4CA-FM Prime Radio Queensland, Radio National – ABC, NewsRadio – ABC, Radio Metro, ABC Coast FM – ABC, Triple J – ABC, Mix-FM – Prime Radio Queensland







Hi, this is Kylie Minogue, and I support DRUG ARM’s “Healthy High” campaign for good clean fun.

Just like me, you can have fun without drinking and taking drugs that will make your future ‘spin around’!

Also, just like me, you are invited to the biggest event to hit Australia, the “Healthy High” campaign event, which is a 10-day event all over the country.


Promise me you’ll never drink during that period, coz I promise you, I won’t.


Check me out at the event, from Friday 20th of June to Monday 30th of June.

For more inquiries regarding the event, check out DRUG ARM website at




This is your opportunity to be part of something UPLIFTING! (whoooooo!)


For further information, please contact:


Theresa Scanlan

National Community Relations Manager

3620 8830


Josie Loth

National Marketing & Communications Coordinator

3620 8832


Johnny Hoy – please address to Johnny in the subject line

Healthy High Officer

(Thursday’s only)


Photo Opportunities


1. Date and time:                  12 May 2008 at 9am

    Venue:                               Australian Winter School Assembly Hall

    Photo:                                DRUG ARM’s Executive Director and Company Secretary Dennis Young with school officials on press conference

   Caption:                              DRUG ARM’s “Healthy High” campaign launch at Australia Winter School


2. Date and time:                  20 June 2008 Friday at 9am

    Venue:                               “Healthy High” campaign activity site, simultaneous all over Australia

    Photo:                                Peter Henderson, DRUG ARM Chairman of the Board helps launch the campaign, introduction of participants, sponsors and donors, special guest TBC

   Caption:                              DRUG ARM Chairman leads the “Healthy High” campaign all across Australia and jams with TBC


3. Date and time:                  22 June 2008 at 4pm

    Venue:                               “Healthy High” campaign activity site

    Photo:                                Sporting activities to be headed by one of DRUG ARM’s Directors, David Watts

    Caption:                             One of DRUG ARM’s Directors David Watts to lead sporting activities of “Healthy High” campaign


4. Date and time:                  23 June 2008 at 10am

    Venue:                               “Healthy High” campaign activity site

    Photo:                                Representatives and donors from different supporting organisations join the art contest

    Caption:                             Donors and supporters aim to show off art skills


5. Date and time:                  25 June 2008 at 7pm

    Venue:                               “Healthy High” campaign activity site

    Photo:                                Participants to join the scrabble/board game nights, announcement of winners

    Caption:                             Scrabble/board game nights to be enjoyed by participants of the “Healthy High” campaign


6. Date and time:                  29 June 2008 at 7pm

    Venue:                               “Healthy High” campaign activity site

    Photo:                                Preliminary announcements and expected winners of the contests to be announced by Leonie Short, one of the Directors of DRUG ARM, final dinner

   Caption:                              Final assembly of all the participants of the campaign had fun







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