Biofuels Replacing Fossil Fuels Annotated Bibliography


  • Giampietro, Mario, Kozo Mayumi, and Jesus Ramos-Martin. “Can Biofuels Replace Fossil Energy Fuels? A Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis Based on the Concept of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism: Part 1”. International Journal of Transdisciplinary Research 1.1 (2006): 51-87.


Annotation: This journal emphasizes the two metaphors used to explain why biomass energy was abandoned during the industrial revolution. The two metaphors include the Yin-Yang tension between recycling and linearization, and the energy sector of a society seen like the heart of the human body. After the analysis of the two metaphors, the journal also provided a critical appraisal of the option of biofuels as an alternative to oil. Agreeing on the fact that humans must find a substitute for fossil energy does not entail that this substitute should be biofuels.


  • Manuel, John. “Battle of the Biofuels”. Environmental Health Perspectives 115.2 (2007): 92+.

Annotation: The authors performed their analysis using public data on farm yields, commodity and fuel prices, farm energy and chemical inputs, production plant efficiencies, production of coproducts (e.g., an animal feed known as distillers dried grains with solubles, or DDGS), greenhouse gas emissions, and other environmental effects. The boundaries the authors established in accounting for energy inputs were larger than in other studies, including, for example, the energy required to manufacture the machinery used to farm corn and soybeans. The authors concluded that soybean biodiesel has major advantages over corn grain ethanol, but that neither can be depended upon to significantly reduce our reliance on petroleum without competing with the food supply. Instead, the report called for the development of biofuels based on nonfood crops such as prairie grasses and woody plants, which can be converted to synthetic hydrocarbons or cellulosic ethanol.

·         Elliott, David. Energy, Society, and Environment: Technology for a Sustainable Future. London: Routledge, 1997

Annotation: This book presents a number of environmental issues, including the issue on how biofuels can be used as a source of energy for different industrial processes. It also presents a number of issues in relation to the use of energy that affects the society and the planet entirely. In addition, the different problems in the environment in relation to the use of the different sources or forms of energy had been critically analyzed.

·         Homsy, George. “Earth, Wind, and Fire: Even the Threat of Global Warming Could Not Help Al Gore around Some Inconvenient Zoning”. Planning 73.8 (2007): 46+.

Annotation: This magazine article presents the report of emphasizing the role of biofuels as a replacement of other forms of energy sources. The different sources of biofuels are also emphasized, thus, providing a good alternative for the use of biofuels as a replacement for fossil fuels.

·         Piet, Lens, Westermann, Peter, Marianne Haberbauer, and Angelo Moreno., ed. Biofuels for Fuel Cells: Renewable Energy from Biomass Fermentation. London: IWA Publishing, 2006.

Annotation: This book discusses the application of biofuels for fuel cells, placing emphasis on the fact that biofuels are renewable energy from the fermentation of biomass. The different uses, applications, and facts regarding biofuels were indicated, thus, providing a good source for the topic to be discussed.

·         “Biofuels for Sustainable Transportation”. National Biofuels Program 2007

Annotation: This article emphasizes and discusses the different facts about biofuels, including its sources and its forms that can be used as a source of energy in different industrial processes. It also emphasizes the use of the different forms of biofuel in the economy of the United States. In addition, the effects of using biofuels in the environment have also been discussed, including the performance of biofuels in the market of the United States.



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