
2:07 PM Bibliography




“The Filipinos love to talk and to interact, thus the penchant for gossip, telebabad (the habit of engaging in long, often senseless conversations over the telephone) and, this time, text messaging.  The Filipinos are heavy users, not due to big businesses, but because it is one form of entertainment. Filipinos love talking.  Filipinos love interacting so much he is using text messaging as a medium” (2000).


It would be an understatement to say that text messaging, or texting, has revolutionized communication in the Philippines.  It has successfully entrenched itself into the unique Filipino lifestyle, becoming an indispensable part of every Filipino’s life.  Arguably, the most stellar contribution the cellphone has had in contemporary Filipino life is when it played a crucial role in galvanizing support for the EDSA 2, heralding its importance in today’s Philippine society.  ( 2001)

It used to be that the cellphone was a status symbol; however, the rapid advances in telecommunications technology has enabled virtually anyone access to this technology due to the affordable price of the phones as well as the services it offers.  Interestingly, it is not the calls which are bringing in the sales, rather, it is the text messaging function which has been raking in all the income.  And it sure does make economic sense.  Figure this out, calls on landline phones cost about P5.00 for three minutes, while calls made to cell phones cost P9 per minute.  However, text messages, about 160 characters long, cost only a peso per message ( 2001).  To better appreciate its popularity, in 1998 alone, more than eighteen million text messages were transmitted in the country daily.  ( 2001)

The youth have been quick to catch up with this technology.  It has, unofficially, become the status symbol of Filipino youth, who are now far more knowledgeable about a cellphone’s latest features than their parents.  Moreover, it has definitely created a unique venue among young Filipinos, where they could express themselves, starting out with the unique text lingo, and by the countless jokes, pieces of advice and graphics that could be sent through it.  Young Filipinos have used this technology to look out for dates; get to know potential beaus; meet new people, outside their current circle of friends; and essentially, become the glue that has bonded the barkada (close friends) together during happy days like gimik (fun-filled night-time activities) as well as during those sad days (breaking-up with the boyfriend). 

Although no statistics are available as to how many De La Salle University (DLSU) students have a cellphone, it would not surprise the researchers if the incidence of ownership is almost 100%.  With a student population known for being in the forefront of whatever is hip or cool in today’s society, it would be interesting to know what the cellphone has done in changing, molding and improving the lifestyle of a typical La Salle student.  Although, not quite the image of a typical young Filipino (due to the predominantly upper middle class population in the university), the researchers would like to paint an interesting, accurate, even, earnest picture of what this landmark technology has done in shaping today’s Filipino youth culture, using DLSU as a barometer.

In general, the study will point out the lifestyle changes brought about by cellphone usage, which have happened to DLSU students. This study will primarily focus on the advantages and disadvantages of cellular phone usage.  The Filipino youth has adapted nicely to cellular phone technology.  But are we really seeing the whole picture?  With this study, the researchers hope to provide a more in-depth look.

Review of Related Literature

Text messaging is a fairly recent phenomenon considering that cellular phones have been around for more than a decade.  However, it is such a hit that it has revolutionized how Filipinos communicate and it has certainly made a dent on the social lives of today’s intrepid Filipino youth.  The following topics on cellular phone usage will be discussed: its transition from status symbol to mass product, the importance of brand recall, the quality of the carrier service, facts about text messaging, prospective legislation on text messaging, the social aspect and financial cost involved in owning a cellphone, facts about text lingo and the coping mechanisms adopted by the students who own cellphones. 

From mere status symbol to mass product

In the late 80’s, people who were seen with a cell phone in hand were unmistakably from the higher bracket of society.  Today, however, cell phones are no longer used to merely show status symbol.  Anybody can actually own cellular phones since some units are sold at an affordable price.  The emergence of cost efficient subscription plans and pre-paid accounts have also widened the market base (1998). 

There are several considerations before one chooses a phone. Among the first things people look at is the phone’s features.  People take into consideration features such as caller identification, text identification, voice tag, calendar, automatic redialing, voice mail and call screening, among others.  Comparing the features of the cellular phones today to the ones before, it is evident that the modern models are more useful and more user-friendly.   Cellular phones are more useful now as one can make notes and organize schedules.  It also provides for personalized and related information needed for business or household on a daily or weekly basis.  Cellular phones are user-friendly as it allows for multi-tasking, like reading or sending text messages and calling with the use of head sets without even touching the phone as it will dial a number by just merely mentioning the name of the person you want to call through a voice tag. 

Another thing people look at is the unit’s design.  Size and weight are important factors. During the late 80’s and early 90’s, phones were bulky and heavy, making it difficult to bring along.  Now, the smaller the cellular phone, the better it is, because people want something they can easily carry around.  People want a unit that looks good so that they too would look good.  To others, that is the reason people actually buy accessories for their cellular phones.  So many shops can be seen selling cellular casing and housings, keypads, and backlights, as well as providing ringing tones, operator logos, and picture messages as a way for the cellular owner to personalize his unit.  People want their phones to become a part of them, thus they spend so much so that part of their character is transferred to the phone. 

Brand Recall

Another strong selling point is the unit’s brand name.  “Buyers tend to choose also on the basis of name recall,” ( 1999).  A brand name has to be built on a good and consistent reputation. Ever since the start of GSM in the Philippines, Nokia, one of the leading cellphone brands, has been consistently included in the print and commercial ads of Globe.  Globe Telecoms is one of the leading telecommunications provider in the country.  This is so because Nokia was one of the first innovators and cellular phone manufacturers that utilized SMS (short messaging service) in Europe through the digital GSM communications system.  In 1991, the world’s first genuine GSM call was made using Radiolinja network (the first GSM operator in the world).  Nokia became the first manufacturer to have a large-scale production-ready GSM phone with the Nokia 1011 series (  In 1993, Nokia was the world’s first SMSC (Short Message Service Center) taken into commercial use in Europolitan’s Nokia network paving the way for the cellular company to be the first manufacturer to launch a series of handportable phones for all digital standards (GSM, TDMA, PCN, Japan Digital). The Nokia 2100 was the world’s smallest and lightest family of digital products (  In 1995, Globe Telecoms released a distinct commercial of which the ad featured a mute couple communicating through text messaging using Nokia 2110 units.  Nokia for one has captured 87% of the cellular phone market in the Philippines alone virtually overtaking Motorola when there came a shift in the service format from analog to digital (1999).

Carrier Service

Another basis for choice is the carrier’s service.  Coverage, cost, capability, and capacity are just four issues to consider in telecommunications, ( 2000). Coverage pertains to the number of cell sites covering the entire archipelago.  Cost is how affordable the service is.  Capability is to how these service providers render 24-hour available service to their subscribers.  Lastly, capacity is how much load of calls and messages and other service related features that their system can handle.

“In the end though, people will choose the phone, which makes them happy.  Meaning, if the phone has features that the person really needs, if it has low maintenance and if it “looks like it’s owner” chances are the person has found the right phone for himself.  In addition, choosing a certain kind of cellular phone boils down to fulfilling one’s communication needs” ( 1996).


Text Messaging

SMS is a cellular phones’ service ability to send and receive text messages via digital mobile phones.  It’s short because each message is only up to 160 characters in length for the Latin alphabet, and 70 characters for non-Latin alphabets such as Arabic and Chinese

Sending text messages does not require making a phone call.  People merely type in a message and the recipient’s phone number, hit the phone’s send key and off it goes to the operator’s message canter, which forwards it to the recipient.  Because messages are exchanged over the frequency the network uses to identify phones rather than the frequency used for making phone calls, messages can be sent and received the instant the phone is turned on and can even be received when a call is on progress”.  This assures that all messages are readily sent and can be readily received within the day.

Text messaging has also come in handy for students and the working class since last minute reminders and assignments could easily be relayed via text.  Information such as dates and venues of meetings, parties and the like could also spread easily via text. Despite this, there are still other people who use text messaging as a source of fun and amusement.  They would text people just to annoy and harass them.  Still, others would even engage in economic sabotage, like spreading text messages about bank holidays of certain banks.

.  The success of SMS has been attributed to cheaper pricing than voice calls.  In particular, the Filipino youth, enjoy texting back and forth.  It is relatively simpler and maybe even more economical than making a voice call.   It is currently the most widely used mobile data application for person-to-person messaging.  Most Filipinos have taken advantage of this fact and have adapted this technology for enhancing information access and communications. ( 2001)

There are already other innovations that have evolved from text messaging technology.  Wapit Ltd., headed by Mato Valtonen, has devised a software that allows mobile phone users access on the net. They developed a software using Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) which gives mobile phone users cut-down versions of some web sites.  This technology will enable people to buy movie tickets over the phone or to make reservations at restaurants.

The History And Future Of Texting

            According to the Mobile SMS and GSM Association sites, the first text message was supposed to have been sent in December 1992 from a PC (personal computer) to a mobile phone on the Vodafone GSM network in the United Kingdom.  Since then, its popularity has grown worldwide. 

            Two networks, Globe Telecom and Smart Communications, currently dominate the Philippine cellular phone market.  According to an article in the Philippine Daily Inquirer dated July 10, 2000, the Philippines claims to be the world’s text messaging capital, with reportedly more than 32 million text messages passing through the networks of Globe Telecom and Smart Communications each day.  However, if the figures cited at the Mobile Lifestreams site at  for the European SMS volume are correct, Germany would outtext the Philippines.  While the figure for the Philippine market, would give you 960 million a month, compare this to the supposedly 1 billion text messages the Germans sent in May 2000, when the total SMS volume for that month in the European market was 4 billion.  Still, the site cautions that these figures should not be taken as gospel truth, since they are approximate and based on input from the industry players themselves, just as in the case with the Philippines. 

            Another telecommunications company in the country, Nextel capitalizes on its high-speed data networks such as General Packet Radio Service (GPRS).  This form of communication is also coursed through a secure high frequency one-way radio wave. 

            The GSM association has predicted that SMS as we know it today would still be used until at least 2005, and that WAP would be one of its drivers.  One of the main applications for SMS would be an alert service to let you know of incoming email messages.  When roaming, messages could be delivered via SMS since the store-and-forward nature works well with different time zones.   

The Internet, however, is now also changing the text experience just as it is reinventing practically everything anyone does throughout the globe.  A person can already do practically everything on the Web, including sending SMS.  Sites like Unimobile at  and  allows Internet surfers to send SMS for free over the Web.  In the case of Quios, a Q-Messenger application at the site allows a customer ten (10) free text messages a day which can be sent to someone’s mobile phone.  (2000)

Meanwhile, Unimobile offers an unlimited number of text messages, plus a whole gamut of mobile devices apart from cellular phones, including pagers, personal digital assistants such as the Palm VII.  All these portable digital gadgets are capable of receiving text messages.  A user can download the Unimobile application for free from the site so that it resides on his PC and he can configure his mobile device so that it can receive text messages and electronic reminders even when he’s offline.  Unimobile is now also offering a beta WAP (wireless application protocol) – based version.  These kinds of services allows for text messaging from the internet to cellular phones.  Locally, Globe’s site at  offers an SMS center, which allows an Internet surfer to send SMS to any Globe handyphone subscriber, (2000).  

Why Text Messaging Is Popular In The Philippines

The article, “Why Filipinos Love Text Messaging”, says that the main purpose of text messaging is to cut down on call costs and to make the phone double as a pager.  Today’s cellphones have the pager’s capacity of handling text messages sans the operator.  The convenience of a GSM phone is illustrated in this example,

“You’re driving down Makati to meet a friend for coffee in Starbucks 6750 and you’re stuck in EDSA traffic.  To spare you some agony, you send your friend a message: WIL B L8 4 ABT 15 MINS”. 


Filipinos also want and love to be in touch.  A perfect piece of evidence is the message that the Filipinos transmit usually ends with a question mark and not a period.  An example from this article is – ‘Hi Jed! Musta na? Gud a.m.! -J’ of course Jed would be forced to text back.  Other examples given include the ability to “talk”  in a noisy bar or dance club. Texting also allows greater freedom of expression seen through the messages that’s why Filipinos send many jokes, quotes and sayings via the phone.  (

Of course, there is also a negative side to text messaging.  Schools in all levels have been one of the first institutions to act on text messaging.  Due to complaints from teachers that students were sending and reading text messages during lecture hours, the Department of Education Culture and Sports (DECS) had to take action, such as temporary confiscation, so as to instill discipline among the students, ( 1998).  Since misdeeds even include sending each other the answers while taking a test, the DECS eventually banned the use of mobile phones in grade schools to stop kids from cheating.   Usage in high schools and universities has also been highly regulated.  Another downside to text messaging, or cellular phone usage in general, is the personal loss of privacy.  It is normally compromised to a certain point since a person is easily reachable, although the user can always turn his unit down or ignore a call.  Finally, there have been some findings that drivers get prone to accidents more by “texting” while driving.  The Traffic Management Group report showed that from 1998 to 2000, road accidents caused by motorists using cellular phones while driving had increased. From three reported accidents in 1998, it climbed to 14 in 1999 and to 40 in 2000.  ( 2001)

With the popularity of pre-paid text messaging, some people abuse their anonymity because pre-paid users don’t have any records of their name nor billing address.  People have been known to receive lewd messages and threats by text. April fool’s day jokes are not that funny anymore when sent through text because some people tend to believe in it.  One said the Pope has died then another message started spreading that President Estrada also died asking for prayers and it turned out to be untrue.

Prospective Legislation On Text Messaging

In an article by  of The Philippine Daily Inquirer entitled “Txtrs: B-ware: Gov’t Out To Get You”, then President Estrada ordered government officials to study “legal measures” to control, if not stop, “destabilizing” text messages such as those that attacked the banking sector; (e.g. rumors from text messaging spread around that a certain bank is getting bankrupt).

With the increasing popularity of cellular phones, different types of messages can been sent. Some messages can be vulgar and unethical.  This could be compared to the pornography present in the net. According to then Transportation Secretary Vincent Rivera Jr., it is not only impractical to monitor text messaging, because of the volume of messages sent, but also unconstitutional to trace the origin of malicious text messages.  He said that, “Monitoring and maintaining records of messages may also infringe into the right of individuals to private communication”.

To minimize such abuse, the government, in cooperation with the two major cellular companies, Smart Communications Inc. and Globe Telecom, will implement three measures to “minimize effects of malicious messages” on SMS.  These are massive information drive on responsible texting, the establishment of call centers where customers can verify the veracity of text messages and a creation of a memorandum of agreement among National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), the cell phone companies and KBP members to “immediately broadcast the truth behind any malicious text messages sent through the SMS”.  But some critics say it is impossible, technically and financially, to trace the source of destabilizing text messages ( 1999).  Government has recognized the power of this communication tool, and that is why they are tasking NTC to set up limitations.

The Social Aspect of Owning A Cellphone

Some people find fulfillment in the things they do or have done.  Others find this in the person they have become.  Still, others find their mode of fulfillment in the things they own.  For some people, owning a cellular phone would somehow give them a sense of pride.  For example, a person may think that he would have to work hard in order to reward himself with a cell phone.  Thus, he becomes motivated to work and do his best.  This motivation can either be intrinsic or extrinsic motivation.  In intrinsic motivation, it is the internal stimulus that pushes one to act.  The person works not for medals or anything tangible, but for the personal satisfaction for accomplishing their work and attaining their goals.  Extrinsic motivations, on the other hand, are those based on incentives, those that come from the external environment.  They can either be praise or other forms of rewards. Some people would make use of the cellular phone as a means of reinforcement and extrinsic motivation, (1999).

Owning a cellular phone would also somehow give a person a boost with regards to his self-esteem.  Imagine being among a crowd who all use cellular phones and you do not own one.  The person would somehow feel out of place. It becomes an issue of being “in” with the crowd. 

It is a given that people get their feeling of equal status relationships from their friends or peers.  People also get a sense of protection when they deal with other people, as best exemplified by the tribal groups.  Social control also comes about when dealing with social relationships.  This focuses mainly on a group’s approval or disapproval of a certain act.  People will tend to act in accordance to the group so that he would look good to the other members. “Issues such as acceptance, popularity and group solidarity are paramount” (1994).  Recreation is also a function of social groups.  This is in order to get away from the drudgery of work or life.  When people interact with others, they learn new things.  It is also through their social interaction that people learn to follow certain fads.  Influences of the society and culture as a whole are hard to avoid.  This can be seen through the way people follow the latest clothes that people wear, the music they listen to and now, to the type of cellular phones they own. Through the use of cellular phones, one can actually make up one’s own identity.  This happens mostly when people look for textmates.  One can hide within the world one has created. 

This behavior can be exemplified by this example.  Groups of friends are sitting in a bar but are busy tapping away on their keypads.  Instead of it being a time of catching up on lost time or bonding, they become absorbed in their own world of texting.  They hang out with their friends physically but are mentally not there.  As a result, it appears to be a total disregard for the other person’s presence, and somehow implies disrespect for the other person.  This behavior can be damaging to the formation of lasting friendships and it defeats the purpose of   bonding whenever friends get together.

The Financial Cost

Owning a cell phone can actually be a burden to the pocket since people have this desire for personalizing their phones.   Add to this, the cost of prepaid cards.  The minimum value for a prepaid card costs varies from not less than three hundred pesos (P300.00) to one thousand pesos (P1,000.00).   Subscription plans are also costly as it has minimum monthly payment of six hundred pesos (P600) for an advantage plan and minimum of two thousand five hundred pesos (P2,500) monthly for executive plan.  Repair and maintenance of the phones can also be costly. 

Text Lingo

According to , “language is a vocal symbolism of speech with its related bodily gestures and mechanical signals which give precision and finesse to communication” ( 1998).  It is used primarily for communication.  Communication does not always have to take place in a face-to-face manner. People can make use of other means for communication such as telephones and radio.    

Cellular phones are used not only for calls but also for sending text messages as well.  Thus, the cellular phones have become mechanical aids to writing.  With the popularity of text messaging nowadays, writing has also taken a new form.  It would be too much of a hassle if people were to type whole words on the cell phone since the cellular phones have only a limited character space.  In order to save space and to be able to type more on the cell phone, a new form of vocabulary is being used by the texters.  Texters make use of shortened forms such as “C U L8R” for “See you later” and “HW R U?” for “How are you?”  Sometimes, this form of vocabulary is carried on to the actual writing process unconsciously. ( 1999).  The development of this text lingo has slowly become entrenched among cellphone users with the youth primarily driving its innovative and creative nature.

Coping Mechanisms

            Understandably, adjustments will be needed by the users of cellular phone to be able to cope with the stress.  Coping mechanisms allow the individual to deal with the stress.  Coping is either categorized as defensive and direct. (1979)  Defensive coping involves either mental or physical escape from the situations, while direct coping involves an analysis of what the problem is, how it came to such, and how one can respond to it.  It also includes plan of adjustment of the person, and a list of new approaches in life that they may use in adjusting. ( 1986)  It is clear that without the coping mechanisms for an individual to hold on, life would be intolerable.  Relating it to this study, cellular phone usage has impeded on the privacy of the user to a point that one has to either ignore the call or just turn off his unit.


            The review of related literature illustrated the impact of cellular phone usage in the Philippines.  It began by discussing the transition of the cellular phone from a mere status symbol to an important personal gadget.  It discussed the technology behind text messaging and the importance of the carrier services.   With the widespread use of this technology, the review enumerated the main reasons why text messaging is highly popular here in the Philippines.  The cheap cost of text messaging has enabled many Filipinos  all over the country to make it their favored medium of communication.  A brief history of texting as well as its future were also discussed.  The prospective legislation regarding malicious text messaging was also discussed. 

            Three aspects of the respondents’ personal lives were examined; namely, financial, psychosocial and academic.  For each of these aspects, coping mechanisms were identified.  Finally, a short discussion on these coping mechanisms was made to relate it to cellular phone usage.   

Statement of the Problem

Undeniably, cellular phone usage has impacted on the lives of young Filipinos.  This study wants to know what lifestyle changes have occurred to a sample of today’s Filipino youth, namely, the students of DLSU.  Specifically, the study aims to answer the following:

1.      From a social dimension and on a personal level, what have been the advantages of cellphone usage?

2.      From a social dimension and on a personal level, what have been the disadvantages of cellphone usage?

3.      How have these advantages and disadvantages affect the academic aspect of the respondents’ lives?

4.      How have these advantages and disadvantages affect the financial aspect of the respondents’ lives?

5.      How have these advantages and disadvantages affect the psychosocial aspect of the respondents’ lives?

6.      Based on the financial, academic and psychosocial aspects, how have the respondents coped with the adjustments in their daily cellular phone usage?

Definition of Terms

            For a better appreciation of the study, the following are the operational definition of the pertinent terms mentioned.

            Cellular Mobile/Phone is a mobile communications device that uses a combination of radio transmission and conventional telephone switching to permit telephone communication to and from mobile users within a specified area. This also refers to the gadget used by the respondents in sending and receiving text messages. 

            Early adulthood refers to the period that begins around the end of adolescence, somewhere between the age 18 and early 20’s.  This is a period characterized by relative independence, financial and otherwise, from parents and the acceptance of responsibility for ones actions.  Operationally, this is the stage where some of the study’s respondents qualifies.

GSM, which stands for Global System for Mobile Communication, is a format for a digital cellular phone that provides service to send and receive text messages.  Also, this kind of format restricts cloning as cellular phone service is accessed through a SIM card.  This is the format used by the study’s respondents for their cellular phone service.

Prepaid Account refers to a type of subscription where there are no billing statements as subscription is maintained through the purchase of prepaid call cards.  

Prepaid Call Card refers to a card of fixed value which, when used together with a Prepaid SIM card, allows a person to make cellular mobile telephone calls and send text messages. When used, the amount indicated is loaded into the user’s prepaid account. TY refers to the type of payment for subscription wherein a specified amount of credit is ready for use by loading it to a pre-paid account by which some of the study’s respondents avail of.

SMS, which stands for Short Messaging Service, is a cellular phones’ service ability to send and receive text messages via   digital mobile phones provided by GSM service companies.  It refers to the type of messaging feature that the study’s respondents’ use for their cellular phones.

Subscriber Identity Module Card (SIM Card) determines the phone number and allows one to store data (phone numbers, messages, etc.) wherein the user restricts cloning of the cellular phone accounts due to its exclusive handling.  The SIM card is where subscription is centralized, and is first registered in the service providers’ database for further activation.  SIM cards are classified into pre-paid and line accounts. 

Telecommunication refers to long-distance communication. At present, such communication is carried out with the aid of electronic equipment such as the radio, telegraph, telephone, television and computers with internet subscription. Operationally, it refers to the technology in which communication is done by the use of mobile cellular phones. 

Text Messaging refers to cellular phone messaging which is capable of 160 characters per message in length for the Latin alphabet, and seventy (70) characters for non-Latin alphabets such as Arabic and Chinese.  Operationally, it is the exchange of messages between two or more GSM cellular phones wherein message is entered through the use of a cellular phone’s keypad.  Primarily, this is the subject of the study.

Significance of the Study             This study will be a barometer on how college students have managed to cope with a technological innovation like the cellphone.  Specifically, it will describe the psychosocial, financial and academic aspects of text messaging on the lives of college students studying in De La Salle University.  This study will provide a sketch of how college students cope and how they have used this technology in making their lives become better.   Hopefully, this will provide parents, school administrators, peers and other researchers an insight into the behavior of college students with regard to the life changes that happened to them due to a technological innovation.             This study will also provide another dimension to many studies being currently done on the text-messaging phenomenon in the Philippines.  Specifically, the information that will be provided in this study can be part of a more holistic study on the problems and concerns today’s Filipino youth which would surely interest Filipino psychologists and child care development specialists.    Due to the broad effects cellular phone use has on today’s youth, this study can even be a springboard to related studies focusing specifically on the other aspects related to cellphone usage, like family relations and family conflicts arising from it.  This study will also help cellular phone companies get a better understanding of the importance of a cellular phone to today’s young Filipino.  The cellular phone companies think-tank can use the information in this study to better understand what features of the cellular phone appeal to young people and how better to address their needs without pegging a steep price that may alienate the youth market.  With cellular phone technology rapidly changing, this study can help the marketing departments of these companies prepare their campaigns in such a way that the new features of their newer models appeal to the Filipino youth market. Finally, this study can help today’s Filipino youth take a closer look at themselves, and be a point of reflection, on their individual personal lives, deliberating whether the technology has become a hindrance or an asset to their lives.


Scope and Limitations

This study focused primarily on how cellular phone usage has impacted on the lifestyle of a DLSU student.  Specific attention was given to the advantages and the disadvantages of cellular phone usage to their individual personal lives.  Focus was also given to the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of cellular phone usage in the respondents’ daily lives.  Only three aspects was used; namely, financial, academic and psychosocial. Based on these three aspects, the study  analyze the coping mechanisms the respondents had to undergo with regard to their daily cellular phone usage.

The respondents of the study were limited to currently enrolled DLSU-Taft students.  The study focused only on cellular phone use, specifically on its text messaging function, and not on other interrelated technology like the WAP and the Internet. 

The study also gave an overview on the history and future of text messaging as well as a brief discussion on the popular carrier services and how they developed their brand names.


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