Kouzes and Posner on Leadership – A Critique
The Leadership Challenge* by James Kouzes and Barry Posner is a very inspiring
book that has understandably motivated a lot of people to rise to significant
challenges in their organizations and other areas of their lives. While Kouzes and
Posner provide a very thorough portrayal of a certain kind of leadership, their theory
excludes a type of leadership that is increasingly vital in our knowledge driven world:
Thought Leadership. The focus of Kouzes and Posner might be called Values
Leadership. The former refers to how new ideas are generated and assimilated while
the latter pertains to how we should live. Thought leadership has a factual basis while
values leadership is normative. It is essential to develop a theory of thought
leadership if we are to understand the impact of innovation on organizational success
and progress in life generally. It is not just that thought leadership is important in its
own right, but that a one-sided concern with values leadership creates a distorted
picture of leadership in general. The result is that Kouzes and Posner’s theory is at
best a special case of leadership but, in fact, I believe it can be shown to be
inaccurate in some very important respects if we want a general theory of leadership.
Thought leadership refers to any instance of influencing others to accept a different
idea or new way of looking at things. Whenever you are in a meeting with colleagues,
whether they report to you or not, and you convince them to adopt your idea of how
to proceed on any topic, you are demonstrating thought leadership. Such leadership
is not a position; it can shift continuously around the table. The impact of thought
leadership is immediate, unlike values leadership which launches followers on a
journey. Kouzes and Posner are very clear that their version of leadership entails a
journey: ‘’In this book, and in all our discussions or leadership, we use the journey
metaphor to express our understanding of leadership.’’ P. 156 Most of their examples
of leadership involve changing an organization’s culture – making it more customer
focused or better at fostering creativity, for example. Changing a culture is a large
challenge and clearly a journey with a defined destination. I refer to Kouzes and
Posner’s theory as values leadership, because asking people to undertake a risky
journey with you depends on your credibility, as they rightly argue, which in turn
depends on what you stand for as a person – your values. Moreover, the changes
advocated by such leaders generally entail a shift in cultural or personal values.
Key differences between Thought Leadership and Values Leadership
Thought leadership depends on innovation though they are not identical. For any
leadership to occur there must be an impact on a group’s direction. Some
innovations have no such impact or are simply admired for their own sake as in some
forms of art. Moreover, those who show leadership might not be personally
innovative. They might instead champion the innovations of others. Thought
leadership can be shown upwards and sideways as well as down. It has nothing to
do with managing people. It involves challenging the status quo and its object is to
change the way people think. Thought leadership comes to an end once the novel
idea has been accepted. Implementation is a separate phase if indeed anything
needs to be implemented beyond the immediate change in outlook.
Kouzes and Posner state that it is a ‘’myth that leadership is associated with
position.’’ P 386 But they must mean senior positions or formal positions of authority,
because values leadership necessarily involves occupying the top position in a
hierarchy. They must therefore be saying that lower level managers can show
leadership in addition to senior managers. Regardless of the size or informality of a
group, if you are the person inviting a group to undertake a journey and you are
promising to get them to the destination safely, then you are at the head of affairs,
hence in a position of sorts. Conversely, any knowledge worker with no subordinates
can show thought leadership. Such leadership does not involve a journey. The
thought leader might not have any power to take anyone on a journey. If the
leadership impact is on senior management, for example, then the leadership
initiative has been successful if senior management decides to implement the
thought leader’s idea. In this case, there is a clear separation between the leadership
impact and the decision to change the organization’s direction. Hence, thought
leadership, in itself, does not automatically entail a journey. Moreover, some changes
in a team’s practices can be implemented immediately, unlike large scale change
which is normally a project extending over a lengthy period of time.
‘’Credibility is the foundation of leadership’’ p32 for Kouzes and Posner. By this they
mean personal credibility as opposed to technical credibility or competence. The
values leader must demonstrate values that prospective followers admire and which
motivate them to trust the leader. Because they are being asked to undertake a
difficult journey, followers need to believe that the leader is the sort of person who
consistently delivers on promises. Conversely, with thought leadership, credibility
attaches to the idea or innovation, not to the person. For example, a thought leader
could be otherwise lazy, dishonest and difficult to get along with – much like the
stereotypical creative person. But if he or she can demonstrate the value of a novel
idea – perhaps by a trial product launch, then followers will buy the idea regardless of
what they think of the person – especially if they are opportunists or early adopters of
new ideas. For thought leadership to be effective, therefore, a demonstration,
business case or other factual argument could be all that is required, not a
passionate appeal to fundamental human values or needs as in Kouzes and
Posner’s theory. Thought leaders, therefore, do not necessarily need to be personally
Thought leadership does not have to be visionary either. Clearly vision or some other
sense of direction is essential in values leadership for the simple reason that you
cannot expect people to join you on a difficult journey if you have no destination in
mind. So, vision is by definition a necessary component in values leadership. But for
thought leadership, new directions can emerge through trial and error action in a
market or through brainstorming with colleagues or customers. Because the
leadership impact is immediate, no destination is involved, hence no vision is
For Kouzes and Posner, leadership is also necessarily intentional – you have to
explicitly plan your journey. But thought leadership need not be intentional. A clever
knowledge worker might not even care if others follow. He or she might simply adopt
a better way of doing something which others notice and copy. Clearly no vision or
journey here. Again, the leadership impact either does not occur or it is immediate –
not necessarily in the sense of instantaneous but rather all-or-nothing as opposed to
being merely the start of a journey. It is a sudden insight like a gestalt shift rather
than a rational plan to travel to a destination.
In Kouzes and Posner’s world ‘’leadership is a relationship between those who aspire
to lead and those who choose to follow.’’ P 20. This is obviously correct when you
are talking about a group undertaking a journey together where those who follow
need to trust the leader to get them to the destination. But thought leadership can be
an impact on people you do not even know – including competitors in different
organizations or amongst your colleagues. Thought leadership does not entail a joint
effort by a group, only that people with similar interests (often very loosely knit
groups), change direction as a result. Even in the case of traditional top-down
leadership, such as that shown by Martin Luther King or Winston Churchill, there will
be a leadership impact on people the leader has not even met let alone have a
relationship with them. So leadership is at best only a relationship in certain
circumstances rather than a necessary condition of all leadership as Kouzes and
Posner argue. Actually, it is more correct to say that leadership should not be defined
as a relationship at all. Conversely, management does entail a relationship because
it involves undertaking a journey together.
Most of the examples of leadership cited by Kouzes and Posner are normative in the
sense of pertaining to how we ought to live whether in work or life generally. Some of
their examples relate to concern for the environment – a values domain if there ever
was one. Others have to do with making an organizational culture more customer
focused. It is because the leader is advocating a better way to live that an appeal to
values is a necessary part of what it means to lead in this context. Organizational
cultures are clearly value sets. For this reason, Kouzes and Posner advocate that
prospective leaders begin to develop their leadership capability by looking inside
themselves to clarify their own values. This advice would be unhelpful for budding
thought leaders. Instead, they need to immerse themselves in a particular field of
interest whether it be search engine software, the biochemistry of cancer drugs or
one of a million other technologies. The values leader needs to be very self-aware.
The thought leader might have quite poor emotional intelligence. Like artists they
might be rather oblivious to their surroundings including people. In their leadership
development programs, Kouzes and Posner play audiotapes of Martin Luther King’s I
have a dream speech. If you are a software programmer and you have a brilliant idea
for new virus protection software and you can demonstrate its superiority, you would
be rightly incredulous if you were told to listen to a tape of Martin Luther King before
trying to persuade your superiors to take a look at the beta version of your software.
Clearly, listening to stirring emotional speeches is poor advice for thought leaders.
So what?
So there are two separate leadership domains. So what? First of all, thought
leadership is important in its own right because we are increasingly competing on the
basis of ideas. A theory of leadership that talks only of dealing with major cultural
change was appropriate in the 1980’s when Kouzes and Posner wrote the first
edition to their book. Certainly, there is still a lot of room for major change in
hundreds of organizations, but many have moved on to implement cultures of
continuous improvement and constant innovation. Business today has become like
guerrilla warfare in the sense that new directions emerge organically at the front lines
rather than being passed down exclusively from above. To be competitive in a world
of rampant innovation, organizations need a balance of broad top down direction and
front line organizational learning – trial and error initiatives that allow new directions
(leadership) to emerge at the coal face.
The second reason that an exploration of thought leadership is valuable is that it
sheds light on traditional top down leadership, thereby enabling us to develop a
general theory of leadership that accounts for both types. A good place to start on
this task is to question whether any leadership needs to be seen as a journey. If the
impact of thought leadership is immediate, perhaps this is true of all leadership.
There is no question that a major change project is a journey, but why do we need to
see the total journey as requiring a leadership involvement? For thought leadership,
there is a clear separation between the leadership impact and implementation. It
makes more sense to regard the implementation phase as a managerial activity.
Thought leadership also can involve a journey. Large projects like developing a new
computer operating system to challenge the domination of Windows, for example, or
to build a supersonic passenger jet are obviously lengthy journeys – but projects that
do not necessarily involve culture change. If there is no need to challenge
fundamental values or entrenched working practices when carrying out such large
projects, then successfully completing the journey calls for good project management
skills – effective execution, not ongoing leadership. The only reason we might want to
see the entire journey as a leadership initiative is if we are inexorably wedded to the
idea that being a leader entails being a person in a role. When you explore thought
leadership, it becomes apparent that leadership is an action, a type of initiative that
creates an impact. For this reason, in addition to the ephemeral nature of such
leadership, we should talk only of leadership, not of leaders at all. Similarly,
leadership is not a process, contrary to Kouzes and Posner. A process is a
repeatable, organized set of steps – management being a good example. But
leadership actions are one-off events like creative insights, not a process.
Here it is worth noting that Kouzes and Posner make virtually no mention of
management. They seem to have dispensed with this concept altogether. In the first
edition of their book, Tom Peters wrote the preface in which he seems to imply that
we should abandon all talk of management. This was in the 1980’s when US
businesses were still in the throes of coping with the Japanese threat to their
competitiveness. At this time, management got the blame for being too bureaucratic
and controlling. This was a mistake, one of confusing ends and means. While
prevailing management styles (means) may have been controlling, it does not follow
that management as a function (ends) cannot be revised to be more empowering and
motivating. It is a sign that Kouzes and Posner are still influenced by the 1980’s that
they talk only of leadership. Because leaders, for them, are running the ship (a
corollary of the journey metaphor) they are responsible for both deciding where to go
and seeing that the ship gets there. But if leadership is an episodic intervention, a
periodic act rather than a role, then even challenging journeys can be seen as
needing only periodic injections of leadership. If you apply the 80-20 rule, most of
change management requires effective project management skills with only
occasional leadership injections to keep followers from losing interest.
On this view, two of Kouzes and Posner’s other leadership practices – encouraging
the heart and enabling others to act are better seen as managerial actions, not
leadership practices. The same person might initiate a change in direction
(leadership) and then, wearing a managerial hat, manage the journey to implement
the change however. All journeys need to be both sold and implemented – consistent
with the fact that all organizations have two tasks – to deliver today’s results and
create tomorrow’s future. Two separate tasks call for two separate functions,
management and leadership. It helps to see them as functions rather than as people
or positions.
Why is this important? By freeing leadership from hierarchical position totally, we
have a theory of how people can show leadership at the bottom of the hierarchy. You
don’t have to wait until you are promoted to running a team, nor do you have to enlist
a team informally to show leadership. But if leadership is increasingly bottom up as
well as top down, then we need also to make sense of just what it is that executives
are doing if they are not the only ones showing leadership. The answer, it seems to
me, is management. Again the 80-20 rule is helpful. Much of what executives do is
execute existing directions, management. The percentages will vary, however,
depending on the amount of change an organization is undergoing at a specific time.
Leadership has always had something to do with providing direction. Appropriately,
Kouzes and Posner maintain that leaders must have a vision, a sense of direction.
Another key leadership practice for them is what they call ‘’challenging the process’’.
On their view, leaders are pioneers, () they challenge the status quo.
Challenging the process is a way of indicating new directions so Kouzes and Posner
endorse the basic insight that leadership provides direction in two of their five
leadership practices. But they equivocate here, saying that leaders are pioneers but
they don’t actually originate new directions. They stimulate others to be innovative
instead. This way of looking at leadership has rightly been called paradoxical –
leading by not leading. This view is at best messy, at worst simply wrong. It may be
less paradoxical to categorize anything to do with facilitating leadership or innovation
in others as a managerial function, not one of leadership.
Stimulating creativity in others is a vital managerial function, especially in those
industries that most depend on innovation to prosper. Calling this leadership is simply
a failure to see that the world is changing, that just as in the case of guerrilla warfare,
leadership is increasingly a front line activity that has nothing essentially to do with
managing people. We need to get back to the fundamental insight that leadership
provides direction and is, therefore, essentially a one-way impact or impression.
Leadership is always an impact by one person on a group. Where influence on a
decision is equal or fully shared, there is no leadership. To say that leadership is a
one-way impact does not entail that the style of influence used has to be force or
imposition. Your style of influence can be example, logical persuasion, practical
demonstration or inspirational speech – even unintentional, hence hardly imposed.
No matter how much listening you do in advance of showing leadership, when you do
take a stand, the impact is necessarily one-way. This view is compatible with others
in the group showing you leadership as well, but again their instance of leadership is
also a one-way impact on you. Leadership is always a matter of doing something
new first or proposing to do something new. A proposal is essentially a one-way
communication in the instant it is being made regardless of how much two-way
dialogue goes into formulating it beforehand.
Kouzes and Posner place a lot of emphasis on what followers want in leaders. But
this is evidence only for what they want in people who manage them. It is not
evidence for what it takes to be a leader unless you already assume that leaders can
only be people in charge of others. More importantly, what people admire in leaders
is a poor indicator of what it means to lead in any case. We are all biologically and
psychologically programmed to look up to people above us in a hierarchy (or to want
to at least). But we are inexorably moving away from the power of position and the
force of personality to the power of knowledge creation as the basis of leadership in
an innovation driven business context. So, admiring leadership heroes of the past
says more about us and our needs than it does about what it means to lead.
Another way in which Kouzes and Posner’s theory of leadership is limited is simply
that it does not countenance any form of quiet leadership. Their leaders must be
inspiring because they need to get groups to change their values, their way of life at
work or out of work. Developing a new theory of leadership, one based on thought
leadership, explains how there can be many situations when the logical presentation
of a business case can be sufficient to move people to buy a new idea. In such
situations, no change in values is advocated and, if there is no resistance among
prospective followers, then there is no need to be particularly inspiring. There is a lot
of leadership like this that is simply off the radar screen for Kouzes and Posner.
Kouzes and Posner argue that it is a myth that leaders are born rather than
developed.. For them, leadership is a learned set of practices. But even without
looking at thought leadership, it is hard to believe that being a pioneer is simply a
learned skill set. Surely some people are naturally pioneering while others are very
conservative and risk averse. If leadership is fundamentally based on a willingness to
challenge the status quo, such willingness is a type of motivation anyway, not a skill
or practice. Some people simply have a drive to rebel that they either are born with or
acquire very early in life. Leadership is based on this drive plus an ability to either be
creative or to spot good ideas early enough to champion them. Leadership is
sufficiently like creativity that it is likely not a learned drive or ability. Chances are that
rebelliousness, like other human traits, is distributed across the population on a
normal curve. Those who are too far towards the rebellious end of the spectrum are
generally seen as deviants or eccentrics. Leaders are most likely on the rebellious
side of the middle of the normal curve but close enough to the conservative side to
care about taking people with them hence avoiding group rejection.
It is not that leaders are born. Musicians and artists are not born either, but they are
born with a certain talent and motivation which can be fostered in the right
environment. If you are a budding writer, it might help to take a creative writing
course, but you would be wasting your time if you had no talent to be a writer in the
first place. In the case of potential leaders, it is a matter of becoming immersed in an
interesting discipline and discovering that you have something new to say about it
along with having sufficient rebelliousness to be unafraid of group rejection if you
take a stand.
In conclusion, exploring thought leadership suggests a general theory of leadership
in which leadership is whatever initiates new directions (other than by force) while
management executes existing directions. Leadership is no doubt important in the
arenas Kouzes and Posner write about, but it needs to be recast so we can see how
it is possible to lead without heading up a group. A broader theory of leadership is
also essential in an emerging era of knowledge work and innovation. Of equal
importance, management needs to be rehabilitated to give it a rightful share of the
work in making momentous things happen. It needs to be rescued from the rubbish
dump it was thrown on during the 1980’s over reaction to the Japanese invasion.
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