Ideally, there can be intervention of certain change that denotes a failed remark and that the process pointing to it are quite not easy to handle in order to achieve a better change process. This particular report deals to the underlying situation of bottled water usage that has been affecting the lives of the Hong Kong people and to the environment as well and that it is just right for the Hong Kong government to impose action plan for considering back again the consumption of tap water into the Hong Kong households. Change and its underlying assumptions do take place as part of the business nature that may require an achievable success. Truly, studies made by various authors and observations by people, it can be that the presence of bottled water nowadays implies a hot issue as it affect the environment in a serious degree of concern. The report considers diverse elements and or factors upon the identification of change process in reflection to certain change related models such as those proposed by John Kotter and Kurt Lewin also, there includes critical evaluation or analysis as to why the Hong Kong government should be knowledgeable at the same time must be aware and provide actions, as ideal solutions upon encouraging as well as persuading the Hong Kong people and the general public to basically go back to using tap water instead of bottled water.
The problem can be based on the following content information:
Amicably, it can be quite hard to argue that, waste management has become huge in HK as well as in the world as with certain landfills growing to enormous sizes and recycling rates remaining low in specifications. Thus, numbers of plastic bottles being produced by bottled water industry and was discarded by consumers do exacerbate the problem. Besides the sheer number of plastic bottles produced each year, the energy required to manufacture and transport these bottles to market does drain the limited source of better fossil fuels. Moreover, it can be that bottled water companies for example in Hong Kong, due to their unregulated use of valuable resources and their production of billions of plastic bottles have presented significant strain on Mother Nature herself. It seems there is no feasible solution to the underlying problem as bottled water industry cause harsh strain on HK people as well as the environment but solutions to the damage may possibly lessen the quality of water in form of bottles. Bottled water then, is clearly not healthier or purer alternative to tap water and can be outrageously expensive when compared to costs of tap water gallon. So, if one HK household is choosing only between tap water and bottled water, it can adhere that tap water is much economical and the healthier choice but, despite certain assertion, tap water does not remain without problems at all. The water filters remove dangerous contaminants than any purification method, and uniquely design to work with such treated water and because water filters use no more energy than is already required to propel water through for instance, home’s plumbing system, circumventing several environment issues posted within the bottled water industry. (Cited from, Golub, 2001; Potera, 2002) Meanwhile, there is significant and negative impact from bottled water industry on the environment. From millions of plastic bottles in landfills to the fuel costs of manufacture and transportation, bottled water is creating more environmental problems every year. World Wide Fund for Nature indicate that approximately 1.5 million tons of plastic are used in the bottled water industry every year, many of these bottles are recycled by conscientious consumers and most are not and are ending up into over-burdened landfills. (Cited from, Hession, 2006)
Furthermore, there is the environmental cost of manufacturing and then transporting the nearly 100 billion liters of bottled water each year. There can be concept of paying for water to be bottled and then shipped in miles and that begins to appear quite absurd and there incurs poor use of Hong Kong natural resources. According to Ann Hession (2006), “tap water is far less expensive than bottled water, but it has its own drawbacks as lead, chlorine, herbicides and pesticides are commonly found in tap water”.
In addition, phthalates contained in plastic will leach into the bottled water, thus adding even more contamination to the water. In other words, bottled water is not guaranteed to be any safer than filtered water to start with, and after phthalate contamination from the plastic, it will in fact be even less safe for you and your family. Unfortunately, most people consuming bottled water are completely unaware of these unpleasant facts. Certainly the bottled water companies are not going to educate their customers about the hidden negative effects of their products. It is hard to imagine an intelligent consumer continuing to regularly consume bottled water once they have become aware of both the uncertainty of the quality of bottled water and the enormous negative environmental impact of the whole industry.
Furthermore, there can be indication of resistance to change in such factors as brought about by the presence of self interest among the HK people as it is essential for the HK people to see alternative ways in reducing the consumption of bottled water in order to save the environment from becoming ill seriously implying reasons to take part of the matter – to integrate action (Cited from, Trader-Leigh, 2002 p. 9) Aside, can be due to habitual reality centering on convenience option brought by bottled water usage as true that the HK region is fast as a globally inclined society that can buy things so easy and the convenience of saving time and effort that is why people are using bottled water for drinking purposes instead of using tape water. It is because of status approval that serves as a conformity icon that a one person drinking bottled water is considered “in” into the society where he belong
It is ideal for the HK government to be able to educate majority of the customers and thus provide suggestions that it is still safe enough to drink tap water given the fact that certain precautions should be fully understood and is more environment friendly as compared to bottled water which can be too costly at times. Then, the quality of water intake should also be in high appreciation as it assumes healthy lifestyle to the HK people as there can be no assurance that bottled water is 100% pure and clean water .In addition, psychological impact is also a factor for resistance as the said factor address perceptions of threat as well as social status in business as the fact that HK people who patronize the idea imposed by bottled water don’t want to embrace change and is not open to the idea of returning back to tap water event Hough the reality tells them that it is expensive but some people don’t mind the situation forgetting that environment do suffer a lot. The resistance to change is shown if the change pattern has not been fully crafted and that people sometimes are self centered individuals. (Cited from, Trader-Leigh, 2002 p. 11)
Thus, there also affected by the presence of marketing stance geared towards the seller power, manufacturer incentive in which there is saleable business reality to bottled water and that tap water can hamper the success and growth of the business. Then, having the desire to convince the HK households to neglect the use of bottled water and to return back to using tap water it is appropriate for the HK government to impose a specific budget for realizing such campaign drive explaining to the people why is it a must to save the environment from dying especially when it comes to water resources in HK. Thus, the HK government can plan as well as carried out better and conventional water process system maybe by putting up machines to clean tap water deeply in order to come up a safe and healthy drinking water in places wherein residences have easy access to the water without spending too much effort and money. Thus, since inconvenience do take place on the part of the consumers maybe water drinking fountains are possible and maybe put in HK public places or places wherein there is crowd like for example, four drinking fountains around HK national park and HK Disneyland and impose certain laws and regulations with regards to bottled taxes in this manner, probably the HK people will realize the importance of embracing alternative options when it comes to water consumption.
Analysis OF Stakeholders
Stakeholder analysis play crucial role for alleviating the change process that the suppliers and or sellers is basically against the change from bottled to tap water next, HK customers may not support the alternative as it may be inconvenient on their side. Also, HK government the need to explain as well as propose to the HK government certain change drives from a possible bottled water to tape water, environment affiliates does agree turning back tape water upon reducing plastic bottle use that has a negative outcome and lastly, the HK general public probably supports the initiative given the fact that the HK government can solve utmost concern and how educated they were in changing their attitudes and habits. Henceforth, HK households are also consumers and that changes may affect them positively or negatively and the integration of business to consumer domains will be at risk same also with the business to business system since, the possible termination of the bottled water purchases in the HK market industry does incorporate a direct effect on bottled water suppliers as well as several sellers and in turn, it can be that high job cut offs are present and some will lose their jobs mostly, those income depends on the bottled water industry as the truth that bottled water sales were dropping and that the presence of expensive tax rate per plastic bottle upon the reduction of business market revenues thus, linking towards indication of lifestyle inconvenience to the HK customers in general.
There incorporates actual state of change from bottled water consumption to tap water consumption and it is a must to identify and determine particular area of change within change models proposed by Kotter and Lewin respectively. Then, the following steps to change can be executed in such ideal plan of returning back to tap water and terminate bottled water usage that cab be effective when dealing with HK people as consumers of the market also and desirable change paradigm should be present as Kurt Lewin addresses successful change ways that can be useful for the stakeholder as part of the bottled water market in HK and the one related model point is the unfreezing mode found within Lewin’s Model as it is important that the HK government and its people should knowingly establish good relationship with business stakeholders and there can be educating of water consumers and be able to negotiate with business markets assuming that the plan of tap water usage do not affect deeply in terms of the supplier and seller value. The unfreezing the present level of performance upon establishing better relations to the HK people, help to realize behavior that are not effective and control change resistance.
Aside, Lewin also state that, “to break open the shell of complacency and self-righteousness it is sometimes necessary to bring about deliberately an emotional stir-up.” (1948, 1951 p. 654; 822) On the other side, Kotter’s model suggest that there is ample need to establish urgency as it is a must for the people to take care of the environment as urgency posit that HK government should do something as early as now before its too late to save the environment and hamper the balance niche and ecosystems as deemed possible that the ideal change should be supported by good planning and vision and be integrated by communication coherence and the role of law empowerment within the susceptible risks involve when actual change to tap water use from bottled water does take place in majority and the provision of updates of the needed change pattern within innovative approach.
change IN Leadership
Truly, it can be that meaningful and acceptable agreement should be realized and must be decided by the HK government and certain involved sectors dealing to bottled water businesses and the advocates of tap water campaign drives as there should be assumption posits towards people motivation and that returning back to tap water usage would not mean to totally disregard bottled water consumption it can be that certain limitations within the market is a must to truly protect both sides of the matter and that people may not be completely divulge themselves in patronizing bottled water and take in ample consideration and awareness of trying to consume tap water given the fact that it is safe to drink especially those household with children.
The change in leadership process is unique in every situation and it can be true that such leadership change is truly part of human life and continues to challenge people from all walks of life and become critical for HK government to promulgate better water management and to cope with the changing times. Thus leadership change and transformation can be a good source of putting in government plans of turning back tap water consumption into effective reality so that the desired route of transformation can be meaningful enough upon creating and reinforcing better commitment and by helping workers believe in the effort by engaging into practical options. The mind-sets and behavior in action do provide encouragement in supporting behavior ways. The change should be ideal and must be placed with strong government campaigns that would give precise information to the general public that it is much good to use tap water as compared to bottled water for one, it is environment friendly and less expensive.
In conclusion, therefore it is amiably essential for the HK government to help in the changing reality when it comes to the water consumption of the HK households and be able to educate them that environment should be their top priority for them to have a sustainable home grounds that they can utilize safely and soundly. Integrating factual assumptions that tap water is far better than bottled water in its general function and process and that such plan is an important facet for the HK government to consider like for instance, the building of alternative water systems that cleans tap water and make it a clean drinking water. Thus, change models should incur vital part in the process as there can be sense of urgency to adapt change upon caring the environment despite possible resistance among the HK households as well as the establishment of good stakeholder relations along the way. Then, certain ideal recommendation should take place in the situation as such change must be based on communication channels of informing the people about the reality of such issues involved in understanding matters of water consumption and management and the providing of better outlook monitoring and the need to impose more laws on water processes in HK. Aside, the HK government must continue to surge awareness regarding tap water safety and cleanliness by possibly involved in such educational advertisements about water and its relation to nature, the need to basically augment protection of the environment by utilizing better water systems. Thus, HK government should understand that people are social beings and will adhere to culture norms and values and to execute certain rules that is not manipulated by the business market sectors who has influence over government decisions.
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