Relationship Between Mentoring and Career Development of
Agricultural Education Faculty
The 1980s and early 1990s will likely be remembered as a period of economic
decline, financial cut-backs, and overall “belt-tightening” throughout much of American
society. This era of limited resources has resulted in a renewed interest in the importance
of individuals to organizational success (1986). Employees are being recognized
as valuable resources, and successful organizations are working to maximize their existing
human resources.
The corporate world has been bombarded with literature emphasizing the value of
people. Popular books by (1982), (1983), (1982).
(1985) stress the importance of human resource development to
organizational success. The renewed interest in capitalizing on human resources has not
escaped the academic world. (1983) emphasized that the
effectiveness of a college or university is directly linked to the quality and vigor of its
faculty members. Today’s conditions of limited resources and ever-increasing demand for
accountability have made the optimum performance of a faculty a top priority in higher
Faculty career development is recognized as an important factor in maintaining
faculty vitality ( 1984; 1984;1982; 1983)
Career development and advancement are believed to be influenced by a
variety of personal characteristics; however, evidence suggests that environmental and
organizational factors also play a significant part in the academic career development
process ( 1982). One such factor is that of mentoring. “Today one can find
mention of mentoring in almost every publication aimed at management, administrators,
educators, human resource professionals, and the general public” (1991);
however, its role in career development has received only limited study. Examples of
successful mentoring models are found more frequently in business than in education.
A major function of a mentoring relationship is to facilitate a person’s career growth
and success. Although (1978) advocates that a mentor is fundamental to all
aspects of one’s development, other researchers and theorists view the primary benefits of
mentoring as those affecting performance in the workplace ( 1984;, 1985;1977)
(1985) summarized mentoring functions into two broad categories that she
termed career functions and psychosocial functions. Career functions are those aspects of
a relationship that enhanced learning the ropes and preparing for advancement in an
organization, Psychosocial functions are those aspects of a relationship that enhance a
sense of competence, clarity of identity, and effectiveness in a professional role.
While career functions serve primarily to aid advancement up the hierarchy of an
organization, psychosocial functions affect each individual on a personal level by
building self-worth inside and outside the organization. According to (1985),
when a relationship provides both career and psychosocial functions, “it best
approximates the prototype of a mentor relationship.” The range of specific functions
provided vary from one relationship to another.
(1984) described the most intense and useful function of mentoring as
sponsorship. The mentor puts his or her reputation on the line by actively promoting the
protege and by giving him or her important responsibilities. Kanter (1977) viewed
sponsorship as extremely important to organizational success. Sponsors hold positions
in organizations that enable them to stand up for the person being sponsored and to
promote that person for promising opportunities.
(1985) described mentoring functions similar to those of
(1984). Mentors
use their organizational influence to provide opportunity for the protege to gain exposure
and visibility in the organization. They also coach and protect their proteges. Among
the psychosocial functions described by Kram are role-modeling, counseling, friendship
and acceptance, and confirmation.
Purpose and Objectives
The purpose of the study was to determine the extent to which the career development of
university agricultural education faculty has been influenced by mentors, and to examine
the relationship between mentoring and selected indicators of career development.
Secondary purposes of the study were to identify functions performed by mentors, and to
develop a profile of the mentors of university agricultural education education faculty.
Objectives of the study were to:
Determine the extent to which the professional career
development of university agricultural education
faculty had been influenced by a mentor or mentors.
Determine the relationship between mentoring influence
and selected indicators of career development.
Identify functions of persons serving as mentors to
university agricultural education faculty.
Identify characteristics of persons serving as mentors
to university agricultural education faculty.
The accessible population for this descriptive study consisted of all agricultural
education faculty holding positions at four-year colleges or universities in the United
States. Faculty members in the population must have held a rank of assistant professor or
higher, and have been listed in the 1988 Directory of Teacher Educators in Agriculture, or
the 1987 Agriculture Teachers Directory. A total of 279 individuals were identified as
being eligible for inclusion in the study’s population.
A mailed questionnaire was used to collect data. A research instrument was developed
which consisted of four parts. The first part identified the functions performed by the
respondents’ mentors, and provided an indication of the respondents’ Perceptions of the
extent to which their professional careers had been influenced by a mentor. The 27
mentoring function items included in the instrument had been adapted from an instrument
developed by(1986) which was used to study the influence of mentoring on the
career success of business executives. Examples of these ideas are: “helped me set
realistic performance goals”, “expressed pride in my success”, “gave me objective
criticism”, and “helped me publish an article or book”. Responses to mentoring function
items were summed to generate an overall composite mentoring score. A post hoc
reliability coefficient was calculated, and yielded a Cronbach’s alpha of .88.
The second part of the research instrument provided descriptive information about the
individuals who had served as mentors to the respondents. The third part was designed to
generate information about the respondents’ career development. The items (listed in
Table 1) were objective measures of commonly accepted indicators of academic career
growth. Respondents were also asked to indicate their satisfaction with the current
professional position, and with their career progress. The final part of the instrument
contained questions intended to provide descriptive information about the respondents.
A panel of judges determined the content and face validity of the instrument. Three of
the judges were in the agricultural education profession and two were familiar with theories
of adult development.
A usable return rate of 78.66% (220 instruments) was achieved. A nonrespondent
follow-up was conducted. A series of t-tests revealed no significant difference between
respondents and nonrespondents.
Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences X (SPSSX).
Frequencies, means, standard deviations, and percentages were used to describe the data.
Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients were used to examine the relationship
between the composite mentoring score, and selected indicators of career development.
Nearly all respondents (93.66%) indicated that their professional careers had been
significantly influenced by one or more individuals. In this study, the term mentor was
used to describe these influential individuals. The definition of mentor was kept very
broad due to the exploratory nature of the study. The level of perceived influence by a
mentor on the respondents’ career development was determined by calculating a composite
mentoring score based on responses to 27 items pertaining to functions performed by
mentors. The possible range of composite scores was from 0 to 432. The actual range of
scores was from 197 to 423.
To examine the relationship between mentoring and career development, 11
indicators of career development were selected, and a Pearson product-moment correlation
coefficient calculated between respondents’ composite mentoring score and their
performance on each indicator of career development. As shown in Table 1, significant
relationships were observed between mentoring and only two of the career development
indicators, “grants received” and “master’s students advised”.
Table 1. Pearson product-moment correlations between composite mentoring scores and
selected indicators of career development
Indicator of
career development Coefficient Probability
Years to reach associate professor .02 .408
Years to reach full professor -.19 .069
Administrative positions held .12 .080
National leadership positions held .03 .382
National awards received .03 .382
Professional awards from state or local level .09 .162
Journal articles published .12 .080
Books authored or coauthored .02 .408
Grants received .20** .009
Doctoral students advised .07 .221
Master’s students advised .20** .009
aThis correlation was computed for full professors only, using the number of years
to move from associate to full professor.
Two career development measures were also correlated with respondents’ composite
mentoring scores. Respondents’ satisfaction with their current professional position, and
their satisfaction with their career progress were both positively related to the composite
mentoring score (see Table 2).
Table 2. Pearson product-moment correlations between composite mentoring score and
indicators of career satisfaction
Indicator of
career satisfaction Coefficient Probability
Satisfaction with current position .286** .001
Satisfaction with career progress .337** .001
Respondents were also asked to indicate the degree to which they agreed or disagreed
that their mentor had performed each of 27 selected mentoring functions. The most
important mentoring functions were the following: influenced my career in a positive
way, supported my efforts to advance in my career, took a personal interest in the
development of my career, expressed pride in my success, recognized my potential as an
effective educator, praised my efforts in the presence of others, been someone I could rely
on for support during critical times, and used his/her influence to assist my advancement
by recommending me for promising opportunities. The least important mentoring
functions were: insisted I stand on my own at all times, helped me publish an article or
book, assisted me by voluntarily taking on the role of teacher to improve my skills, and
cautioned me to avoid actions that might harm my career.
The mentors described by university agricultural education professors were, in many
respects, similar to their professors. The mentors and proteges were typically white males
of a similar social class, employed as university professors, and holding doctoral degrees
in agricultural education. Mentors were typically between eight and 20 years older than
their proteges, held the rank of full professor, and were considered by respondents to have
considerable influence in their professional field. Mentors provided the greatest
professional support during the early stages of the protege’s career, that is, during graduate
school and their first professional position following graduate school.
Conclusions and Recommendations
Most university agricultural education professors perceived their professional careers
to have been significantly influenced by another person or persons. The extent of
mentoring influence on the professional development of agricultural education faculty
varied widely, and only e few individuals appeared to have experienced intensive,
comprehensive relationships that are typical of “true” mentorships. The majority of
agricultural education faculty have experienced relationships that may more appropriately
be described as role modeling, counseling, or guiding.
Mentors of agricultural education professors provide many functions for their proteges.
Proteges considered functions pertaining to both career development and psychosocial
development to be important, Mentors of university agricultural education faculty were
similar to their proteges in race, social class, educational level and professional field.
They are considered by their proteges to be highly influential in their professional field.
Mentors of university agricultural education faculty were most important to their proteges
early in the protege’s professional career.
Mentoring was not found to be significantly related to the performance of university
agricultural education professors on most (9 of 11) objective indicators of career
development included in this study. However, mentoring was found to be significantly
related to an individual’s feeling regarding his or her satisfaction with his or her career.
Professors who experienced higher levels of mentoring were more satisfied with their
current jobs and with their career progress. It is possible that the emotional support
gained through a mentoring relationship provides agricultural education faculty with the
security of knowing they have a person to whom they can turn for advice or guidance.
Such support may result in confidence regarding one’s competence and performance.
The following recommendations were made to the agricultural education profession:
Agricultural education faculty are influential in the career development profess of younger
professors and graduate students. All faculty should recognize the potential impact of
their behavior and attitudes on the profession. Efforts should be made by each individual
to develop and maintain realistic but positive attitudes regarding the agricultural education
profession. High professional standards should be upheld by each faculty member.
Agricultural education professors benefit from a variety of functions performed by
mentors. Many of these functions that benefit the psychosocial development of the
protege are also considered to be important. Agricultural education faculty who find
themselves in mentoring roles should recognize the importance of the quality of the
mentoring relationship, and strive to develop those aspects of the relationship that
benefit both the professional and personal lives of their proteges.
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