Most of the successful business endeavors depend greatly on good interpersonal communication and relationship between the service or product providers and their clients. But all these will be put to waste if issues and problems brought about by cultural differences between employers and employees arise in an organization functioning to achieve a common goal. In the world of big international business industries where transactions and other business operations are governed by law, cultural differences and mutual trust, efficiency counts largely as a common entrepreneurial aim.
In line with these illustrations, this research paper aims to provide discussion regarding the factor and indicators of employee motivation through the critical evaluation of the importance of communication, leadership, team work, training and development, and compensation and benefits putting into context the case of Crown Relocations Ltd in Hong Kong. Along with this the research activity will present relevant data and information to achieve the following objectives:
1. To find out the significance and impact of employee motivation through a comprehensive literature review and secondary data evaluation.
2. To present the company profile of Crown relocations LTD.
3. To provide primary data on the current employee motivation strategies implemented by Crown Relocations Ltd highlighting the aspects of
a. Communication,
b. Leadership,
c. Team work,
d. Training and development, and
e. Compensation and benefits.
4. To come up with research-based conclusions as a resulting from completed study.
Information Gathering
Research design. The quantitative research approach was utilized to achieve the exploratory and the descriptive objectives of the study which highlighted the employees’ beliefs and perceptions with regards to employee motivation in Crown Relocations Ltd in Hong Kong. According to Mays and Pope (2000), the quantitative research approach is most appropriate when conducting descriptive and exploratory study in order to quantify data that seem immeasurable, such as feelings, beliefs, and thoughts. This permits a flexible and iterative approach of analyzing and statistically manipulating the collected information.
Research method. The survey method was used to be able to come up with descriptions of the variables that are of interest and related to the topic of the study. The descriptions of each variable lead to the investigation of their possible relationship with each other as well as how each of them may influence the outcome of the other concepts of the study. The data to be utilized in the research will be both primary data (also known as the first-hand data) and secondary data. While the primary data are collected straight from the sources and are gathered through the survey which will be the key research tool, the secondary data are collected from current related literatures. The secondary analysis method involves the use of existing data, collected for the purposes of a prior study, in order to pursue a research interest which is distinct from that of the original work (Scarbrough & Tanenbaum, 1998; Ruspini, 2002). Secondary data analysis is composed of the reviews of references and sources in this study to either support or rebut the claims and findings of this particular research endeavour. This enables the researcher to compare and contrast the results that were accumulated by other researchers who investigated the issue on legalizing euthanasia and other forms of assisted deaths.
Sampling technique. Stratified sampling technique operates by selecting samples in such a way that specific sub-groups or strata will have a sufficient number of representatives within the sample to provide sample numbers for the sub-analysis of the members of these subgroups (Vockel, 1983). The concept of non-random convenience sampling (Gay, 1976) was likewise used to govern the selection procedures of the respondents who participated since those who were asked to fill out the questionnaires were the employees who at the time of the data collection were available to fill out the survey questionnaire.
As such, the stratified non-random sampling technique was utilized to ensure the represenativeness of the respondents in the survey method which operates by classifying the target population into group classifications as set by the researcher. The samples are chosen through several selection procedures that usually take several stages depending on the complexity of the characteristics of the possible respondents and the interest of the researcher (Trochim, 2001). In line with this, the study ensured the representativeness of the samples by selecting 25 respondents from the five key business operations of the Crown Relocations Ltd in Hong Kong. This includes 25 employees each from the (a) Crown Relocations division, (b) Crown Records management Division, (c) Crown Logistics division, (d) Crown Wine Cellars division, and (e) Crown Fine Arts division. In asking the participation of 25 employees from each division, the researcher was able to include a pool 125 employees as total sample population for the research activity.
Basically, Guilford and Fruchter (1973) initiated that it is advisable to use the Slovin’s formula in choosing sample sizes. Thus, the sample size of the population in this paper was determined by Slovin’s formula. The formula of Slovin is given as follows:
n = a sample size
N= population size
e= desired margin of error (percent allowance for non-precision
For this research study, the total number of samples that was required is least 100 people. But since there is a possibility that several of the accomplished questionnaires do not pass the standards of validity set by the researcher, 25 other individuals who have the same characteristics as that of the defined target samples of the study were also asked to accomplish the questionnaire as reserved samples. Such incidents include half-finished survey form, inconsistent answers, untruthful information and forms of the respondent who did not answer the questionnaire seriously. These 25 additional respondents were composed of the 5 employees who belong to each of the five divisions of the Crowns Relocations Ltd. Upon the completion of the required number of respondents for the survey method, the valid questionnaires were still included in the presentation and analysis of the findings and results of the study.
Research instrument. The survey questionnaire was used as the primary tool in the data collection period for the convenience of both the researcher and the respondents of the study which distributed to 25 employees in each of the designated divisions of Crowns Relocations Ltd. The questions included in the questionnaire are composed mostly of close-ended queries for easy manipulation of the data during analysis and interpretation. (See Appendix A for the Survey Questionnaire) The survey form is composed of queries that the respondents assessed using the Likert scale. The survey form has 6 main parts which include the basic demographic characteristics of the respondents followed by the 5 key areas that were focused on by the research study. The Likert scale format was used to measure the level of agreeability of statements that were categorized according to the concepts of communication, leadership, team work, training and development, and compensation and benefits of the survey participants.
Data analysis and presentation. For the quantitative data analysis of the variables of the study, descriptive statistics were primarily used so as to present descriptions in manageable forms. As such, univariate analysis which involves the evaluation of different cases of a specific variable for a specific period of time (Lane, 2003) was incorporated through statistical tools in the form of the frequency distribution. The measures of central tendency: (a) mean, (b) median, and (c) mode is an estimate of the “center” of a distribution of values. It is the distribution or summary of the number of occurrence of individual values or ranges of values for a variable (Price, 2000). Frequency values and percentages of the answers of the respondents compose some of the findings and results of the study. The percentage formula was used to determine the magnitude of the responses to the questionnaire
% = ——– x 100 ; n – number of responses
N N – total number of respondents
The statistical analysis is conducted using Microsoft Excel where the quantitative data are tabulated, graphed and evaluated. The data and information gathered in using the secondary data analysis were used to support and rebut the claims of the study wherein critical examination and analysis of the findings were compared and contrasted with each other. For the coherent, comprehensive and logical presentation of data, tables were used.
Discussion and Analysis of Results
Importance of employee motivation. Motivation can be assumed as the reason or the force behind why a person does what he or she does. Sometimes, it is also a means to make the person perform better and more efficient. Basically there are three assumptions in human motivation established in research. The first one assumes that motivation is inferred from a systematic analysis of how personal, task and environmental characteristics influence behavior and job performance (Wiley, 1997). The next one infers that motivation is not a fixed trait; but rather it refers to a dynamic internal state resulting from the influence of personal and situational factors (Wiley, 1997). Finally, motivation affects behavior, rather than performance (Nicholson, 1995; Wiley, 1997).
Definition of motivation varies. Robbins (1998) stated: Motivation – “The willingness to exert high levels of effort toward organizational goals, conditioned by the effort’s ability to satisfy some individual need”. On the other hand, Greenberg and Baron (1997) define the motivation as “the set of processes that arouse, direct and maintain human behavior toward attaining some goal”. This definition contents three key essential aspects: arousal, direction and maintaining. Arousal is to do with the drive/energy behind people’s actions such as their interests to do the things or they do it just want making a good impression on others or to feel successful at what they do.
From the definitions mentioned, it can be analyzed that motivation is necessary for the growth of the employee in the organization. The employee starts his career through learning, basically the culture of the organization and his responsibilities. Motivation is a vital element to learning because if an organization does not possess the ability to motivate its employees, the knowledge within the organization is not practically used to the fullest (Osteraker, 1999). Thus, in every successful learning organization, finding the factors that will motivate its employees to partake in continuous learning and to take advantage of this knowledge, accordingly, becomes their aim (Osteraker, 1999). In the dynamic triangle motivation, different variables such as society, organizational culture and the personality of employees were taken into account (Osteraker, 1999). Accordingly, by accepting the participation of employees in the motivational process and fostering a dialogue between the examiner and the examined, the values in the organization are allowed to influence the whole motivational process (Osteraker, 1999, p. 77).
Impact of employee motivation. Abassi and Hollman (2000) discussed: “Employee loyalty is the underpinning of customer satisfaction with the organization. An enthusiastic and loyal employee will nurture productive working relationships with customers. Consequently, it is better for an organization to keep experienced and productive employees to hire new ones. However, to get and keep loyal workers, the organization must have a long run time horizon. It must invest in its employees through training programs and value them through strong organizational vision. In the face of eroding loyalty, attracting and keeping good people is the key to strategic staffing in all industries and sectors” (p. 333).
The rotation of workers around the labor market, may it be between firms, jobs and occupations, or between the states of employment or unemployment, is called as turnover (Burgess, 1998). Accordingly, turnover is one of the most significant causes of declining productivity and sagging morale in both the public and private sectors (Abassi & Hollman, 2000, p. 333). Excessive turnover may lead to jeopardy of the organization’s objectives and may negatively affect innovation and cause major delays in the delivery of services and introduction of new programs. It may also lead to loss of key employees, which, in turn may have negative impact on the quality and innovation of services delivered, which in turn, may negatively affect the satisfaction of customers of some departments or government agencies.
Retention of skilled employees is obviously important. They function well and stand out among the others. A company loses approximately million with every 10 managerial and professional employees who leave the organization (Fitz-enz, 1997). A company also loses critical knowledge necessary for better performance when a skilled employee decides to resign. Skilled employees are badly needed because they rarely come. If the training was provided by the organization, the turnover of skilled employees would just put the training expenses into waste. Furthermore, the mobility of the company is affected greatly because every turnover puts tasks left behind by the employee into a halt. Even if there would be a temporary substitute before a new employee is hired, it is unsure if the substitute would perform the task faster and efficiently. Then, the hiring process also wastes a considerable amount of time. It also brings additional costs in advertising.
Snell and Dean (1992) stated that skills, knowledge and experience represent capital due to the reason that they enhance productivity. Companies invest in skills training and development to be competitive, but the failure to manage the person trained could be considered a great setback. Employee retention is basically essential in grasping a complete return on investment. Based on the human capital theory, it is imperative that companies invest in skills training and development, but they should also align the compensations and benefits of the person with his or her achievements. Without recognition and growth, there is no reason for the employee to carry on his good performance, or worse, to continue his service to the organization (Snell & Dean, 1992).
Crowns Relocations Ltd. In 1965 Jim Thompson decided to establish a business that cater to international moving needs and established the Transport Services International in Yokohama, Japan. The success of the company led to expansion plans resulting to subsidiaries in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and other countries in the Asia Pacific. This chain of international transport business evolved in Crown Pacific investing further until it was recognized as the leading mover services in Asia in the 80’s. The continuous achievements and recognitions of the organization made it possible to offer the Americas, Australia and Europe the range of transport services it provides and became the Crown Worldwide Group. Today the company is known as one of the most successful and respected organization in the international logistics, express and moving industries in its commitment to offer quality service (Crown’s History, 2004). The continuous expansion of the company resulted to more systematic classification of services through the organization’s five main divisions of business operations. These include (1) the Crowns Relocations Division, (2) the Crown Records Management, (3) the Crown Logistics, (4) the Crown Wine Cellar, and (5) the Crown Fine Arts that focus on transport, warehouse, stocking, and storage businesses (Crown’s Divisions, 2004).
The Crown Relocations Division specifically handles the mobility program management of the company and relocation services of the company attending to diverse organization and family clients in transferring concerns in which transferees are assisted in establishing their new work and living environment as productive members of the locale. The services of the Crown Relocations Division include travel coordination, auto disposition, mail forwarding, lease termination, de-registration, and move-day inspections equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to ensure the safe handling and storage of the clients’ properties. The division likewise offers settling-in support services including airport ‘meet and greet’ service, utility and furniture instillation, as well as referral information assistance like child care and transportation contacts (Crown Relocations, 2004). The Crown Records Management Division attends to the management and storage of business transaction documentations and the magnetic and digital media used by the company. This is to ensure that the storage, retrieval and even destructions of the goods and properties that are under the care of the organization suit the different media and environmental conditions specified by the clients. The storage banks also accommodate different data formats such as paper, electronic copies, microfilm, film and audio tape or CD. The facilities used are designed with security systems including the fire and theft prevention and humidity control (Crown Records Management, 2004).
Meanwhile, Crown Logistics accounts for the import and export freighting of both industrial and commercial cargo. This includes air and sea transport as well as installation of furniture, fixtures and equipment. The distribution management services such as warehousing and transportation of goods are attended to by this division along with full inventory and storage optional services. The division is also equipped with computer software that makes it possible to automatically monitor the stock levels (Crown Logistics, 2004). Along with transport services; Crown Relocations Ltd also offers wine storage and handling which is managed by the company’s Wine Cellars Division. The division is concerned most with the prolong maturation of wine products in its six underground cellars (Crown Wine Cellars, 2004). Lastly, the former Lavanchy which is now the Crown Fine Arts Division particularly offers services in transporting fine art to clients worldwide including museums and private collectors (Crown Fine Arts, 2004).
Crown Relocations Worldwide institutes three core organizational missions that reflect the company’s corporate values. This includes the organization’s (a) perseverance to attain excellent service quality by implementing the QUEST Quality Management program, (b) utilization of the most effective technology in maximizing the profit of the company as well as in cutting down the costs and expenditures to design systems that prioritize the needs and specifications of the clients and customers, and (c) upholding professional relationship with employees by fostering healthy working culture within the organization (Crown’s Mission, 2004). Guided by these company goals, Crown Relocations Ltd makes it appoint to strategically invest facilities in locations that will strategically place the organization competitively with operations of more than 4 million square feet of warehouse space and facilities worth US6 million (Fast Facts, 2004).
Presentation of findings. Upon completion of the data gathering activity, the respondents who passed the consistency measures of the researcher totaled to 105 accomplished survey questionnaires. Since presentation of the results of the study show no significant value in using the five degree Likert Scale denomination, the researcher decided to classify the answers of the respondents into three categories (3 Agree, 2 Uncertain, 1 Disagree) to collapse the data to provide comprehensive information that were elicited from the survey participants.
Demographic characteristics of the respondents. Age. In terms of age, almost three-fourths of the total number (85%) of respondents comprises the adult group categorization (30 – 59 yrs. old) while the age of the remaining participants compose the employees who are below 20 years old (7%), 20 to 29 years old (14%), and the older members of the organization who are 60 years old and older (8%). It could be inferred that most of the employees of the Crown Relocations Ltd are people in their mid-life who have already established their careers and are probably earning for the daily needs of their families.
Sex. The data also indicated that more than half of the respondents (57.1%) are male while the remaining participants in the research activity are female (42.9%). It could be inferred that the job nature in Crown Relocations Ltd provides career opportunities to competitive individuals regardless of their gender since there findings states that the gap and the sample population difference between the number of male and female employees is negligible.
Civil status. Meanwhile, the largest portion of the respondents (43%) indicated that they are married followed by those who are separated (30%), thus supporting the inference in Figure 1 regarding their familial responsibilities. Employees who claimed their single status comprise one-fourth of the total sample population (24%) while there are also employees who indicated that they are widows/widowers (3%). From these research results, it is evident that three-fourths of the respondents (76%) have a high possibly of attending to and meeting the needs of their immediate family members.
Years of employment in the company. The largest portion of the total number of respondents (49%) stated that they have below five years of working experience in Crown Relocations Ltd followed by the employees who have gained six to ten years of career experience (34%) in the company. It is remarkable to note however, that there are 7% of the respondents who have at least 16 years of work dedicated to the organization and the remaining 11 % are people who have at least 11 years of work in the Crown Relocations Ltd. These findings are clear indication that the company has interesting strategies of minimizing the turnover of the employees and provides good opportunities to company members who have relatively lesser experience in the company operations.
Communication aspect in employee motivation. According to almost three-fourths of the participants of the study (68.6%), specifications regarding their work duties and responsibilities are explained to them by the management in order to promote a common entrepreneurial aim while the remaining one-third are not sure if that is the case in his/her experience in the company as they declared their uncertainty (19%) and disagreement among others (12.4%). Majority of the respondents (83.8%) indicated that they can consult their superior regarding matters that concern their job while there are a few who thought otherwise and disagreed (4.8%). Slightly more than ten percent indicated their uncertainty on the issue (11.4%). However, other findings of the study focusing on the communication aspect of employee motivation revealed that the most of the employees are not appraised by their superior when it comes to the progress of their work (48.8%) although there not much difference with the percentage of those claimed otherwise (40%) while the remaining one-tenth of the respondents were not sure of the claims (11.4%). The study’s significant finding also revealed that more than half of the participants (56.2%) indicated that they are not able to address their thoughts and opinions during meetings and only slightly more than one-third of them stated that they are able to air their concerns (38.31%).
In line with this, it could be inferred that the management have open and direct communication with their employees particularly on the concerns regarding job specifications. Moreover, since employees are able to consult their superiors on matters related to their work, it appears that the company makes it a point to foster good communication to the employees. Moreover, it seems that there is not enough encouragement and recognition that the management employs in order to improve the two-way communication interplay between the superiors and the subordinate employees of the company. The participants evidently indicated that recognition of their effort and contribution to the organization are not always accorded to them despite the number of respondents who were given good feedback on their duties and responsibilities. Furthermore, the employees experience limited role in suggesting means and ways to help contribute to the company despite their participation and attendance during staff meetings. It seems that the company is beset with power struggle between the superiors and their subordinates.
Leadership aspect in employee motivation. The results of the survey indicated that there is no significant difference in terms of the number of respondents who agreed (39%) and disagreed (37.1%) when they were asked if their superiors treat them as equal while the remaining one-third of the participants stated their uncertainty (23.8%). Half of the respondents (50.5%) also indicated that they are not sure if their superiors trust their confidence when it comes to accomplishing the tasks that are designated to them. There were more respondents, which is one-third of the total number of participants, who believe that their superiors lack trust in them (29.5%) compared to those who claimed that they are trusted by their superiors (20%). However, when it comes to being a role model of performance and being professional at all times, the superiors of the company were evaluated favorably. Majority of the respondents agreed that their superiors are good performers and ideal model to them (78.1%) and that their bosses are very professional in conduct and behavior in the workplace (83.8%).
Based on the results of the study, it seems that the leadership aspect in the company is not entirely favored positively by the participants of the study. Issues on power struggles between the organization’s superiors and subordinates are evident on the answers provided by the respondents. Their answers imply that there are clear distinctions on the hierarchal positions of the members of the company. More serious concerns when it comes to the superiors display of trust and confidence to their subordinates was likewise evident. Most of the survey participants find it hard to distinguish if they hold credibility and assurance to their bosses. But it was also clear that superiors are able to gain respect from their subordinates for being excellent performers and models to the employees and for being professional within the organization as well as when it comes of business matters.
Team work aspect in employee motivation. Majority of the research participants believe that the collective knowledge and skills of the entire workforce has direct relation and affects the individual performance of the members of the organization (92.4%) the remaining percentage of the respondents believe otherwise (2.9%) and uncertain (4.8%). Similarly, there appears to be a common belief that the team where the respondents belong to undergo constructive evaluation of every members’ performance (71.4%). More than half of the participants believe that their team members uphold personal interest more compared to establishing their selves as a team. Only slightly more than a quarter of the total number of participant indicated that their foster team work effort and interests setting aside individual concerns on performance (25.7%). Interestingly, however, is the majority’s unanimous ruling that enhancing the dynamics within work groups is important and should be encourage by the management through team building seminars outside the company (96.2%). Those who disagreed (2.9%) and those who stated their uncertainty (1%) comprise the remaining portion of the total responses of the participants of the research study.
The results of the research activity illustrates that majority of the respondents believe in the importance of team work within the organization. This is evident in their knowledge that team efforts has direct impact on individual performances of its members and the fact that most of them participate in constructive evaluation of individual member’s’ performance within the team. This indicates that the company is equipped with promising human resources who are wise enough to acknowledge the influence of team work and participation in the overall development and competitiveness of the company. However, the fact that political awareness and sensitivity within teams and work groups exist, reveals possible challenges and constraints when it comes to the efficient working relationships as well as functioning of the employees. But the number of respondents who are participative and trusting enough in not thinking about and in setting aside workplace politics is significant to influence the thinking of the politically-conscious employees of the organization. Furthermore, the majority’s belief that increased team dynamics will be beneficial for the efficient and productive team performance as well as to the personal interests of the teams’ members provides an avenue for the organization to improve the team work relationship and effort in the company.
Training and development aspect in employee motivation. The results of the study indicated that the respondents are updated on the latest developments in respective areas of their work (84.8%) and that they are given trainings in such developments (83.8%). But the results likewise records that there are employees who are lacking such knowledge in the industry developments disagreeing that they are updated (9.5%) and that they acquire trainings (13.3%) on such developments. Consistently, there are relatively more employees who claimed that they are encouraged by the management to take active participation in developmental trainings related to their work specifications and job descriptions (53.3%) compared to those who feel that the company lack support in their training needs (32.4%). Those who stated their disagreement are significant in number which implies that there a number of employees are willing to be trained but the management does not seem to recognize. All the participants in the research activity believe in the importance of the availability of career path planning services in the company.
The answers of the respondents of the research activity imply that the employees of the company place great value and importance on the necessity of training and development programs and activities for the members of the organization. It also appears that company recognizes the need of being updated in terms of technological and technical skills among the employees for the relative high percentage of respondents who declared informed and modernized knowledge and skills that they acquired from current education on the advance progress in the industry’s approaches and strategies to business and operation. The agreement of all the survey participants that career planning services in the company are necessary indicates that individual development and acquisition of knowledge are highly valued by the members of the organization. This likewise provides information on the necessary changes that company should initiate in order to meet the needs of their employees.
Compensation and benefits aspect in employee motivation. The results of the study indicated that the almost all of the participants in the survey are satisfied with the compensation and benefits of the company. Specifically, majority of the participating employees claimed that the compensation schemes (81%) of the organization as well as the benefits plans (88.6%) are favorable in relation to their basic needs. Moreover, the participants highlighted the necessity of competitive compensation schemes (93.3%) and benefits plans (97.1%) that companies should provide in order to enhance the loyalty and productiveness of their workforces.
It is therefore evident that Crown relocation Ltd offers satisfying and competitive compensations schemes and benefits plan to the members of its labor force. It could be inferred that the success of Crown Relocations Ltd to motivate performance among its employees could have been contributed by the management’s high consideration on the compensation and benefits of the employees since the employees believe that competitive compensation guarantee excellent performances among the members of the company.
It was evident that Crown relocations Ltd needs to enhance the efficient communication between and among superiors and subordinates as well as among colleagues to foster better workplace environment. It was apparent that the employees are challenged by some factors that limit them to fully participate in the organization’s plans and decision-making processes and strategies which make them feel less important. In terms of leadership among superiors, evaluation of the employees indicated that power and hierarchal distinctions beset the efficient interaction between the heads and followers within the organization. Moreover, the respondents also highlighted the political consciousness that exist in the company and threatens the productive performance among teams and work groups. In this light, the management should be able to foster workplace setting that upholds team effort and recognizes individual contribution of the employees to enhance healthy working competition among the members of the organization. Furthermore, the importance of training and development in the industry is acknowledged by the research participants. As such, their collective perceptions and beliefs were able to clearly state of the high value they place on enhanced skills and knowledge. Such voluntarism among the respondents could serve the company in maximizing the potential of its workforce. Lastly, the compensation and benefits offered by Crown Relocations Ltd contributed highly on the company’s means and ways of motivating its employees.
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