This is biology essay has to cover the anatomy of heart, this will help to lead to Angina, therefore the Pathophsiology & physiology of Angina. (this is a degree level essay). Question
Write an account of a patient that you are familiar with. Show how nursing care, nursing intervention or patient education are supported by your understanding of Human Biology.

Assignment guidelines
The assignment will be marked on depth of understanding of Applied Biology shown relating to the care and treatment of the patient in the case history.
• Identification of the anatomy, physiology, and Pathophsiology of the condition (or disease) relevant to understanding the nursing care of the patient.
• A critical review of up to date treatments for that condition including (if appropriate) pharmacology, surgery, therapy, life style changes, or clinical interventions that are relevant.
• Current issues in choices of treatment which can be discussed analyzed and critically evaluated.

This is a case study:
MRs Smith admitted in the ward after experienced left side chest pain, it started when she got up to use the bathroom. She is 5 feet 10 inches tall, weighs about 97kilograms (kg), has past medical history of type 2 diabetes, which means her diabetes is normally controlled by diet and oral hypoglycemic medication and also she smokes forty cigarettes a day. Usually her BP at home ranges between 162/90 and 179/98, but BP during her hospitalization has been consistently around 130/80, and she is not being treated for hypertension. On admission, she said that, she has no history of heart problems this is the first time she experienced chest pain. Pain assessment tool was used to identify tenseness of her pain by using a number scale tool. One stands for least pain and number ten for most pain. She ranks the pain as severity at 6 on a scale. Also she mentions that her only regular exercise at home is housework and her father died of a heart attack at age 50.
Because MRs Smith was admitted with chest pain, is important that she undergo a thorough evaluation to assess the possible presence of angina. A careful past medical history and physical examination is critical to accurately establish the diagnosis of angina, and to exclude other causes of chest pain.

Understanding of angina

• Definition of angina
• Anatomy (Formation of angina)
• Physiology (Cause and types of angina (pain patterns))
• Path-physiology (Myocardial ischemia)
• Factors determine myocardial ischemia
 Heart rate
 Systolic blood pressure
 Myocardial wall tension or stress
 Myocardial contractility

• Nursing care and intervention
• Pharmacology and non pharmacology liaise with NSF (CHAD)
• The reason of a chosen treatment (Clinical governance, trust protocol and guidance, and NSF (CHAD))


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