Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is the future of our generation and Education is its main focus, ICT has helped many industries, government, organizations. Universities should promote their ICT curriculum in a more high- technologically advanced system using computer and multi-media lessons that students can easily understand their lessons using interactive approach in learning. Students highly enjoy audio visual teaching methods which are probably more effective than chalk and blackboard or book and notebook learning although it does not intend to replace such method.

      ICT and Computer based education is also enjoyed by teachers and trainers since it eliminate so much manual workload. They don’t need to check exams manually or pass on papers one by one during examinations but they use the computer for a centralized learning approach, sometimes all they have to do is search in the internet references and lessons is already there for them to fill up and use. They can also develop their own program for a more comprehensive approach in learning; they can make their own template or buy software that fits their needs. The database system also makes their grading computation and data management very easy, so it saves so much time.

      Most Importantly ICT opens up a whole new world of opportunity not just in learning methodology but personal progress. Students can handle and design their own program and they are now not limited to the books, they can take a research over the internet and view the most important lessons that they can get or they can simply use the media, audio, video and photos for a more intelligent selection in learning. They can also learn and contribute their knowledge to people all over the world or seek help from people through interaction using the Social Networking Sites including YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter, MySpace and any other SNS. This way the opportunity is not limited to the community but they can interact simultaneously if they like.

      College students have also found the importance of ICT in creating their own online and offline businesses using their knowledge. Anyone who has the knowledge in ICT can already engage in many business activities including home-based job opportunity, business process outsourcing and part time job for college students. They can enhance their spirit of entrepreneurship through online business participation during weekend or they can even work at night. There are various websites who also offer various job opportunities especially designed for college students like affiliate programs, online selling, e-book writing, outsourcing, blogging, webpage designing, drawing job and any other opportunities that is suited for college students.

      College students just need to seek and they will find if they are really willing and unafraid to find new things. But if ICT is not taught in their college curriculum they may find it hard to participate in such opportunities. ICT is therefore a gift of technology that can offer so many opportunities for college students, teachers and individual and they should grab this opportunity to learn everything they can.  these websites and many others we can be sought if they want. They can also serve in schools, government agency, churches and other organizations by extending their ICT knowledge to help people and the community.

      Probably another most important aspect of ICT is to prepare the students in their future after they graduate. They can also help the economy if they themselves have learned to master the broad spectrum of ICT they can be the one to establish their own business and provide employment to people if they have learned to master their ICT Education they can do Audio, Video and Image editing which is a highly viable business nowadays. Courses such as Computer Engineering, Computer Programming, and PC Technician etc. are highly required in most countries and such educations can land them to a good job opportunity from various companies and government agencies.

      ICT students who learn to master various languages using computers creates even greater opportunities abroad, although they don’t need to go out from their countries because there are Business Process Outsourcing Companies who are looking for local people to join their company by exhibiting their talents in communication by serving other countries using Information and Communication Technology Experts. This process prepares them in globalized revolution even if they live in their community. ICT education prepares students to help to contribute in strengthening the economy of their government. ICT students can be the catalyst of change and progress so they must embrace such knowledge and opportunities that comes their way. ICT Education is a lifelong investment that they can use.    





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