An Investigation for The development of e business for the Chinese garment company








Master Dissertation Proposal







Student ID: 


Name    : 

February 2007






1. Introduction…………………………………………………….…….. .2

2. Aim……………………………………………………………….……..3

3. Objectives……………………………………………………….………3

4. Literature Review……………………………………………………….3

5. Deliverables………………………………………..………….…….….3

6. .Methodology………………………………………………..…………..3

  6.1 Personal Observation…………………………………………..…3

  6.2 Quantitative Survey………………………………………………3

6.2.1 Population………………………………………………….3

6.2.2 Data Collection…………………………………………….4

6.2.3 Data Measurement…………………………….….……….5

6.2.4 Data Analysis……………………………………..………5

  6.3 Exploratory Interview……………………………………. ….…5

6.3.1 Data Analysis………………………………………………………………..…5

7. Limitation……………………………………….…………………..…5

8. Timetable………………………………………………….……….…..6

9. Research Resource…………………………………………………….7

10. References………………………………………….…..……………8.9


u  Introduction


Today, with the development of networks based on internet technology, the quickly updated information impacts on consumer’s opinion of the real world, and operating situation in industry and commerce as well as human life style. In such a huge inter-combination background with internet contacting and exuberance resource that is supported by systemic information technology, so e-commerce emerged with time requiring.    E-commercenamely operating commercial activity online, has lots of primary functions such as advertisement, order, payment, customer service ,goods submit, distribution, market research and analyses, finance assess and production scheduling. The enterprise send their products’ information to personnel and clients by using intranet and internet, or contact the co-partners directly online, all the operations about that belong to the e-commerce, which has a very important feature on transmission and transact business information by utilizing the network technology, wherefore someone defines: e-commerce equals to Web plus IT. There is a widely concept about e-commerce that is kind of ongoing commercial activity online and to make Electronic Data Transmission as well.

‘A, Internet Merchant bank Account

B, Web hosting

C, Provider of Online Transaction

D, Shopping Cart Software’ 2002


u  Aims


The main purpose of this research is to help Chinese garment companies realize the importance of online business in their business.

u  Objectives


After clarifying the aim of the research, through the purpose statement, the objectives should be identified. The objectives were derived from the above aim and the whole research will be developed according to these objectives. They are including:

-Do some research on e-commerce status of Chinese garment company

-Analysis how E-commerce can help Chinese garment company.


u  Literature Review

E-commerce and information system strategy.


u  Methodology


The ideal methodology of this research is supposed to involve personal observation, quantitative survey and qualitative research.

. Deliverables

Results of questionnaire and interview. (includes analysis of these results)

May be develop online business system for Chinese garment company.

n   Personal Observation

First of all, personal observation, as opposed to observations taken by mechanical means, can be used whenever it is possible to collect data by watching what consumers do in the process of purchasing goods or services, by checking the quality of services provided by retail and service outlets, or by noting the availability, quantity and prices of branded goods on shelves in shops or in the home (1999). Through the observation, the online shopping behaviours of the garment consumers are better watched, such as when they like to shop, what they like to shop.


n   Quantitative Survey

Quantitative survey would be conducted for this research. It is easier and clearer to get the overall result through the quantitative survey, because the general perception could be showed through percentage by statistics calculation. Statistics analysis like factor analysis and cluster analysis are then used to identify groups or categories of people who tend to be specific to particular classes of online shopping ( 1999).


6.2.1 Population

The population size of this research is including all the Chinese people who have over 16 yeas old.

6.2.2 Data Collection

Minimum 150 questionnaires would be delivered by post, face-to-face, and email to this group of consumers, mainly they are students in some high schools, colleges and universities to conduct their demographic characteristics, social status, shopping habits, and brand repeated purchases.



6.2.3 Data measurement

Since the research is about the brand loyalty, this proposed research is going to use both direct measurement and indirect measurement.  Particularly, according to Kent, repeat purchase is taken as an indicator of brand loyalty (2001), and indirect measurement should be more suitable than any other measurement in terms of brand loyalty.


6.2.4 Data Analysis

All the data which is collected by questionnaire survey will be entered for statistical analysis. Both unvaried analysis and divaricated analysis will be used at the same time. First of all, the results would be analysed by descriptive statistics, since it is more direct to display all the variables. And then the cross-tabulation is used. It is suggested by Kent that to display the relationship between two non-metric variables a divaricated cross-tabulation is required (1999). A cross-tabulation presents the frequencies of two variables the values of which are interlaced ( 1999).


n   Exploratory Interviews

6-8 interviewees might be selected from the previous quantitative research, intend to go in-depth to know people’s idea, attitude to the online shopping/e business. According to (1999), Qualitative research will tend to be used fro exploratory purposes where the researcher needs to design questionnaires in which the consumer perspective on or images of products and brands need to be tested and are not known in advance, or where the words, phrases or categorizations of markets or products need to be checked before proceeding to quantitative research.


6.3.1 Data Analysis

To conduct the e business’s attitude and opinions , the reason for why people are  loyal to online shoppping, the elements involved to make them choose particular ways, the mechanical analysis would be used, as mechanical analysis has the aim of sorting and classifying what people said into categories with a view to bringing together comments that are on the same topic ( 1999). 


u  Limitation


To begin with, although this research has been designed an idea methodology which includes store observation, questionnaire survey, and exploratory interviews so that good results can be got, there are only three months for the whole research and time is assumed to be a constraint element to finish those three methodologies which are supposed to conduct by only one person but not group. The research would start at the begging of June and finish by the end of August. Time is a very limited for this 15,000 words piece of research. Meanwhile, because of the limitation of time, one of the methodologies might be canceled so that the author could get enough time to analyse the data and construct a good piece of research.


Then, this research is written by a non-native speaker; language would be a struggling factor and it might happen sometimes that an appropriate word cannot be found.


Also, the sample would be chosen from some colleges or universities which the author has the access to do the survey. It means that most of the sample would be young adults who are age from 16 to 22, and most of them are from students group. It means that the perception of the non-students groups are not condcucted and researched, and some valuable information from other age group such as from 12 to 15 would be lost.


u  Timetable


To undertake the methodologies and analyze the data of the research at the right time is the key to the success of a good research and therefore a timetable is needed before the research goes on.

Step - Literature Review

  • Early April, Literature review should be started in order to conduct the literature on the demographic area, consumer behavior, marketing research, online shopping measurement, and fashion clothing area.


Step - Methodology

  • April11th, Stores observation.

  • April16th Design the quantitative questionnaires.

  • April 20th dispatch the questionnaires

  • May 1st, enter questionnaires data into e besiness.

  • May5th, choose the sample for exploratory interviews.

  • May6th, sending the cover letter to the potential interviewees.

  • May 8th, start the exploratory interviews

  • May 20th, finish the exploratory interviews.


Step – Data Analysis

  • May 21st, analyze the exploratory data and the data from observation, first draft on the preliminary analyses of the all the data.


Step – Dissertation Writing and Revision

  • June 5th, start to write the first draft of whole research, such as introduction, literature review, methodology, limitation and data analysis.

  • June 15th, start to write the results and conclusion.

  • June 20th, make some improvement on the research based on the first draft, and start the abstract.

  • June 25th, final revision on the whole research


Step Printing, Binding and Hand in

  • June 28th, start to print and bind the dissertation.

  • June 31st, hand in the dissertation.


u  Resource Requirements


It is not an easy job to finish a dissertation for the master degree, and a lot of skills and equipments are used during the whole dissertation writing. First of all, word-processed skill and professional SPSS knowledge must be thorough handled by the researcher.  And a good communication skill with the interviewees is also needed for the piece of research. Secondly, Library facilities are supposed to use most frequently and the up-to-date academic journals can be searched through the web searches. Last but not the least; the researcher should have a budget for this research since the whole research would cost a lot, for example, the questionnaires printing, the phone/travel cost for interviews, the dissertation printing etc.  



Resources Audit

Some information from the questionnaire and interview. And others from literatures.










chaper1: introduction <5pages
 1.1 introduction
chapter2: literature review    <15pages
     2.1 introduction
chanpter3: background   <5pages>
     3.1 introduction
chapter4: research methods(methodology)      <5pages>
     4.1 introduction
     4.2 prior literature
     4.3 research method
     4.4 research question
     4.5 sample selection
     4.6 data design
     4.7 questionnaire administration procedure
chapter5:results and analysis                     < 30pages>
     5.1 introduction
chapter6: conclusion and recommendation            <5pages>
      6.1 introduction
      6.2 review of objective
      6.3 conclusion
      6.4 limitation
      6.5 recommendations

reference              < 50>


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