This paper intends to discuss the WTO and the current E.U. The paper also intends to discuss the E.U. and W.T.O. talks and the arguments taking place. Through the information that can be gathered a conclusion can be formulated.
World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international body that promotes and enforces the provisions of trade laws and regulations. The World Trade Organization has the authority to administer and police new and existing free trade agreements, to oversee world trade practices, and to settle trade disputes among member states. The WTO was established in 1994 when the members of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), a treaty and international trade organization, signed a new trade pact. The WTO was created to replace GATT. The WTO is based in Geneva, Switzerland, and is controlled by a General Council made up of member states’ ambassadors who also serve on various subsidiary and specialist committees. The ministerial conference, which meets every two years and appoints the WTO’s director-general, oversees the General Council. Since its creation, the WTO has attracted criticism from those concerned about free trade and economic globalization. Opponents of the WTO argue that the organization is too powerful because it can declare the laws and regulations of sovereign nations in violation of trade rules, in effect pressuring nations to change these laws. Critics also charge that WTO trade rules do not sufficiently protect workers’ rights, the environment, or human health. Some groups charge that the WTO lacks democratic accountability because its hearings on trade disputes are closed to the public and press. WTO officials have dismissed arguments that the organization is undemocratic, noting that its member nations, most of which are democracies, wrote the WTO rules and selected its leadership. WTO supporters argue that it plays a critical role in helping expand world trade and raise living standards around the world.
European Union is an organization of European countries dedicated to increasing economic integration and strengthening cooperation among its members. The European Union headquarters is in Brussels, Belgium. The EU has a number of objectives. Primarily, it works to promote and expand cooperation among its members in several areas, including economics and trade, social issues, foreign policy, security, and judicial matters. Another major goal has been to implement Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), which established a single currency for EU members. The EU has come a long way since 1951. Its membership has grown to 15 countries, and may increase to 21 or more by 2010. It has developed a common body of law, common policies and practices, and a great deal of cooperation among its members. Its progress, however, has not been consistent, with spurts of activity separated by more-dormant periods. The most immediate challenge the EU faces is to make a success of the euro, but the future of the single currency rests in part upon how acceptable it proves to world financial institutions and markets. In the long term, enlarging the EU by including Eastern Europe should improve economic prospects by extending the single market and stimulating economic growth and trade. The EU hopes that enlargement will raise the EU’s standing as the major European voice in world affairs and contribute to security and stability on the Continent. After the study of the WTO and EU the next discussion will focus on the talks between the WTO and the EU and the effects it has on the organization. Through the said discussions a needed conclusion regarding the study can be made.
The Talks between the WTO and E.U.
An increasing number of people wanted changes to happen to WTO. They want the said organization to be more responsive to the needs of consumers, workers, environmentalists. This happened during a summit the WTO was having. The summit did not achieve its goal because of the disagreements between the industrialized and developing nations. These disagreements focused on the agricultural subsidiaries provided by the EU to support their farmers. This also helped in making the need for talks between the WTO and the EU. The talks between the WTO and EU can have both positive and negative results for both of them. For the WTO the positive effect of the talks include achieving its goal of being known as a pro-poor organization, achieve its goal of achieving global trade rules, have a firmer grasp on world trade, and settling any problems regarding trade. The talks between the WTO and the EU can lead to a better image for the said organization. If the talks will end successfully the end result is people will know the WTO not as a bad trade organization but a good trade organization. Thus if the image of WTO becomes better to the eyes of the public more countries/groups will be encouraged to join the organization. If more countries will be encouraged to join the organization its power and scope can increase thus it can bring realization to the dreams and aspirations it has over trade.
Another positive effect of the talk to the WTO is it achieving its own set of global trade rules. If the talk ends positive its effect will be positive as well and a possible effect is the WTO without any hindrances or problems can create its global trade rules. The global trade rules will foster a better relationship among trading countries. It helps in bringing benefits to the trading between countries; it also lessens the burden the WTO has to carry on making sure trading countries are given the proper treatment it need. Moreover a positive effect of the talk to the WTO is it having a firmer grasp on world trade. The talk if ended positively can give the WTO more power and wider range of scope regarding world trade. The EU has a big responsibility and has many countries under it, if the WTO can agree with the EU the power it has can be shared by the WTO thus more countries can be under it and WTO can control trading more. If the WTO can have a positive talk with the EU it can impose or change trade restrictions on any country it likes, it can also control how trading between countries can result to. Lastly a positive effect of the talk to the WTO is it can settle trade riffs. The main job of the WTO is settle trade differences and brings solution to it. Through the talks the conflict between rich countries and the poor countries can be given solution. Both can acquire benefit from such. Any country having trade disputes can be assisted on finding the proper solution to their problem. If there is no problem regarding trade restrictions and trade disputes don’t exist the WTO can focus solely on maintaining a healthy trading environment by making needed trade rules and trade policies. These positive effects can be realized if the talk ends positively and no other distractions or problems come out.
The talk between the EU and the WTO as been discussed can bring positive advantage to WTO but on the other hand its effect may not be that good. These negative effects can lead to problems much harder to solve and can cause time to find a solution. The negative effect of the talk include conception of the rift between the EU and the WTO, people having a more negative image of WTO, trade rules more beneficial to industrialized nations, widening of the rift between industrialized and developing countries, and different world trading policies. The talk between the EU and the WTO can bring a negative effect to WTO because it might fuel or start the problem between the WTO and EU. If the WTO and EU will not agree that both will benefit from the result can be rift or misunderstanding between the two. The rift has also dire effects like more trade transactions will be pending; trading will be more difficult for countries, and others. A negative effect of the talk to WTO is a more negative image of WTO for the people. If the talks did not do anything good WTO will have to face a bigger and a redundant problem. More people will demand changes to the said organization and this might happen continuously hampering the changes the WTO wants to happen. The negative image branded to WTO can decrease the number of members it has, it can loosen its grip on world trading. Another negative effect of the talk to WTO is the trade rules will tend to be more beneficial to the industrialized countries. During the talk the EU may force the WTO to give in to its demands and create policies that can benefit the industrialized countries. These policies can be the ones that give the developing nations a harder time to grow. These policies can be used to abuse those nations or people that are still trying to be as successful as the industrialized nation. The WTO may become unable to act on such things. If it grows worse the WTO may have so much difficulty in solving this negative effect.
Moreover a negative effect to the WTO of the talk is widening or increasing the rift between the industrialized and the developing countries. As mentioned earlier an effect of the talk is the rules or policies favoring those rich countries or those industrialized countries. Because of that the rift or the division between the industrialized and still developing countries may grow, it may be harder to find a solution to. If that happens trading will be more difficult for countries, social relationships between countries will be affected more, wars between countries just to survive the changing world can become a possibility, and their can be increase on those hungry and dying. The WTO can feel the effects of this possibility it may not be able to solve the differences that may happen if the result of the talk is negative. Lastly a negative effect of the talk can be different world trading policies. The trading rules in one country maybe changed in another, the trading policy in one country may become beneficial to some and disadvantageous to some. Since there is no unique policy on trade, the negative result of the talk can lead to countries changing their policies and ignoring the assistance and guidance WTO is trying to give to them. Countries can have more hard time in trading with one another. Countries who support another may give more considerations on trading to their alliance and give stricter restrictions to those they think are their rivals. On one hand the WTO may not be able to counter such problems and thus be unnecessary to countries. These negative effects can be prevented by making sure that the result of the talk will be a positive one and the focus of the talk will be for all people to acquire benefits and not a selected few will be the ones benefiting.
The talk between the EU and the WTO as been discussed can bring both positive and negative changes to the WTO but it can also bring positive and negative changes to the EU. The succeeding discussion will give the positive advantages of the talk to the EU. The positive effect of the talk to the EU includes the EU acquiring the benefits it wants to achieve, the EU achieving a stronger grasp on the European countries, the EU can compromise helping the developing countries and at the same time gaining monetary benefits for the EU members, better image of the EU to the citizens of its member nations, and lessen external conflicts with citizens of their member nations. The talk between the EU and the WTO can bring a positive effect of EU acquiring the benefits it wants. The talk can be used as a factor for the EU to achieve the benefits it wants. It can impose the changes it is willing to do. The talk can help EU realize the goal it wants to achieve. A positive effect of the talk is the EU can have a stronger grasp on European countries. If the EU made positive changes using the meeting the members of that organization can be given satisfaction thus its members will remain under its control and more countries can be encouraged to join the organization. Another positive effect of the talk is the EU can compromise helping the developing countries and at the same time gaining monetary benefits for the EU members. Two birds can be hit with one stone. If favorable result can come out of the talk two things can be done by the EU and these are helping developing countries and gaining monetary benefits. In some instances gaining monetary benefits cannot be equated with helping developing countries without one of the activity suffering. If the talk will be a success the two activities can be done at the same time. Given the proper conditions and proper actions acquiring benefits financially can also be done together with helping developing countries.
Moreover a positive effect of the talk is to make a better image of the EU to the citizens of its member nations. The talk can be used as a tool to improve the image of the EU not only to the member nation but to its citizens as well. The talk can make the EU more popular to the citizens and remove the negative image it has. The talk can make the EU give satisfaction to the member nations’ citizen and not be an unpopular organization. The talk can replenish the tarnished record of the EU and make it a better one that the citizen of the member nation can be proud of. Lastly a positive effect of the WTO and EU talk to EU is lessened external conflicts with citizens of their member nations. Related to having a better image through the talk is lessening or preventing conflicts with citizens of the member nations. Through the talk conflicts with the citizens can be prevented or lessened. Since not all citizens may agree with the EU and its works, principles, and goals there might be some citizens who might want to have no more EU because they have not directly seen its benefits. These citizens may cause things that EU doesn’t want to happen. These citizens may do things that may greatly affect the operations and transaction of EU. . These conflicts can prevent transactions and trading to take place. Chaos is not good for both the EU and its member nation’s citizens both can not have the benefits they desire. Conflicts waste organizations time, resources, and energy. EU through having a positive result of the talk can be a factor in changing the mind of these people. Through a good result of the talk chaos, conflicts between EU and its member nation’ members can be prevented and prevented. The said positive results can be achieved if there will be successful talks and if the EU can assure that it is not only the one that is benefiting from the talk.
The talk between the EU and the WTO as been discussed can bring positive advantage to EU but on the other hand its effect may not be that good. The talks can bring negative effects to the EU. These negative effects can lead to problems much harder to solve and can cause time to find a solution. This include non-realization of the goals of the EU, the EU loosing its reason for existence, EU loosing the prestige it has, and EU gaining more problems than benefits. The talk between the EU and the WTO can bring negative effect of non-realization of the goals of the EU. The talk can remove the company from achieving its goal. It can redirect the EU to another goal. This can be due to the different issues and concerns coming out from the talk. The EU might be forced to achieve these other goals rather than going for the original goal. A negative effect of the talk to EU is the organization loosing its reason for existence. The talk may produce good result that EU may not become unneeded anymore. At the same time the talk may produce a negative result that there is no need for EU but a newer organization might become needed. The value of the EU may diminish because of the talk.
Moreover A negative effect of the talk to EU is loosing the prestige it has. The talk not only can make EU change it goals but it can change it practices thus the prestige it once had might be lost. It might change some of its practice that made it different and gave it a higher status against other organization. It might do things that other organizations are doing. The negative things that some organizations do that makes them less prestigious can also be imitated by the EU because of the talk. Lastly A negative effect of the talk between WTO and EU is EU gaining more problems than benefits. The talk may lead the organization to a wrong path, the talk may also contribute to the factors that make the organization belong to a wrong path. If this happens EU may have more problems than benefits. These negative effects can be prevented by making sure that the result of the talk will be a positive one and the focus of the talk will be for all people to acquire benefits and not a selected few will be the ones benefiting. Additionally the talk should help the EU reaffirm its path and not create a new one for it to acquire benefits and not anymore problems.
World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international body that promotes and enforces the provisions of trade laws and regulations. The World Trade Organization has the authority to administer and police new and existing free trade agreements, to oversee world trade practices, and to settle trade disputes among member states. European Union is an organization of European countries dedicated to increasing economic integration and strengthening cooperation among its members. The EU has a number of objectives. Primarily, it works to promote and expand cooperation among its members in several areas, including economics and trade, social issues, foreign policy, security, and judicial matters. Another major goal has been to implement Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), which established a single currency for EU members. For the WTO the positive effect of the talks include achieving its goal of being known as a pro-poor organization, achieve its goal of achieving global trade rules, have a firmer grasp on world trade, and settling any problems regarding trade. The negative effect of the talk include conception of the rift between the EU and the WTO, people having a more negative image of WTO, trade rules more beneficial to industrialized nations, widening of the rift between industrialized and developing countries, and different world trading policies. The positive effect of the talk to the EU includes the EU acquiring the benefits it wants to achieve, the EU achieving a stronger grasp on the European countries, the EU can compromise helping the developing countries and at the same time gaining monetary benefits for the EU members, better image of the EU to the citizens of its member nations, and lessen external conflicts with citizens of their member nations. The negative effect of the talk to the EU includes non-realization of the goals of the EU, the EU loosing its reason for existence, EU loosing the prestige it has, and EU gaining more problems than benefits.
As was shown in the discussion there are many benefits and disadvantage of the talks for both EU and WTO. The arguments or the benefits and disadvantage of the talks for both the EU and WTO helps in ascertaining what can happen or may happen if the result of the talks will be good or bad. The talks can bring good or bad effects to the WTO and the EU, knowledge of the possibilities can bring changes and abrupt preparation for anything that might happen should be part of the plan. The advantage and disadvantage of the talks to the organizations can also serve as a warning for possible future events. It can also serve as guidance on what should be done so that the disadvantage will not be felt.
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