Chapter 1 Introduction to the Use of EWS in Manufacturing

Discussion of the Research Question

This project aims to know the effects of implementing EWS on the cost of production of manufacturing sector in Hong Kong and in the process, investigate the cost-effectiveness of using EWS. Through the said research question, the effects of EWS to the manufacturing system in Hong Kong will be known. Moreover, a better understanding of EWS can be seen and its importance in a company can be realized more, as well as the analysis of what EWS can do and how EWS improves the companies’ status.


Brief Overview on the use of EWS

Electronic workflow system is becoming more and more popular in Hong Kong. Electronic workflow systems are software systems that are used as support for coordinating complex business processes (Degnan, 1999). This enables the execution of different processes more coordinated between members of the organization. The execution of processes through automated systems enable the company to cut down several steps in the production and thus enhancing their efficiency and lowering associated cost related to low value activities (Casati 1999; Davis, 2000). The process of implementing workflow systems could be costly for the company (Cole-Gomolski, 1997). However, the cost-savings through time would definitely outweigh the cost of acquiring the program and the cost of implementation (McCauseland, 2002).


Perceived Benefits of EWS

Although EWS can cause the company with some financial problems, it may give the company cost-savings and through time, it can outweigh the cost of acquiring the program and the cost of implementation. Through EWS, the company’s in Hong Kong can gain advantage against their competitors and increase its profitability and upgrade the market status it has. Another, through EWS, more clients can be attracted to avail of the services and products of companies.  Lastly, through EWS, the company can improve the work status of the employees within the company.


Aims and Objectives of the Study

The main aim of this project is to assess and determine the impact of EWS on cost production in the manufacturing companies.



A.     To provide an evaluation of the cost-savings that could be realized through the implementation of EWS.

B.     To assess the cost of investment for manufacturing companies implementing EWS.

C.    To assess how productivity and profit would be affected through the EWS.

D.    To evaluate software features that manufacturing companies believed to be essential for the success of EWS.

E.     To realize some challenges that may occur in implementing EWS and how this would affect the realization of cost savings.


Chapter 2 Literature Review

The Emerging Trends in the Use of EWS

One of the trends in the use of EWS is it introduces new solutions on businesses. As mentioned in the article from Business Wire (1995 February 7),  an electronic workflow system will be introduced to speed mortgage application processing and cut paperwork and costs, while enabling the company to offer a more responsive service to its home finance customers. The productivity of the 200-plus team of underwriters at InterMortgage which is UK’s Barclays Bank’s home mortgage operation will be increased by up to 40 percent, with a significant impact on turnaround times. Electronic imaging technology will play a major role in making InterMortgage a paperless environment, allowing processing teams to monitor the status of each application and staff and the capability to redirect files instantly to any processing team’s workstation.


Different Software and Hardware used and costs

In EWS, different software and hardware are used. One of the hardware used is networking materials; this technology makes sure that communication takes place in the company. Another material used is the personal computers that are the main materials used in running the software. On the other hand, the software used is specialized programs that enable the idea of EWS to transpire. These specialized programs are in a way the heart of EWS while the computers are the hands that can be instrumental in making the system work. The costs that will be used for such can be a big thing for the company depending on how advanced the software and the hardware is and depending on how far or near these materials can come from. The investment costs may be a bit too much for the company but the rewards that the company will receive from this will last for longer periods of time and it can boost not only the status of the company but the morale of its employees.


Assessments Used to Evaluate the Impact of EWS: its cost and its benefits

To evaluate EWS, different tools can be used. One tool is the figures the company has. Through analysis of the income and the revenue of the company, the impact of EWS can be known. Increase in income and revenue means the impact of EWS is so effective while a decrease in income and revenue means that EWS has not done anything that can create changes to the company. Another tool to assess the impact of EWS is the influx of customer the company has. More clients mean that the EWS is doing good things while lesser clients mean that EWS is not affecting the company.


EWS can create huge costs for the company since it involves the use of too many resources and it may involve other companies that have to be paid. This cost may be replaced by the benefits that the company may get in the future. The cost that a company might have is only for a shorter period of time unlike the benefits it may have  as a long term effect and these effects might be vital for the company in the future. EWS can also be a source of cost for the company but can be helpful in the end.


Chapter 3 Research Design

Methods of Collecting Data

Data will be collected from primary and secondary sources. Primary data will come from the survey and interviews conducted with the employees of the two companies. Secondary data will be acquired from the related books, journals, newspaper, magazine articles, and monetary analysis of both companies.


Methods of Processing Data

Data acquired from the primary and secondary data will then be read, understood, and analyzed to gather information that can give benefits to the study. The result of the survey and interview’s will then be tallied and compacted for proper analysis and gathering of needed information.


Presentation of Data

Data will be presented in a short but clear way. Through such presentation, clearer understanding of the situation and its effects can be made, the needed information can be gathered from the data to make an analysis out of it and afterwards make a proper conclusion and recommendation. Such is done so that lesser time will be wasted and more analysis on the study can be done.

  Chapter 4 Evaluation

Results of Processing of Data and findings

The data showed how EWS changed the two companies. Through the information acquired, the effects of EWS can be seen visibly and it proved how valuable the system was to companies. The information described the things that happened before the company had EWS and after the company had EWS. The data gathered from monetary assessment helps in understanding how vital EWS is to companies. The data also proves what happens to the growth of a company when EWS is use. Both companies during the implementation of EWS had to use huge costs but afterwards cost savings were seen. Labor production increased with lesser people doing the labor. Both companies don’t have to hire more employees. Both companies increased the clients they have thus; they don’t have to use promotional materials. Lastly, both companies don’t have to purchase repeatedly new materials. 


Chapter 5 Conclusions   

Generalizations on the Cost-Savings Realized

Cost Savings is good for the company; it maintains the stability of the company and it gives advantage over its rivals. Cost savings gives company a longer life. It also makes the company achieve its goals and desires. Lastly, cost savings help the company increase the kind of product it offer and the way it serves its clients. As cost saving happens in the company, the way clients are served can be given more focus thus it tends to increase.


Features of Software Vital to the Cost-Savings

The software had lesser errors. Lesser error means that time will not be consumed thus cost savings may arise out of it. The software does not need more than one operator thus the company does not need to hire more employees. The software costs less maintenance and it does not have to be maintained regularly and no costs can be released from that. Lastly, the software is easily upgraded so that bugs and other problems can be fixed ahead of time.


Differences between Late Adopters of EWS and Old Adopters

The late adapters of EWS will feel its effects in a later time, while the old adapters of the EWS can feel its effects earlier. The late adapters may have an upgraded and high technology EWS while the old adapters might not have such features but they can still upgrade their EWS.


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