The current social provisions of Western Europe are the products of years’ changes that started out during the earlier formation of their society. The values, norms, and ways that are being practiced by the people already show how they have managed to continue with their traditions and how their views have also evolved over the years and have been passed down through generations. (1999) has pointed out that historical accounts of European societal evolution the formation of their norms and values, and thus continue to be held and practiced even today. History provided that many countries in the area are very likely to have their focused wares and products accordingly and thus are exchanged with others, delegating the social interaction of the country and affecting the decisions of the simple people who are within the system ( 1999). To get an understanding of what has shaped welfare provision in Western Europe, the essay will discuss Economic and Political Trends, Nuclear Family and Work, Healthcare and Education in more detail.
When studying the provisions for the labourers, workers, and indeed the citizens of a particular country, the historical accounts and backgrounds of how they came up with these decisions need to be included in the studies in an effort to see how they came up with the rationalization. Thus, allowing them to compare the changes that have occurred over the years. Indeed, (1999) along with a number of other historical writers (1991;1997) have also founded that the current social prospects of European welfare are based on the current economy and also have continued to generate changes over the years.
However, while the historical accounts and methods may have served their purpose in providing changes in the social welfare of the people, it cannot be denied that the recent events of the most recent World War II has provided some great changes in the perspectives of the people and also with the welfare methods that the governments offer. These changes may be based on different ideas that came up as well as some enlightenment on different circumstances and situations that the people may be facing over the years. Here, the discussion mainly focused on the changes that the social welfare has faced over the years especially with the post-war accounts. There have been several challenges and factors that these services have faced and therefore the development of the viewpoint of the people and the workers have continued to be part of these changes (1997).
The word residential care is a network of services that offers quality “caring” to young children and elderly that needs therapeutic treatment and secure residential setting. Different residential regimes and! or specialized foster care may be necessary to achieve the continuum of care required by some children. Children coming into the care system often have a variety of complex needs, which require in turn a multifaceted response. This paper will explore the residential services in Ireland and will compare and contrast to England.
Welfare Provisions
Welfare provisions focused on the different requirements and needs of the receivers, especially if economic constrictions are affecting the necessities of the people. There are several parts in services that can be given to the .
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