Success is a complex undertaking. People do not expect to achieve success by just thinking about it or wishing for it to happen. People have to dream it, realize they can do it by acquiring the necessary means of achieving success and then act on their dreams. Education is an important tool for achieving success. Education empowers a person to achieve success.
What is Success?
Success is the state of having what a person needs or wants. It is also the feeling of being fulfilled, content and happy. These definitions cover both material and non-material needs and wants. Material needs include food, clothing and shelter. Non-material needs include dignity and the general feeling of well-being. Material wants includes a big house, a luxurious car or several cars, a yacht, jewelry and other similar objects. Non-material luxuries may include not having any responsibility because other people are employed to do it for the person or the freedom to do whatever one wants without the burden of thinking about the next day’s meal. Success is the achievement of personal goals and objectives.
How to achieve Success
Success is an elusive objective and it requires a person to have the necessary tools and attitude in order to achieve success. Unless a person is born wealthy, diligence is needed in the process of acquiring the necessary tools and using these tools to achieve success. Generally, the tools needed in success are knowledge and skills as well as the appropriate attitude. These tools are acquired in school.
Education involves the development of knowledge and skills. Although education continues in a person’s social environment, the lessons taught in school provide a person with information on different subjects needed in achieving success. The lessons and practical exercises in school also instill on the person the proper way of doing things. Analytical thinking is a skill important to success.
Education also involves character building or the development of the proper attitude to achieve success. A person should develop a positive attitude towards his ability to achieve goals. Positive attitude comes from knowing one’s knowledge and skills as well as abilities and limitations in achieving a goal. With the acquisition of a positive disposition towards success, a person will exert all effort to obtain the expectations for success.
Illustration of why education is important to success
If a person wants to have the money to afford needs and wants, the person has to find a high paying job. The job of being a high-ranking officer of a multinational corporation requires academic and experience qualifications. Academic qualifications include a bachelor’s degree in business management and other equivalent courses. Experience involves the acquisition of knowledge and skills by being employed in a management position for a particular period. If a person does not have the appropriate education and experience as well as the disposition to succeed, the person is not likely to become successful.
Education is an important element of success because it is through education that a person acquires the knowledge, skills and attitude to achieve success. Education empowers the individual to achieve success by giving a person the necessary tools and the ability to achieve success.
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