
            The idyllic focus of the article as written by , is amicably pointing towards the minority employees having less experience of executive coaching in the human resource area of many companies as the article explain certain survey outcomes and interpretations that such companies do not provide well substance of executive coaching in lieu with their minority employees according to the survey presented in the article, such employees coached at lower rate implies such promotional presence in the organization.



            Moreover, there can be enough percentage emphasizing that such minority employees has not been provided by the employers with proper coaching and are coached based on their numbers, said by the survey. Thus, no one indicated ethnic minorities receive executive coaching at a higher rate than other employees (Cited from, , 2005,  ). People of color at the upper levels still comparatively low and for them the corporate playing field is not yet level, as mentioned by .







            Truly, there can be diversity factor amongst managing and coaching as the manager is responsible for supporting growth and development of the employee in carrying out particular set of tasks that the employee has hired to do. A coach offers the employee perspective and assistance in general on his career development aspirations help that goes beyond specific requirements of the employees’ current job. There can be subjective requirement of achieving success no matter where you work and nobody really talks about that requirement and often, passed on through relationships and informal ways and there is where the coach can be beneficial in relationship building and understanding political process and the skills are more pertinent as the higher the employee go in organizations. Thus, people who are different need to be groomed as well but it does not happen for minority employees and so the outcome is pipeline and succession planning that is weak and people seen as different miss out opportunities for stretch assignments, high visible work and leadership opportunities that people aspires to have. Coaching has been extended to increasing number of employees over past years and has become key driver for moving up with the organization as the survey resulted that minorities receive executive coaching at the same rate as their representation in their workforce and receive lower rate of executive coaching compared to typical worker and some do not provide executive coaching from findings on executive coaching of women. Thus, women receive executive coaching at higher rate than their representation in the workforce and same rate as their peers and it is critical that African-Americans as well as Hispanics and other groups get the same assistance as their white male counterparts so they can positioned to move up to middle management and above.



            Therefore, organizations should provide all motivated employees with tools including coaching in assuring equal opportunity to everyone regardless of race, age and mostly, gender status. There should be enough awareness of the problem and the companies need not overlook and put aside developing employees for future roles and the ample need for formal coaching of employees is essential for employee development and in a way, the company as well as the latter can benefit well if fair opportunity to all employee is being followed and well executed by the company. Then, it is imperative foe the HR managers to ideally focus on certain useful and effective employee development programs are of strategic importance to both sides, to the employees and the company and will intend to increase the likelihood of retaining talent mostly those employees that have been underrepresented of executive management such as women, blacks and other ethnic minority groups agreeing to the notion that, it is also priority as work diversity becomes competitive advantage in business.




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