Chapter 1 – The Problem and Its Background




This part will discuss why ethical practices are important in the pharmaceutical industry.  It will also include discussions on why ethics is important in the pharmaceutical industry, and how the industry is currently coping with incidences of unethical practices.  These discussions will lead into why it is important to study such ethics in the context of the pharmaceutical industry.


Background of the Study


This part will narrate a short background as to why this study is important to the researcher in terms of his future career goals and his interest in the industry.


Conceptual/Theoretical Framework


This part will show the necessary inputs, processes, and outputs, which this study will need and eventually produce regarding ethical practices in the pharmaceutical industry.


Statement of the Problem


This study basically wants to prove if the industry practices of the pharmaceutical industry are ethical and legitimate.  Specifically, the study intends to answer the following questions:

1.                        How has the pharmaceutical industry define the ethical practices of their medical representatives?

2.                        What are the gray areas in the ethical practices of medical representatives in their relationship with the physicians they deal with?

3.                        What is the existing legislation that would check unethical practices in the pharmaceutical industry?

4.                                     Are the identified gray areas in the relationship between the medical representatives and the doctors they cover both ethical and legitimate?


Significance of the Study


This part details how this study could be beneficial to the medical representatives, to the medical doctors who are their main clients, to the pharmaceutical industry, to the field of business, and to the students and researchers studying ethics or the pharmaceutical industry.

Scope and Delimitations


This part indicates the scope of the study and the boundaries of its discussions.


Definition of Terms


This part defines operationally the important terms in this study.


Chapter 2 – Review of Related Literature

            This part will summarize relevant and important journal and periodical articles, books and Internet sources on the legitimacy and ethics of current pharmaceutical practices, specifically in the doctor-medical representative relationship.


            The researcher has already found more than forty sources of information about the topic.


Chapter 3 – Methodology

This part will discuss the method of research to be used, the respondents of the study, the sampling technique, the instrument to be used, the validation of the instrument (if any will be used), the administration of the instrument and the statistical treatment of the data that will be gathered.


Chapter 4 – Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

            This part will answer point-by-point, each of the items listed in the statement of the problem.  It will interpret any statistical data, if any and relate them to the questions being asked in the study.


Chapter 5 – Conclusion and Recommendations



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